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VAXXIDENTS? New Video Shows People Dropping Like Flies!


I know many of you are already familiar with the term “vaxxident” but for those who aren’t, allow me to explain.

It’s a mash-up of the word Vaccine with Accident and it describes the increasing moments where we will see people suddenly collapse and faint or die due to vaxx damage.

If they happen to be driving a car or flying a plane at the time, the vaxxident can be very severe.

And someone just put together a 3 minute video collage of a ton of these happening and captured on video and it’s wild.

I’ve never seen anything in my life like this.

Maybe ONCE in your life, you’ve seen someone faint, right?

But how about all of these back to back?

Watch here:

My “favorite” but only in terms of how horrible it is, is the stand up “comedian” (and I have to put comedian in quotes to protect all legitimate comedians from association with this garbage).

This “comedian” is going on and on about how many vaccines she’s taken.

So proudly…

So arrogantly…

And then as if that wasn’t enough, she invokes God’s name and says “clearly Jesus loves me the most”.

What happens next is NOT a coincidence if you ask me….

She suddenly collapses.

Look lady, I don’t know if the COVID got you, the poison vaxx got you, all the other vaxx’s you took got you, or if God just had enough of your BS and struck you dead, but I’m kind of betting on the latter!

Perhaps you’ve never read Galations 6:7 (what am I saying, of course she hasn’t!)….

But here’s what it says:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Probably would have been good to know that one before you did your little “bit”.

Ok, now let’s keep going…

Speaking of vaxxidents, let me show you a few more:

VAXXIDENTS? Speculation Runs Wild About Why Airline Canceled Hundreds of Flights!

Ready for the word of 2021?


Or Vaccidents.

I don’t know if we’ve all agreed on a spelling yet, but the word is a merger of “vaccine” and “accidents”.

As far as I know, it may have been coined by Clif High who is the first person I heard using it.

The word is meant to describe the sudden mass accidents that will start occurring in society based on people suddenly falling ill, passing out, having severe brain fog, getting confused, or suffering any number of other ailments as a result of getting the COVID jab.

And it’s starting to go mainstream.

A couple days ago, we brought you news of 4 British Airlines pilots who all died suddenly at roughly the same time.

The airline has confirmed the deaths but downplayed any causation relating to the vax.

But the public is starting to take note and ask questions, take a look:

Now today comes news that American Airlines has grounded “hundreds” of flights.

They are blaming maintenance issues, but some are asking whether it’s due to vaxxidents.

From Yahoo News:

Hundreds of American Airlines flights have been canceled this weekend and Monday because of significant staffing and maintenance issues.

As of Sunday afternoon, 123 flights were canceled Saturday, 178 on Sunday and 97 were canceled for Monday – largely the result of a high number of sick calls, combined with maintenance and other staffing issues.

American told ABC News that most of the cancelations are on A320 and 737 aircraft, but that it may continue to cancel at least 50 to 60 flights per day for the rest of June and 50 to 80 flights per day through July.

“We made targeted changes with the goal of impacting the fewest number of customers by adjusting flights in markets where we have multiple options for re-accommodation,” according to an American Airlines statement.

American said it will attempt to notify customers far in advance of their flights and provide an opportunity for customers to rebook on alternative flights through its app.

All U.S. airlines and the Transportation Security Administration have struggled with staffing as air travel has rapidly jumped from historic lows to approaching pre-pandemic levels.

When air travel came to a halt in March 2020, thousands of employees were offered early retirements and buyouts, but now the airlines are desperate to fill these positions again.

American is also dealing with a staffing shortage with their catering contractor and wheelchair operators.

What do you think?

You ok flying if your pilot and co-pilot suddenly have a vaxxident?

And how about this one?

Vaxxidents? Unusually High Number of Private Airplane & Helicopter Crashes Kill At Least 20 in Two-Week Period

The U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) records data to measure fatal accidents per 100,000 flight hours every month.

It’s extremely rare for the monthly numbers to ever exceed ONE fatal crash per 100,000 hours. Anything under one fatal crash per 100,000 hours is considered a good number.

However, three months in 2021 exceeded that baseline number, with a peak of 2.08 fatal crashes per 100,000 flight hours in December 2021.

The COVID Blog provided background information:

The U.S. Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) reported 122 helicopter accidents, with 51 fatalities, in 2019. There were 92 accidents and 35 fatalities in the first year of COVID dystopia (2020) when aircraft were grounded for months. In fact there was a 107-day period in 2020 with no fatal helicopter accidents, which is unusual compared to other years. Further, small, private aircraft crash relatively-frequently, even before the COVID-19/vaccine era. But the difference since 2021 – more people are dying in said crashes.


We covered a few unusual stories of plane crashes last year. Even mainstream media noticed the uptick in 2021 and started asking questions. It’s also fair to note that private plane crash fatalities rose from 2017 to 2018. All that being said, last week was perhaps the most attention-grabbing time period in aviation since 9/11, particularly related to deaths. But you wouldn’t know it if mainstream media are your primary sources of news.

The blog compiled a list of recent crashes, including photos of the victims who died and short histories of when they obtained their licenses to fly.

The report also identifies the type of aircraft being flown by the victims.

Natural News noted:

Overall, 11 aircraft crashes over a period of 14 days is not necessarily unusual, the blog report notes. But what makes these crashes significant is the high rate of death: At least 20 people have died in these crashes, and that is not normal in any way.

One good thing to note is that none of the crashes killed anyone on the ground, though there were several instances where that was a distinct possibility.

In normal times, the blog reported, this kind of story would make headlines internationally, “but during The Great Reset” — the term for the pandemic — “it’s a mere blip in the 24-hour news cycle.”

“Small planes crashed quite a bit even before The Great Reset. But there were 347 civil aviation deaths in 2017, and 393 in 2018. Twenty people are dead from all the foregoing crashes. That number could rise to 22. But if it stays at 20, and it’s extrapolated for all of 2022, that means 520 will die in aviation crashes in 2022,” the report continues.

“The NTSB considers anything over one fatality for every 100,000 flight hours far too much. The data at the beginning of this article show three months in 2021 with more than one fatality per 100,000 hours in helicopters, with December 2021 having more than two per 100,000 hours. In other words, there will most likely be more accidents this year than any other year, and most definitely far more deaths as a result,” the report adds.

While you can read full details of each plane crash at The COVID Blog, I’ve posted some of the footage and video reports of these crashes below:

Olathe, Kansas

Drum Inlet, North Carolina

Lexington, North Carolina

Miami Beach, Florida

Huntington Beach, California

Franklin, Indiana

Fostoria, Ohio

ABC 10News San Diego reported this plane crash in Oceanside, California on February 24th, 2022:

An investigation is underway after a skydiving plane crashed near the Bob Maxwell Memorial Airfield in Oceanside Thursday afternoon.

The crash happened around 12:50 p.m., and according to the Federal Aviation Administration, two people were aboard a single-engine Cessna 208B when the aircraft went down east of the airfield.

Skydiving company GoJump Oceanside confirmed with ABC 10News that the plane involved in the crash belongs to them. They did not release any further details regarding the incident.

ABC 10News San Diego posted this video report.

The COVID Blog added:

There was also a helicopter crash in Fresno County, California on Wednesday, February 16. Steven Wilson was the 53-year-old pilot who died. Four people, including the pilot, were killed on February 23 when a civilian contractor with the U.S. Navy crashed a helicopter in Hawaii. Another small private plane crashed in Bucks County, Pennsylvania late night. Both the pilot and the one other person onboard were killed.


Bottom line is that all these plane and helicopter crashes are rich people problems (and maybe even some sort of mob hit in Miami Beach). The average American will never fly on one of these types of planes or in a helicopter. It’s the same deal with soccer players around the world dying everyday of heart attacks.

It will take a large commercial airliner crashing and killing 200-plus Americans for anybody to care about what’s happening. Just like it will take a famous NBA or NFL player collapsing and dying on the court/field for Americans to notice that’s happening.

Head to The COVID Blog for the full report.

Or this:

VAXXIDENT? WestJet Flight Diverted to Calgary After Pilot Medical Emergency

Remember vaxxidents predicted by Clif High?

The word is meant to describe the sudden mass accidents that will start occurring in society based on people suddenly falling ill, passing out, having severe brain fog, getting confused, or suffering any number of other ailments as a result of getting the COVID jab.

WLT has brought you stories of past vaxxidents HERE and HERE.

And several months ago, we reported on the mysterious deaths of 4 young and healthy British Airways pilots.

Today a new report….

On Monday, WestJet 1590 took off from Calgary International Airport for its scheduled flight to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Shortly after takeoff, the flight turned around due to a medical emergency with one of the pilots.

Another pilot onboard took control of the aircraft and made a safe landing.

Medical volunteers, who were passengers on the flight, treated the pilot suffering from a medical emergency.

After the emergency landing, 70 passengers received accommodations for onward travel.

WestJet declined to provide details of the pilot’s illness or medical condition, citing privacy concerns.

That leaves this question that we must ask.

Was this a narrowly averted flight catastrophe caused by a vaxxident?

Calgary Herald notes:

A plane flying from Calgary to Atlanta Monday afternoon was forced to turn around due to a medical emergency involving the pilot.

WestJet flight 1590 landed safely at Calgary International Airport at 1:12 p.m. Monday, just less than about an hour after taking off, according to public flight logs.  The Boeing 737 MAX 8 plane was flying over southeastern Alberta when it turned back toward Calgary.

In an email statement, WestJet spokesperson Madison Kruger said EMS met the flight upon arrival and the pilot was removed from duty. Another pilot onboard took control of the plane.

“All WestJet flights have two pilots, to ensure that should any illness occur in the flight deck, there is an additional pilot onboard to ensure the continued safe operation of the aircraft and the safety of our guests and our crew,” Kruger said.

EMS said they responded to the airport terminal around 1:25 p.m. but that paramedics had no patient contact and left the scene without request for EMS assistance.

According to public flight logs, WS1590 left at 11:35 a.m. M.S.T. from Calgary International Airport and landed in Calgary at 1:12 p.m. M.S.T.

Calgary Sun described this passenger account:

Edmontonian John White was a passenger on the flight, sitting four rows from the front of the plane. He first realized something was awry on the flight after noticing concern among flight attendants, one of whom brought a first-aid kit and a defibrillator into the cockpit.

“Then they made the call for if there is a doctor, nurse or EMT on the plane and as luck would have it, one doctor came forward and two nurses,” White said. He said a pilot on board in the passenger area also made his way to the cockpit.

White said the pilot was brought out of the cockpit and set down as medical volunteers treated him. The pilot appeared to collapse shortly afterwards.

“They were able to get him talking again after they got him on the floor, but they were working on him pretty feverishly,” White said.

Based on the witness account, it’s appears the pilot suffered a cardiac event shortly after take-off.

Do we expect transparency from WestJet or mainstream media about the cause of this medical emergency?

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

But two points I’d like to reference.

From WestJet:

The WestJet Group today announced that effective October 30, 2021, all WestJet Group employees will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition, full vaccination status will be a requirement of employment for all future employees hired by the WestJet Group.

On November 30th, Canada started their federal travel COVID-19 jab passport.

I don’t expect the mainstream media to touch that question.

Because they know people would panic about flying with vaccinated pilots.

What do you think?

Vaxxident or no?

They’re trying really hard to put forth an official story of the pilots being fine and performing a heroic maneuver, and maybe they did, or perhaps it’s another “vaxxident” and they can’t allow too many of those to hit the press?

I mean, after all the other incidents and after Clif High telling us more of these would be coming, it would look REALLY bad if planes continues to drop out of the sky exactly like Clif predicted.

Can’t have that, can they?

Here’s what Clif told us just last week……

We’re starting to see pilots die, accidents occur (vaxxidents) and soon entire airlines may have to shut down for lack of pilots.

Yes, really.

That’s all according to the latest report from Clif High who really nails it with this one.

In that video Clif also explains WHY the vaccine is so dangerous and what it is doing to your body.

And at the end of that video Clif explains how you can protect yourself against vaccinated people who are “shedding” the spike protein….AND……how you can recover and reclaim your health if you took the vaxx and now regret it.

Want even more on that topic?

I’ve got you covered.

A brand new interview between Greg Hunter and Clif High gives some great direction.

First, let me make a disclaimer: I am not a doctor.  Greg Hunter is not a doctor.  And Clif High is not a doctor.

But for anyone who knows Clif, he tends to be right about a lot of things because he runs massive data gathering bots that have proven over the years to be highly accurate.

Here’s just one example: he said back in 2018 or so that eventually Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 and then stop.  He said it would be the “$64,000 dollar question” and then it would drop by about half it’s value before heading back up again to $100,000.

Keep in mind this was back when Bitcoin was something like $3,000 and no one thought it would ever go over $20,000.

Well….what just happened last month?

It did EXACTLY what Clif said.  It hit $64,000 and then stopped and then fell to $30,000.


That’s just one example, but I’ve seen many, many more from Clif.

Here’s one more….

In another report he said that in the future (what we are living in now, but it was the future in 2017) he said we would see up to 1 billion people die off.

People mocked him as insane at the time, but they’re not mocking anymore.

We now see through the delivery mechanism of the poison vaxx that it’s possible and in fact it’s playing out before our very eyes!

So suffice it to say when “Uncle Clif” speaks about something, I tend to listen!

When he went on Greg Hunter’s show, Greg asked him if there’s anything people can do to recover their health if they took the C-19 vaccine….

Clif says yes, and the “prescription” is actually quite simple.

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then he recommends C60.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good one:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And we end with C60.

I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Just saying.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here’s what some people have reported:

As I understand it, C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you’ll get 10% off your order!

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!


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