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Stacey Abrams Plans to Fight Inflation by Encouraging More Abortions


Democrats are sick people…

Georgia democrat Stacey Abrams was asked about Georgia voters’ concerns about the raising cost of living, and what she would do as governor to alleviate those worries.

She answered by blaming those concerns on children, and went on to conflate inflation and abortion together.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Abrams was asked, “What could you do as governor to alleviate the concerns of Georgia voters about those livability, daily, hourly issues that they’re confronted with?”

Her answer? Have more abortions…

“Let’s be clear, having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas,” Abrams began.

“For women, this is not a reductive issue. You cannot divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child.”

Here was her opponent Brian Kemp’s response:

National Review has more on Abrams’ sick solution to inflation:

Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, floated abortion as a solution to voters’ concerns about inflation on Wednesday, explaining to Morning Joe viewers that “having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs.”

Abrams, who lost the 2018 gubernatorial election to incumbent Republican Brian Kemp, was responding to a question about what she would do to address inflation.

Daily Mail with more:

She was asked on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, ‘I would assume, maybe incorrectly, but while abortion is an issue – it nowhere reaches the level of interest of voters in terms of the cost of gas, food, bread, milk, things like that…what could you do as governor to alleviate the concerns of Georgia voters about those livability, daily, hourly issues that they’re confronted with?’

Abrams pivoted the conversation back to abortion rights, countering that whether or not to have a child is an economic issue as much as a reproductive issue.

‘Let’s be clear – having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re worried about how much food costs,’ the Georgia Democrat said.

Wow, this is what democrats are actually going to run on.

Their cure for inflation is more abortions…


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