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Kari Lake Catches CNN In The Act!


Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is currently progressive leftists’ worst nightmare.

She’s received the same type of negative attention from the fake new media that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis did when he first appeared on their radar.

Lake was recently interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash, and that interview went how you might expect..

Bash hit Lake with a barrage of accusations, including accusing Lake of being an election denier on multiple occasions.

Lake, never one to back down, hit back with various examples of democrats denying election results over the past several decades.

The main point Lake kept trying to make was that Americans simply do not trust elections right now.

“The real issue, Dana, is that the people don’t trust our elections, they haven’t since 2000,” Lake said.

Bash was only interested in one side of the argument though, and she continually interrupted and talked over Lake.

Following the interview, Kari lake accused CNN of turning her mic down at various points.

However, always the professional, Lake recorded the audio herself and shared it with everyone.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the incident:

CNN cut Lake’s audio when she was rudely interrupted by Bash, but Kari Lake is a trained professional, and she recorded her own audio of her appearance.

They spoke about the border crisis, Arizona’s record-breaking inflation, and election integrity.

However, The main topic of their conversation was the 2020 election, where Bash accused Lake of “election denial.” Lake mentioned the 2020 election fraud concerns and the 2022 Primary Election, where Republican voters in Pinal County were turned away from the polls because the County ran out of only Republican ballots one hour into election day, saying, “the problem is the media won’t cover it.”.

Bash claimed, “we’ve covered it [election integrity] extensively.” CNN did not even cover the Pinal County Primary Election debacle.

Bash also claimed that the issue in Pinal County was fixed with transparency because “county officials apologized.” Lake called her out, saying, “an apology doesn’t bring somebody’s vote back.”

Lake responded on Twitter following the interview:

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The CNN reporter kept alleging that republicans don’t accept election results, all the while ignoring the fact that democrats have been publicly denying them for over two decades:

The fake news media is clearly terrified of Lake, just as they are of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


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