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CDC To Vote Soon On Whether To Shield Pfizer and Moderna From Lawsuit


While Lindell, Powell, and now even Kanye West are being sued for exercising their first amendment rights, Pfizer and Moderna are expected to get a hall pass.

A CDC panel will get together this week to vote on whether or not Pfizer and Moderna should be exempt from all financial liabilities.

The vote comes as the CDC is aiming to add Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to the children’s vaccination schedules which means then children who attend public schools would then be forced to be vaccinated in order to attend class.

If Pfizer and Moderna both receive immunity from lawsuits then both companies are bound to make billions of dollars each year just off of children’s vaccinations.

The Dossier added these details:

A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules.

By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits.

Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools.

Steve Kirsch had more on the story:

Do you know any child who died from COVID? I’m a professional misinformation spreader and I’ve never heard of a single case where a healthy child died from COVID. That we should recommend a vaccine which is nearly 100 times more harmful than helpful is ridiculous (see this paper from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, UCSF, …).

But this isn’t going to change anything because it’s not about the science.

It’s highly likely that on Thursday, the ACIP committee will vote to put the EUA COVID vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule.




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