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List of Satanic Rituals and Ceremonies (Utah County Ritualistic Case)


This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.


This is part two of my last article, “The Structure of the Church of Satan”.

In the last article, I talk about the alleged abusers or members of the church of Satan, the structure and hierarchy of the cult, and their doctrine, laws, and belief. Note that this is about the Utah County ritualistic case, although many other satanic groups across the world run similarly. I will begin to talk about more satanic cults later on.

Before we continue, one thing that is important to understand is why religious organizations are used in these satanic groups. In the Utah cases, alleged members of the church of satan are also members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In other states or countries, members of the cult usually belong to a church whether it be catholic, baptist, etc. Why is this the case? In the church of satan in the Utah County investigation, it is in fact required to be a part of a religious organization. This is the case for two reasons.

  1. It provides a great cover. Members of the church of satan are required to not only be “faithful” in a religious group but to be upstanding citizens. This tends to provide a really good cover for their double lifestyle. Who is going to suspect someone of these horrific crimes if they are fully active in a religious group and have done a lot for their community?
  2. To be able to desecrate everything connected to Jesus Christ. If you read part one then you would understand what these people believe. They think that Jesus Christ is the devil and that Satan is their God. Everything associated with the name Jesus Christ they try to desecrate. Many members of the church of Satan through deception have been able to be called to important roles within the church. This gives them more power to be able to desecrate churches, temples, and church history sites as mentioned in the victims statements.

That being said we have one more important thing to cover and it has to do with the rituals and ceremonies. The list of rituals and ceremonies that I will provide you with in a moment will be many consistent with those used in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, however instead of them being in the name of Jesus Christ, they’re in the name of Satan. Many of these ceremonies are done to cancel out the sacred ordinances and covenants they made with God the father and his son Jesus Christ. So remember that when reading the following list.

If you want to check out the victim statements for yourself you can find them here.

The following list was written by a fellow reporter also investigating this case. You can find his stuff here.

CS = Church of Satan

Ceremonies: General

Members of the CS performed ordinances for the living and the dead, consistent with LDS practice, but the members also utilized the lunar calendar and celebrated equinoxes, solstices, and celebrate thunderstorms, blizzards, and other natural phenomena. Lucifer is referred to as “Prince of the Air.”

Most of the details of these ceremonies are found in Victim Statement #2, which has a great deal more information than most of the other statements. However, the statements do corroborate each other on most key details as to CS practices, mythology and doctrine, and ceremonies. Several key allegations are found throughout the various statements, and the details match up across the statements.

Ceremonies: Blood Child Birth

Blood children warrant a ceremony where the parents touch the child after the birth and dedicate him to Lucifer. The specific phrasing is “under the covenant,” which mirrors the LDS. The parents make an oath dedicating and consecrating the child’s life to Lucifer and request that Lucifer “bless them with “The Wisdom of Parents”.” If the ceremony occurs with non-CS members present, the members will use “The Lord” in place of “Lucifer.” Due to the opposite principles, CS members often use the Lord, Jesus, and God in reference to Lucifer.

Ceremonies: Matriarchal Blessing at Birth

Victim #2 alleged that this blessing occurred before the baptism and confirmation of any child, and it was performed to sever the bond between parent and child, in order to dedicate the child to Satan, while presenting the child as “an offering to and property of the Paterfamilias.” The victim claimed this was done at every birth, and the first time she saw it was after an unnamed child was born in New York and one of her relatives came from Utah to visit. The victim also claims that this was performed after her abortions, although with someone else standing in her place.

Sexual acts were not permitted at this ceremony, because it was the right of the Paterfamilias to be the first person to engage in a sex act with the newborn child.

Matriarchal Blessing #2

There is a second section in Victim #2’s statement outlining a second type of matriarchal blessing, one performed on children consisting of “shorter generational ceremonies.” These were done to “bless, curse, heal, prophecy (see/interpret the future), receive visions (the woman giving the blessing gets the “vision’), speak with spirits, and more.”

These were said to be linked to the rights of “The Wisdom of Parents” birth consecration, and the victim claimed that there were variations, but the common feature of the blessings was that they included a sexual act and a consecrated handkerchief. The handkerchief would be placed over the head or the part of the body where an “ailment” was located. This blessing was performed on the trip to Vermont to the LDS Visitors Center/Joseph Smith’s birthplace and consisted of the victim being forced to give Carma De Jong oral sex while De Jong placed a handkerchief on her head and performed the blessing.

De Jong is identified as the Matriarch, and the purpose of the blessing was to summon Lucifer’s power and change the victim’s heart to become more subservient to Lucifer and De Jong. The victim claimed in her statement that she had at least 50 blessings from De Jong alone, and De Jong would perform oral sex on her frequently as well for this ceremony.

Ceremonies: Baptism/Confirmation

According to Victim #2’s statement, CS members taught that the baby had to be dedicated to Satan at birth, and then baptized and confirmed. This is because the child must be cleansed due to the fact that it is coming from Heaven. The main elder would place his hand’s on the top of the child’s head, and fill the child’s body with Satan’s spirit at key locations in the body, such as the “genitals, bowels, stomach, heart, throat, [and] forehead.”

Victim #2 reported a March 1994 ceremony attended by various CS members at an unidentified house in Provo. The attendees had a dinner, and then the baptism was performed. Named participants include Joe and Lee Bennion, Clyde Sullivan, a Sara who was identified as “Lee’s [Bennion] sister and Nola’s daughter-in-law” as well as “Norman and Cindy Van Wagenen” with Norman and his wife being identified as “Belle’s son and daughter-in-law.” David and Deborah Sheets also attended, as well as Nola’s daughter Kim, and Nola’s son and daughter-in-law Michael and Christine Sullivan. A man named Clyde was also identified in the statement.

The victim describes a ceremony where plastic sheets and a black cloth were laid out on the living room floor of the house, with two basins of water and blood placed on top. The child was placed naked in the black cloth, while the Matriarchal Birth Blessing was performed. Then a man placed the child in the water basin, saying a blessing “with his left arm to the square.” This was repeated with the blood basin, and the child was put on the black towel. The Elders then engaged in the confirmation and laid hands on the various parts of the child’s body where Satan’s spirit would reside.

From there, one of the males stated that he was the Paterfamilias of the child, sealing her to him and to Lucifer. The “Wisdom of Parents” was invoked, and the men began putting their penises in the infant female’s mouth while chanting as Victim #2 held the child. The men then licked the baby’s vagina and placed their fingers inside of her. They masturbated as a group over the child and ejaculated over her. The women then began an orgy, which the men watched for a time and then joined, and Victim #2 reported that she was forced to dance, tough herself, and perform oral sex on one of the males.

Ceremonies: Abortion

Abortions are said to increase the spirit families of CS members due to the fact that the aborted baby is sealed to the family and Satan through the Satanic priesthood of the CS. In Victim Statement #2, the victim notes that her father (likely David Lee Hamblin) viewed the aborted child as 75% his since he was her father and the father of her aborted child. In 1994-95, Victim #2 recounts her first abortion in a house in Spring City. The abortion occurred as the result of Ellen Walker and two polygamist women coming to train an unnamed individual to perform abortions. Victim #2 reported being held down while her stomach was beaten, and being given “a series of pills and liquid to drink.”

The aborted child was in a bowl, and one of the women brought the bowl over to Victim #2 and ordered her to take the first bite. A male who was present became angry when she refused and hit Victim #2 and then held her jaw open while another participant forced the baby’s head into Victim #2’s mouth. The victim’s mouth was then clamped shut around the baby’s head, and she was forced to eat and swallow. The rest of the baby was eaten by the others who were present.

Victim #2 reported seeing a blue and white blanket that had “been used in ceremonies, orgies, torture, CS camping trips, and other traumatic events,” as well as the transport of the harp to performances. The blanket was used to threaten the victim if she showed defiance about performing on the harp, and the victim was forced to take the blanket when she got married.

Victim #2 reported a second abortion at around 14-15 weeks in 1995-96 at a house in Spring City. This abortion occurred upstairs in a spring claw tub that had been lined with a tarp. The events are substantially the same as the first abortion, as the victim was forced to eat the baby’s head again. The victim reported being given many priesthood blessings and treats. The victim also reported that the abortion was a practical matter: she was encouraged to date and be promiscuous so that if she became pregnant her classmates would not be surprised and would assign it to her promiscuous lifestyle. She was to schedule her dates around a curfew that shifted depending on the ceremonies being performed by the CS. Her eligible dates were selected by one of her elders in the CS, so as to avoid tainting her bloodlines.

The victim reported that James Mooney and one of the others taught that infant girls “draw men into rape them because, they said, “it is fundamentally our own desires that make people do anything to us.” The victim also claimed that one of the adults said he would kill any boy who slept with her and impregnated her if that boy was outside of the approved list of boys she could date.

Ceremonies: Fertility

Victim #2 reported that this ceremony was a blessing of female organs occurring after the first menstrual cycle and on various occasions thereafter. She was referred to as Tabitha, the name used by her abusers to signify that she was to perform sexually. She was forced to lay on top of a coffin trunk naked, while the men blessed her sexual organs, and then the men took turns raping her vaginally. The men tried to coordinate their ejaculation, and afterward, the women licked up the ejaculation off of the victim’s body. The victim indicated the men would perform the ceremony for girls, while the women would perform it for the boys. Attendees at a Fall 1994 fertility ceremony were Craig and Susan “Suki,” Joe and Lee Bennion, the Larsens, the Schultes, Clyde, and Nola, “Sara” who was identified as Lee Bennion’s sister and Nola’s daughter-in-law.

Ceremonies: Cleansing

Victim #2 reported that this ceremony would involve “substances…[that] have all been previously consecrated to Satan.” She indicated that one of these ceremonies occurred the night before she was married to her husband in the Provo condominium. She was awakened in the morning, and told that she had to go to another house, and threatened with an all-night rape if she did not go.

She was forced into the shower at the house, and blood was poured over her head. She was ordered to scrub with it, and then she was given “special clay” from Israel and ordered to scrub again. Finally, she was anointed with oil over her head, and the blessing was pronounced. She was told to wash everything off and come out to another room, and when she arrived in the room, she was told that she would be a righteous servant in Lucifer’s kingdom, while others praised Lucifer during the remarks. She was forced to perform oral sex on one of the males, and then raped vaginally on the bed. The others sang “Abide with Me, Tis Eventide” during the rape, and the victim indicated that this song was frequently sung during nighttime orgies. The victim reported being late for her sealing at the LDS temple the next day.

Ceremonies: Initiatory

Victim #2 reported that this ceremony and other ordinances were performed for the dead and that one of the members collected LDS Temple name cards to be used in these ceremonies. She recounted at a 1984 initiatory ceremony in the second apartment in Tucson. The ceremony consisted of a metal tub being placed on the altar, with the altar being a trunk, The women were holding bowls, and one woman had a pitcher. The woman with the pitcher poured its contents into the bowls, and the women put their fingers in the bowls and then touched their fingers to their foreheads. The victim recognized that the substance was blood, and said that one woman held her arms to her sides and began performing oral sex on her while others were touching and rubbing her, and her body was smeared with the blood.

Afterward, the victim was dressed, and the others began to kiss and touch, and she witnessed one participant go into a room with a man. The victim reported that she had been made to perform in this ceremony throughout her life, and she had watched others receive it. The ceremonies are divided into men’s and women’s ceremonies, and the victim named a “Spring City” and “Hamblin family” group. She also claimed that the ceremony was performed in a house and condo in Provo, at “The House” in Spring City, in Lee Bennion’s art studio, with Hamblin relatives in Utah and Arizona, in the Manti Temple, in Wildwood, and in “Richard and Robert’s homes, as well as other homes.

Ceremonies: Endowment

This ceremony is said to begin with a reenactment of a story that tells the truth about the pre-and post-creation events. Participants are forced to make a series of covenants with Lucifer, to demonstrate those covenants, and they are endowed with his “power” and the priesthood. The conclusion involves going through the veil, and results in an orgy that Victim #2 indicated was “often violent.”

Victim #2 recounted this ceremony being carried out in 1992-93 in the Provo House, with Nathan and Linda attending from out of town, the Andersons, Gerrit and Carol, “Uncle” Cory who was a close friend of one of the adults, and a climber who had attempted Mount Everest twice. The victim said that she was forced to take vaginal and anal enemas in the afternoon, and then one of the adults put lipstick on her and others. She was told she would play Eve, and that she was being prepared to “carry the torch” which meant that she was being prepared to carry the gospel of the CS into the future. She indicated that she hated being Eve and felt scared.

At the start of the ceremony, the participants put their robes on, the windows and doors had been blacked out, and altar had been set up, and the props were ready. She was given a piece of paper with a name on it and instructed to act as a proxy for the dead person whose name was on the paper. Nathan played Jesus, and Cory played God, and the story took place in Heaven before God had sent his children to live on earth. The War in Heaven was re-enacted, as was the story of the Garden, and the story of Cain and Able. The CS portrayed God and Jesus in a negative light, while Adam and Abel are cast as being mentally deficient, and Eve’s partaking of the forbidden fruit is actually her engaging in sex with Lucifer.

Afterward, Eve went to have sex with Adam. When God and Jesus arrive, Adam and Eve hide, but God and Jesus locate them and beat Eve, and proclaim that Adam is her Lord. The victim reported being raped by the person portraying Lucifer, and by Gerrit/Adam, and then she was beaten by Nathan and Cory. The victim said that she was told that as a converted disciple of Lucifer, the pain would become a pleasure. In her role as “Peacemaker,” she had to consent to torture and abuse of her own volition. If she did not, the others would increase the severity of her abuse to force her to behave in line with their expectations.

Eve would then give birth to Cain and Abel, who were portrayed by Gerrit and Cory. After Cain kills Abel, the officiator would then require the participants to swear covenants to Lucifer that were accompanied by sexual acts. Those who swear the oaths also agree to disembowelment and having their throats slit if they disclose the covenants. This is followed by pictures of a decapitated toddler being passed around.

The victim said that she had to pass through the veil, which represented coming before Lucifer after being proven worthy to be in his presence. She was fondled on her breast and vagina during her covenants, and as people passed through the veil, they began an orgy. The victim said she was anally raped by Gerrit and forced to give an unnamed individual oral sex. The ceremony occurred many times in various homes, but in Spring City it would differ as the participants were more “lewd and raucous.” The victim indicated that this would not have occurred around “Richard,” who is likely Richard Lloyd Anderson, husband of Carma Anderson de Jong and maternal grandfather of the Hamblin children.

The victim indicated that this ceremony took place around Dance Hall Rock in tents as well.

Ceremonies: Sealings

As in the LDS, sealings in the CS bind husbands and wives, and families together for eternity. The victim recounted the sealing ceremony that took place in the Spring City House after a camping trip after she started her period at 13 or 14 years of age. The attendees are listed as the Andersons, Renee, Mike, and Rebecca Allen, Joe and Lee Bennion, Paul and Ann Larsen, Tom and Paula Schulte, Craig and Suzanne Suki, David and Deborah Sheets, and others who are unnamed or redacted.

The victim indicated that there was a dinner party, followed by the elders holding a doctrinal talk, during which she ventured out into the TV room and fell asleep on the couch. She was awakened by one of the females and told to undress in her bedroom. The female returned with a whitish “Victorian” dress that the female said had been hers as a young woman. The victim was brought downstairs, where the adults were assembled and dressed in robes and dark clothing. The Lucifer candelabra was out, as well as a Hamblin heirloom silver candelabra, and a pioneer kerosene lamp. The trunk/altar was adorned with a crocheted white doily and the antique “Tree of Life” rug was placed in front of the trunk/altar.

One of the males announced that the victim was being sealed, and this was followed by a “restrained” Endowment ceremony for the Spring City group that omitted the lewd comic aspects typical of the Endowment ceremony referenced above. Joe Bennion narrated, while Mike Allen played God and whipped the victim, with Paul playing Cain and performing oral sex on the victim was he was born. Afterward, Joe Bennion used a knife to simulate the consequences of disclosing the covenants-slitting the throat and disembowelment. The victim was again shown pictures of mutilated and murdered women and teenagers.

The victim alleged that during the dedication portion, she was forced to hold up her skirt while the women-Ann Larsen, Carma De Jong, Rebecca Allen, Suki, Renee, and others-performed oral sex on her. Paul Schulte was the only named male participant in this portion of the abuse. After the oral sex was concluded, the victim was taken through the veil, forced onto all fours to be anally raped and beaten by an unnamed male. After being sodomized she was held down by Ann Larsen, Rebecca Allen, Lee Bennion, and another unnamed individual while an individual whose name is redacted “licked, bit, and rubbed my vagina.”

The altar was turned, and Joe Bennion presided over a sealing where the victim and two unnamed adults were made to kneel and forced to hold hands in order to make “one eternal round.” The victim recounted being forced to repeat covenants to bind her to the two adults eternally as their wife. This was followed by the victim performing oral sex on both of the adults she was sealed to during the ceremony. This led to an orgy, during which the victim was forced to give oral sex to at least two adults, while an unnamed female performed oral sex on the victim.

The next occurrence of this abuse was alleged by the victim to have taken place in the Manti Temple in 1996. This was said to be an occasion to desecrate an LDS temple and therefore caused great excitement among the CS members. It was preceded by a cleansing ceremony in a barn, where the two victims were forced to stand naked in a metal tub as the adults poured blood, sage ash, and oil on them. The two victims had their feet rinsed off to avoid leaving bloody footprints on the grass, and they were wrapped in towels. They used the downstairs shower in the home to clean themselves, and then one of the males raped them over several hours.

The next night or several nights after this event, the victims were driven to the Manti Temple, dressed in white with their hair curled. The victim reported that there were three girls dressed in white. The Bennions, James Harmston and a few of his wives, and 25 or so other people including many polygamist children were reported to be present. After their arrival, some of those present were baptized, and initiatory ceremonies were carried out as well. Then a CS endowment ceremony was performed, and the victim said they were taken through the veil into the celestial room, where James Harmston fondled her. She identified Harmston as the officiant. This was followed by the victims being told to follow two unidentified adults into the sealing room.

James Harmston then raped an unidentified female on the altar while his wife and an unnamed individual held the victim down. An unnamed female was told to perform a song and dance for Joe Bennion, whose CS name was “Solomon.” Joe and Lee then raped an unnamed female, with Lee holding the victim down. Victim #2 was then sealed by two unnamed individuals, and she was placed on the altar and raped while an unnamed female digitally penetrated her vagina.

James did other ceremonies, and the victim said that others were performing ceremonies in other sealing rooms. The victim stated that they were taken upstairs to a hallway to enter the prophet’s room, where the adults formed a prayer circle for Lucifer and forced the children to participate. The victim and her sisters were then raped again, with the victim stating that she was anally raped.

Victim #2 said that on the other occasion she went to the Manti Temple, she and the others went with James Harmston and another polygamist, where they performed LDS temple ordinances including proxy baptism. The victim said that Harmston brought 6 to 8 other young women into the celestial room through the veil, where they were raped by James, Joe, and at least four other individuals. The victim and one other unnamed girl were raped as well. The polygamist girls were then sealed to the men.

Victim #2 recounted another sealing that took place in 1999 or 2000 at a condo, where an unnamed male said that multiple girls including the victim would be sealed to him as wives. The High Council had ruled on the matter. The Lundbergs were present, and an unidentified male gave an opening prayer in which he “railed against” another unnamed male-likely David Lee Harmston-for his disobedience and prayed for the victims to “learn true obedience to Lucifer.” He also prayed for Lucifer’s spirit to enter the girls, who were then forced to kneel at the altar and perform oral sex on an unnamed male during the sealing. Afterward, the girls were laid on the altar and penetrated by one of the males, who ejaculated on one of the girls and then took his fingers to wipe the semen on their heads while uttering ceremonial words.

The girls were then ordered to perform oral sex on Gary, Joy, and two others. Gary and Joy left afterward. Victim #2 stated that one of the adults was angry about the High Council’s ruling leading to this sealing, and would beat her and another unnamed victim. Victim #2 alleged that one of the men she was sealed to at this ceremony would remind her and threaten her in the years afterward.

Ceremonies: Family/Generational 

Victim #2’s statement alleged these ceremonies were used to reinforce respect for the familial titles and roles for the members of the family, especially the Paterfamilias.   In 1990-91, at the Provo House, the victim said she and others were awakened and told to come upstairs after removing their pajamas.  They were forced to stand in a line while the male perpetrator used his consecrated handkerchief to bless them and touch them in various places, starting with their genitalia.  The girls then stood in a circle around him to chant back to him while they formed “The Chain of Lucifer.”

Victim #2 alleged she was told to give oral sex to Gerrit, while an unnamed male sat on the couch and prayed for spirits to enter the girls.   This was followed by one of the adults brought a baby boy, who was laid on the altar.   The victim was then ordered to assist in killing the baby, which began with her being handed a knife to cut off one of the boy’s fingers.   The severed finger was then placed in a female adult’s nose, while Gerrit laughed.  The female then began chewing on the finger, and an unnamed adult made an unnamed individual cut the back of the boy’s ankles, and this was followed by another unnamed party being forced to cut off the baby’s penis.

The baby was then held up by its neck, and one of the adults stuck his finger down the baby’s throat, causing him to gag.  Victim #2 was then handed the knife and ordered to demonstrate how to disembowel the baby.   Victim #2 said she had been taught to slice in a crescent shape to either side of the baby’s body, and she then pulled out the baby’s intestines and laid them in front of the assembled people.  They began praising her and praising Lucifer.   She was then ordered to slit the baby’s throat.   The baby was then placed on a blue and white china platter and taken to the table, where the elders began eating parts of the baby.  The children were also made to eat pieces, and one of the adults started a “big pot of broth” with the remaining parts.

The next episode of these ceremonies recounted by Victim #2 occurred in 1999 or 2000 at a condominium in Provo belonging to two redacted individuals.  She was awakened and told to go upstairs to an unnamed person’s room.  The victim said she walked upstairs to the first floor, where she was met by an unnamed adult who led her up the stairs.   She was told that they were going to perform the Chain of Lucifer, which led to two others holding up their arms in the Y shape and beginning to praise Lucifer.   This was said to be a “ceremony of the bloodline” and the Paterfamilias took the most comfortable place on the bed.  Victim #2 was then ordered to get on all fours diagonally on the bed and perform oral sex on the Paterfamilias while an unnamed female got under her and pulled her hips towards her face.

Another unnamed adult go on the floor and began performing oral sex on another unnamed individual.  One of the male individuals began praising and chanting prayers to Lucifer, referring to him as Beliel, Son of the Morning, and Prince of Darkness.  Victim #2 was made to swallow the semen of the male, and she indicated that part of the ceremony was to ingest the sexual fluids of both males and females.

Victim #2 claimed that this ceremony was done at least 2 times a month in Provo, and even more over short durations when she was visiting unnamed parties out of town.  Multiple locations in Provo, as well as a house by the MTC, were used.  Gerrit De Jong’s bed was used to continue the chain back, and the victim said she was taught that her ancestors were present and participating spiritually.

The purpose of the ceremony was to create a chain linking participants to Lucifer and to other members of her bloodline, with the goal being to create a Y symbol with the participant’s bodies, in order to create a “dual-headed serpent”-one of the names used for Lucifer in the CS-and the victim said the Bennion’s had a sculpture of a dual-headed snake in their Spring City home.   The sculpture had light and dark sides because Lucifer was a “Son or Prince of Light” and a “Son or Prince of Darkness.”

Victim 2’s statement recounted a sleepover a few nights before her wedding at an unspecified condo, where blankets were laid down.  The girls were ordered to bring their pillows and LDS patriarchal blessings, and the victim said that one of the females brought in white handkerchiefs, which she knew meant that Matriarchal blessings would occur.  The girls were made to read their patriarchal blessings and were interrupted by the older females, who explained how their bloodline was pure and noble in Lucifer’s kingdom, and this was followed by matriarchal blessings, with Victim 2 receiving a longer blessing due to her pending nuptials.  Victim 2 was then forced to her knees to fondle the genitals of two unnamed individuals during her blessing, and then another unnamed female was forced to do the same thing during her blessing.   Victim 2 indicated that all six of the females brought to this ceremony were then forced to undress and form an “Eternal Round” that differed from the Chain of Lucifer due to its circular shape.

Victim 2 was then required to give the oldest matriarch oral sex because she was the oldest, and Victim 2 then received oral sex as well.  A male was watching from upstairs, and the victim indicated that they complied because they didn’t want to anger him.  When the adult females orgasmed, the ceremony stopped and Victim 2 was ordered to go upstairs to the male.   They proceeded to his room, where he opened his robe and forced her to touch his penis and give him oral sex while he gave her a blessing.    He then raped her vaginally from behind while calling on Lucifer to enter him, and he forced her to repeat her covenants to him afterward, including her Peacemaker Covenant in Mosiah 18.

Afterward, she was sent downstairs, where two of the female elders made her recount the events from upstairs, and they forced her to give them oral sex.  Victim 2 said that her patriarchal blessing did not occur in Spring City because adults claimed it would be inferior, and she also could not get a blessing in her ward. Due to one of the adults having a house in Provo, the victim was allowed to go to the Patriarch for the area in Provo. The victim identified him as Joseph Alvin Smith, and he was said to be a direct descendant of Joseph Smith.

Ceremonies: Calling and Election

Victim #2 claimed that CS members would claim that there were both sons and daughters of perdition, and quoted D&C 76:45-46, claiming that those who received the Calling and Election ceremony saw the Outer Darkness, and it was “beautiful and exquisite.”   The Outer Darkness is said to be so named in order to scare away those who are Lucifer’s elect, and it will be able to draw upon countless slaves after Heaven’s defeat.  The followers of Jehovah will be the servants of the Sons and Daughters of Perdition in the Outer Darkness.

The victim said she had not received the ceremony, because only those who have been proven worthy in a higher degree would receive it.

Ceremonies: Resurrection/Triumph Ceremony

According to Victim 2’s statement, this ceremony aligns with the CS’s teaching that members will gain priesthood power to resurrect each other when Christ returns to earth, but members must become deaf to Jehovah’s voice in order to hear Lucifer when he calls their CS name.  When resurrected, CS members will battle Jehovah’s army and triumph over Jehovah.

This is said to be the ultimate goal of Lucifer’s elect because it means you have been successful and you are worthy to enter Lucifer’s kingdom, also known as the Outer Darkness in LDS doctrine.  To triumph means to go against God’s pre-mortal plan, and to circumvent any need for Jesus Christ and the Atonement.  According to Victim #2, she was often told by one of the adults that her bloodline was dependent on her and another individual to carry the bloodline into the future and achieve the Triumph.

Ceremonies: Oracle/Communication with the Spirit World

The CS teaches that deceased members are around and watching and reporting on the activities of living members to the elders and High Councils. Some of the spirits are assigned to individuals by the Paterfamilias or High Councils as guardian angels, and members are taught that every action will be discovered through these spirits, who act as spies for the elders and the High Councils. Victim #2 named Rosabelle Winegar de Jong as her guardian angel and alleged that the children were used as oracles because the goal was to enable the oracles to see Lucifer’s spirits and communicate.

Ceremonies: The Gathering Process

According to Victim #2, these ceremonies were for the gathering of the Satanic elect, both living and dead.   She also alleged that one of the adults was proselytizing for the CS through his therapy practice, which makes it likely that this was David Lee Hamblin. Joe Bennion and another unnamed adult were alleged to have worked with James Mooney at the Gunnison Prison for the same purposes. The gathering involved retrieving physical items that CS believed were bound to deceased individuals in order to bind those individuals to their cause, gathering them to Satan’s Kingdom.   This would involve going to Native American sites, pioneer sites, and cemeteries.  Victim 2 specifically claimed that the Bennion’s Suburban was used to transport people to and from these ceremonies, and claimed that the Spring City Cemetery was a favored location for the CS members.  She claimed that these ceremonies took place once or twice a month in Utah County, Sanpete County, and Juab County, as well as other counties in Utah. CS members would conduct these ceremonies on camping trips as well.

Ceremonies: Prayers, Blessings, and Consecrations

Victim 2 repeatedly references the Y symbol in her statement and begins her recounting of this ceremony by noting its importance to the CS. A member will raise their arms in a V, pray to Lucifer, and request his entry into their bodies.  The CS, like the LDS, teaches that Lucifer and his spirits lack physical bodies, so this ceremony was especially important to the CS because they believed that followers who allowed Lucifer and his spirits to enter them would receive more blessings.

She also claimed that she was taught that masturbation was a form of prayer to Lucifer and that she was taught to pair this with praise to Lucifer, either aloud or in the mind. Masturbation was a way to escape mortal life and commune with Lucifer, and prayers were to be said with arms upraised in a V.  If not, the adults would punish the children with rape. Victim 2 also alleged that during a blessing, she would be required to “connect” herself to the elder, usually with oral sex in order t create a “circle, a symbol of eternity, one eternal round” and that consecrated handkerchiefs would also be used during the blessings, along with consecrated oil.

This ordinance appears to be similar or the same to the previously recounted ceremonies involving blessings, both in the use of handkerchiefs and oils and also in the use of sex to create “circles” or “eternal rounds.”

Ceremonies: Native American Ceremonies/Practices

According to Victim 2, Joe Bennion had introduced an individual whose name is redacted, but who is likely David Lee Hamblin due to context, to James “Flaming Eagle” Mooney.   This sparked his interest in Native American practices, and she further alleges that all three men were involved in outreach for the CS at Gunnison Prison. The context that this would be DLH is made clear in the following paragraphs when his brother Steve (Hamblin) is named.  The individuals claimed to be the reincarnation of Indians, as well as famous historical figures like William Wallace and further claimed that they could shape-shift into animals like jaguars through prayer.

Victim 2 claimed that the male individual she referenced (likely DLH) began giving her peyote, and claimed that the Book of Mormon referenced peyote and claimed that peyote was cleansing. He said that he wanted to become a “medicine man” and leave his therapy practice behind.

Ceremonies: Dolls/Voodoo/Spirits

While much of the CS’s practices were modeled after LDS ordinances and rites and typically inverted those ordinances to praise Lucifer, the CS had no bar against incorporating outside belief systems. Native American ceremonies were incorporated, as well as voodoo dolls.  These dolls were said to be used to conduct sexual acts, and they appeared in Victim 2’s child pornography pictures. They were used to “teach us, punish us, and scare us.”   The frequency of this practice was unquantifiable, as Victim 2 and her siblings were forced to pose in pornographic pictures over the course of many years in Arizona, New York, and Utah.

Ceremonies: Sacrifice

Victim #2’s statement alleges that sacrifices to Satan were used to consecrate “sexual or violent acts.”  This would advance Satan’s purpose, as in rapes and orgies. Animals and pets were used, and Joe Bennion is named as having a hutch of rabbits used for sacrifices.  Victim #2 reported that an unnamed individual would make hand signs while praying before commencing abuse and rape in order to consecrate her and his acts to Lucifer.

The victim claimed that consenting to have Lucifer’s spirit or other spirits enter her body was a “significant sacrifice.”  This consent was performed by standing with one’s arms held up in a Y shape, praying to Lucifer to be filled with his spirit and the spirits of others Lucifer wishes to send.   Joe Bennion’s pottery was identified as being consecrated and used for the CS ceremonies and was said to be marked with the Y symbol.

The victim reported a 1984 sacrificial ceremony at a “second apartment” in Tucson.  This ceremony consisted of one of the men putting her into a metal tub that was placed in the “alter” [sic] or trunk, with the metal tub filled with water beforehand.   One of the men began kissing her mouth and kissing and touching her genitals while the others chanted.  As one of the men held his arms up in the Y shape, other people wrapped plastic wrap over the victim’s head and began forcing her under the water as she struggled.   Eventually, the victim was pulled back up and her parents “hugged and patted” her.

These ceremonies in Tucson occurred “at least several times a month.”  The victim reported being taught that the sacrifices involving torture and young children would give the members power from Lucifer.   The “Opposite Game” is incorporated in the practice, as adults perform sacrificial acts on the child, or require the child to perform the acts, only to then switch their demeanors and become comforting and reassuring.

The location and timing indicate that the abuse occurred in David Lee Hamblin’s apartment because Hamblin would have been finishing his Ph.D. at the University of Arizona at this time.

However, the victim also reports a trip to Joseph Smith’s Birthplace in Vermont, where the sacrifice ritual was carried out in the LDS Visitor’s Center Home.  The adults were excited at the opportunity to do Lucifer’s work by desecrating LDS church grounds. The victim specifically references accompanying one of the adults “on a costuming trip.” There is one named adult whose career involves costumes, and that adult is Carma Rose DeJong Anderson, daughter of Gerrit De Jong. Carma’s first name comes up many times throughout the victim’s statements, and she is likely the adult Victim #2 who was accompanied on this trip.

During the trip, the victim reported that she was raped repeatedly by the adult female, who engaged in baby talk and called her by the name “Tabitha.”  This adult performed cursing ceremonies at the sites, as well as blessing ceremonies over the victim to help her see that the abuse was for her own good.  Before every breakfast with the missionaries at the Joseph Smith Birthplace, the female adult would force the children to pray in the room and consecrate their efforts to Lucifer, while also blessing the materials she had brought along to clothe and display mannequins.

She also told the children that she had buried cursed items in the displays or around the grounds to defile the displays and the grounds.  The victim was her sacrifice, via her submission to the sex acts.   The sex acts consisted of marathon oral sex sessions until the victim’s jaw was too tired to continue, or using a rope to torture the victim by looping it between her legs during oral sex, pulling it if the victim did not perform well.  This would result in the victim receiving a rope burn on her genitals. The victim was also subjected to digital penetration by the adult female perpetrator while tied up and gagged and forced to role-play as famous people from LDS church history while performing sexual acts on the adult.

The trip culminated in a visit to Louisa May Alcott’s home, specifically a Tea House.   The victim reported that she and the female perpetrator encountered a man with a British accent while taking tea for 20-30 minutes.   The victim and her female abuser then went to a motel, where the victim was ordered to take an enema and shower.   The man from the tea room knocked on their door, and the female perpetrator let him in.  He then opened a bag and revealed “black leather harnesses, whips, masks, leashes, underwear, and other things.”   He referred to the victim as Tabitha and then began forcing her to wear the attire he had brought.  He also duct-taped her mouth shut.

He forced the victim to dance and perform oral sex, put her on a leash while cursing at her, and whispered in her ear that he wanted to torture her in various ways.   He put leather underwear with a lock on the victim and made her beg him to remove the underwear and have sex with her.   He then anally raped the victim while the female perpetrator sat in the corner and sewed.  The female perpetrator began to masturbate, and eventually, the male perpetrator ordered the victim to perform oral sex on the female perpetrator.

On the return flight home, the female perpetrator told the victim that she was to tell everyone that she loved her for taking her on an “expensive service mission for the church” (LDS).   The victim reported that the female perpetrator has repeatedly referred to the trip over the years in person and via mailed letters, as a way of threatening her for not calling enough or spending time with the female perpetrator over the years.   This was done to remind the victim of the perpetrator’s authority as an elder, the covenants made to the CS, and her responsibilities.

The victim also reported a 1994-95 incident at Randall Lake’s home in Spring City.  Lake’s home had previously been Orson Hyde’s office, and it held great significance as the site of LDS temple ordinances before the dedication of the Manti Temple.  The victim reported that she was brought to Lake’s home, and he opened the door in a black robe.  The victim was offered as a gift to Lake for his hospitality.

The adults brought her upstairs, where Joe Bennion sacrificed a rabbit on an altar in “a large, ceremonial, shallow bowl of his own pottery” and disemboweled it.   Joe pulled out the organs of the rabbit with his left hand, held them up to the square, and said a prayer.   His wife Lee then gave him a towel for his hands, and the adults kneeled down and held their arms up in a V while praying for Lucifer’s spirits to enter their bodies.

An orgy commenced.  The victim reported going to the downstairs bathroom, only to be confronted by Randall Lake. Randall shoved her into the bathroom, began consecrating her to Lucifer, and then forced her to perform oral sex, ejaculating on her face and neck.   He called the victim “a little c*nt” and an “a f***ing wh*re.”   The victim alleged that Randall Lake would host ceremonies in his home for artists from Spring City, Salt Lake, and other locations. Young polygamist boys, ages 7-14, would be brought in for abuse.   Because his house was an LDS Endowment House that had been used for temple ceremonies, CS members viewed using it for ceremonies as a means of desecrating an LDS holy site.

The victim outlines another incident of abuse before noting that sacrifice ceremonies took place several times a month at various locations, including the Bennion’s house, Lee’s art studio, the Larsen’s house, Randall Lake’s home, and on camping trips. The purpose was to enable CS members to become more worthy of hosting the powerful spirits of Lucifer so that Satan would be in them at all times.   The girls were expected to be devoted to Lucifer and to make the men believe in their complete devotion. The girls were being prostituted as part of their sacrifice because their submission to sexual acts and prostitution was the sacrifice.

By making it clear that their devotion to Lucifer was complete, the girls could set themselves apart as prostitutes. This would improve their value to the clients and the CS.

Ceremonies: Re-Birth and Yearly Commitment

These ceremonies took place yearly, around the birthdays of the members.  Victim #2 stated that the re-birth ceremony involved a sacrifice to Lucifer, and the sacrifice was assigned by the Paterfamilias, who was likely David Lee Hamblin in this case.   The sacrifice could involve pets or humans.  The elders would stress that a happy birthday involved the child’s obedience during the ceremonial sacrifice, which would prevent them from being tortured for resisting.   The victim indicates that many of these ceremonies took place at a house in Provo and another house in Spring City, as well as other locations.

The first instance of this ceremony in Victim #2’s statement is dated in 1984 at the Tucson-second apartment.  She claimed that two babies were brought into the apartment and placed in front of the alter [sic].  The adults who were present chanted “Kill, kill, kill…” after the victim was told she had to kill one of the babies.   The victim was physically picked up by one of the adults and forced to kneel on the altar, and a female adult came and put her hands around the victim’s (she says ours).  A knife had been placed in the victim’s hand, but the statement says that an unidentified party held the knife up and “said something together” before cutting the baby from “her vagina to her head.” The victim was then forced to taste the blood and eat the flesh of the dead bay.

According to the victim’s statement, this incident in 1984 was her earliest memory of being forced to take a human life.  The next documented incident was between 1989-1991 at the Provo house, and the victim recounted that she was forced to sacrifice a “Manx” kitten, whose breed was said to have originated on the Isle of Man. The cat was named Angus, and the victim said she and another child used to push him around in their doll stroller.

Angus was used in sexual acts, including one act where an adult would place tuna fish on the victim’s vagina and have Angus eat the tuna off of her vagina.   One day, when the victim arrived home from school, she was met by an adult who told her that Angus had been hit by a car.  The victim saw Angus in a box with a bandaged back leg and sat by his box while she did her homework.  After dinner, the adults said it was time to do her “Re-birth Ceremony,” which caused the victim to cry and plead with the adults to avoid killing Angus.

This angered the adults, who said the victim should be thanking her for the opportunity to prove herself to Lucifer.  When the victim continued crying, a male adult pulled out his pocketknife and held it under her chin, threatening to cut out her vocal cords and her tongue if she continued crying.  He told her she was violating her covenants at the Peacemaker, and further resistance would result in a call to the Punisher. Shortly afterward, she was given a blessing by the male adult, forced to perform oral sex on him during the blessing, and made to name which body parts should be cut off from Angus.

She was then brought upstairs to a TV room, where candles had been lit, including a “Lucifer candelabra.”  Angus was laid on a towel over a blue tarp on the floor, and there were tools, rope, and torture instruments laid out. The victim was forced to hold her left arm to the square, while the adult consecrated the act to Lucifer. The victim was told to pick up the hammer and break Angus’s other leg, but the victim resisted and the adults began screaming at her to obey while threatening her. The victim finally hit Angus with the hammer, and she was forced to do it again. This was followed by the victim being forced to cut off the cat’s ear tips, hit another leg, pull his whiskers out with tweezers, try to break his tail, and punch him in his side.  She was commanded to kill the cat by “beating his head in,” but she refused.  One of the adults started masturbating, and another held a knife to her throat and pushed her head down, forcing her to perform oral sex on him while she lay on her back.

She was forced to swallow after he ejaculated, and then turned over and spanked.   The adults told her to leave, and she crawled to the stairs. The next morning, she saw Angus in his box on the floor next to her bed.  Upon her arrival home from school, his box was in the walkway by the TV room, and he was bandaged around his head, legs, and body.  The adults forced her to stay in proximity to Angus as his condition worsened, and she could see him bleeding from his nose while pus drained from his eye.  The female perpetrator reminded her of the times Angus had eaten tuna fish off of her vagina.

The next day, the adults told her that Angus had died while she was at school.  The victim reported that she and another child were forced to torture and kill animals for Rebirth and other ceremonies, and if they did not succeed in killing the animal, they would be forced to watch the animal suffer over the days.  The adults allegedly took some of the animals to the vet to prolong the suffering, enabling them to mutilate and torture the pets over a prolonged period before finally killing them. This was done in order to terrorize the children.

These people must be held accountable. David Lee Hamblin the first arrested in the case will have the option to accept a plea bargain tomorrow Tuesday the 18th. Hope and pray that he does! If he does, more people will likely be arrested! This horrific practice must stop! Please Share!

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.


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