Is history repeating itself?
Before our very eyes?
Is the dollar about to collapse and a new monetary system soon to be ushered in?
I think so.
I’ll tell you why…and it all has to with something called the Federal Reserve.
You’ve probably heard that name thrown around before, but I bet you don’t know the real story…
The “history” they never taught you in school.
They taught you what they wanted you to know, not necessarily truth.
Once your eyes get open (red pilled) to one thing, suddenly you start to look around and question everything and the more you look the more you realize that (to quote the Resident) “sonofabitch, they lied to us about almost everything!”
Nowhere is this more true than with the Federal Reserve Bank.
I know when you hear about the “Fed” most people’s eyes tend to glaze over.
That used to be me.
Until I realized the real story here, and it’s more wild than anything you’d see in a blockbuster movie at the theaters.
Here’s the short summary…
The Federal Reserve Bank is: (a) not Federal (it has no government control or true oversight — it is owned by a family of “elites”), (b) it has no Reserves — its flat broke, after it siphons off all your money, and (c) it is not remotely anything like a “bank”.
Good place to start, huh?
Whenever they lie to you right upfront with the name, you know the rest of the lies are going to go REAL deep.
Let’s keep going…
“They” (the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the other “elite” bloodline families) tried to get a Central Bank established in the United States from the very beginning.
It was strongly resisted by our wise Founding Fathers.
In fact, we successfully resisted THREE attempts to add a Central Bank to the United States for almost 150 years.
And then…
And then came the Titanic.
You didn’t really think that whole story was just a random sad accident, did you?
Nope – when you did in you realize that a significant portion of the people who were actively resisting a U.S. Central Bank were all invited to the maiden voyage of the Titanic….and then they drove the ship right into an iceberg field.
You know the rest of the story.
The main opposition wiped out, we had our first Central Bank (The Federal Reserve Bank) immediately thereafter, beginning in 1913.
So, why did they fight so hard to get it in?
Simple: money.
The “elites” like to make you think it’s so complicated no one could ever understand, but it’s actually not.
It’s very simple.
Here’s what they do…
They setup a Central Bank in your country and then they issue your money. But here’s the catch: they don’t just issue it, they “loan” it to the big banks at 2% interest. Those banks, in turn have to loan it out at greater than 2% to make a profit and on and on and on down the line until it reaches you.
Wonder why inflation always comes in cycles?
Because they can try to keep it down for a while, but inflation is MATHEMATICALLY programmed into the system from the moment they print the money and “loan” it to the banks.
You never recover from that.
The idea that we could somehow ever “pay off the debt” is a mathematical impossibility when you are 2% in the hole from the very beginning.
And after you clip 2% a year off the entire world economies, for decades and centuries, and you compound that interest over and over, you can see how the “elite” bloodline families control everything.
And I do mean “everything”.
It’s really simple.
Ethically wrong?
Yes, yes, yes.
But not complex, very simple.
Oh, and for those of you who like data, let’s look at two charts…
This is the inflation rate of the U.S. dollar dating back to the 1700s.
Remember…the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 (see if you can find that on the chart and see what happens immediately afterwards):
Now does it all make sense?
Now with that in mind, I want you to watch two videos that will really connect all the dots for you.
The first is my friend Clif High explaining it even better than I can:
And the second is from Rumble explaining just who these people are:
Want more?
This is just scratching the surface…
If you want much more on this, you need to read the seminole book, A Creature From Jekyll Island:
I guess that explains this?
New “Riot Fence” Set Up Outside The Federal Reserve Bank Building?
Reports have been breaking online with photos claiming to show fences being installed outside the Federal Reserve Bank Building in Washington, D.C.
Riot fences, to be specific.
But before we get to that, I feel compelled to hit the pause button for a quick second and give a public service announcement.
The Federal Reserve Bank is:
– Not Federal
– Has No Reserves (completely bankrupt)
– And Is Not, In Fact, a Bank!
Did you know?
That’s all true.
In fact, we had no Central Bank in the United States until 1913, which is also the time we started to get inflation.
Our Founding Fathers fought vehemently against a Central Bank, and they were successful in fending one off until “The Creature From Jekyll Island” was born in 1913.
And here is Peter Thiel confirming what I just told you: the have no Reserves and they’re completely bankrupt:
Peter Thiel: Central Banks Bankrupt
Ok, now back to our regularly-scheduled article.
NeonRevolt first broke the story earlier today:
Then other reports started to come in on Twitter to confirm the story:
A riot fence has just been erected around the Federal Reserve Building. I think that’s the first time this has ever happened. Expect a very big interest rate hike in the near future.
— Shane Schaetzel (@ShaneSchaetzel) April 13, 2022
Why did the Federal Reserve Bank place riot fence around the building?
Why would they need that…..
🤨🤔 #inflacion
— PatrioticMamaaa (@patrioticmamaaa) April 13, 2022
I am starting to see rumors of a fence going up around the Federal Reserve in DC. Anyone got anything on this?
— Brad Swan (@BradSwan18) April 13, 2022
Some have claimed it's a construction fence and not a "riot fence"...
Compare to the Capitol Riot Fences installed last year and judge for yourself:
Capitol fence coming down July 8, six months after riot: report
— New York Post (@nypost) July 1, 2021
The last fence around the U.S. Capitol that was erected in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot is slated to come down starting Friday
— Forbes (@Forbes) July 8, 2021
Looks very similar to me.
So now the big question....
Why would the FED feel like they need riot fencing?
Well, it's probably because pretty soon many Americans won't be able to afford food:
“Food Price Inflation Will Soon Accelerate” – Here’s How To Get Ahead Of It
More here:
Biden’s 2023 Fiscal Spending Plan Will Likely Make Inflation Far Worse
Think that's a good enough reason to riot?
We've actually been all over this story for a long time.
Here is a report we ran featuring Clif High from 2-3 months ago where Clif talks about the fall of the FRN (Federal Reserve Note, i.e. the "Dollars" in your wallet):
Clif High On Greg Hunter: “Vax Die-Off For Next Three Years”
The FRNs will die off due to inflation.
They'll inflate so fast that they will become virtually worthless.
Remember studying history and hearing about people trying to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of cash in the Wymar Republic of Germany?
History is about to repeat itself.
Think that's a good reason to riot?
The FED does and it's bracing for impact....
This is the ultimate outcome:
The Federal Reserve's Inflationary Failure Leads To Only One Option
Most people are completely unaware that our country has had multiple currency issues.
By multiple I mean over 17 times....
The takeaway here should be clear: paper money is not to be trusted, and this trust is further eroded by the poor monetary policy of our Federal Reserve Bank and the poor fiscal policy of bureaucrats as well as politicians.
Our current inflationary crisis is not new, and quite frankly I am not even sure how it could be seen as a surprise or an 'anomaly'. This is simply what happens when there is an entity with a money printer manufacturing paper money.
From my standpoint the only option we have left to explore is the new field of cryptocurrencies—money that is not from nor subject to the rampant money printing, poor fiscal policy, and poor monetary choices of our government.
Here's what other sources are currently saying about the current inflationary crisis:
Here's a look at the Effective Fed Funds Rate and Inflation Rates when the Unemployment Rate was at 3.9%, as it is today.
Find the outlier...
— Charlie Bilello (@charliebilello) January 7, 2022
The Fed will likely increase inflation outlook at every meeting in 2022: Kevin Hassett @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness
— Maria Bartiromo (@MariaBartiromo) January 7, 2022
The Epoch Times had this to say:
Like gold, bitcoin isn’t under the Fed’s control. All central banks can do is make rules for who can own each unit … again, much like gold in periods when private holdings were tightly regulated.
But while bitcoin are still being mined today, it’s getting harder and harder to “print” each unit. Out of a hard theoretical limit of 21 million coins, 18 million are already in circulation today.
The miners will only be able to “dilute” the value of each bitcoin by 15 percent before hitting the limit. The Fed has committed to diluting the value of fiat dollars by 12 percent by 2024. Beyond that point, the inflationary impact of bitcoin mining drops fast to zero.
Fed a 'bigger risk' than inflation: Market expert @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness
— Maria Bartiromo (@MariaBartiromo) January 6, 2022
2002: #UnemploymentRate 5.4%, #inflation rate 1.58% & GDP growth 1.7%. The Fed slashed interest rates 1% to stimulate a weak economy. Today: Unemployment 3.9%, inflation 6.8%, & GDP growth 5.6%. The #Fed intends to slowly raise interest rates to 1% by year-end to fight inflation!
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) January 7, 2022
According to The Hill:
The FOMC announced after last month’s meeting it would keep its baseline interest rate range between zero and 0.25 percent, but reduce its monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage bonds at a quicker rate.
The Fed slashed rates to that level and began purchasing at least $120 billion in bonds monthly in March 2020 as the emerging pandemic derailed the global economy.
Will crypto be a way out?
READ THIS If You Want To Buy Crypto But Don't Know How!
Heads up...this is for anyone who wants to learn how to purchase cryptocurrencies but has no idea where to start. This is for you!
I get emails all the time like this one (name and email blocked out for privacy):
People who want to purchase crypto but don't even know where to start!
And they're afraid to do something wrong.
That's why I love what my friend Bo Polny put together.
He created what he calls the "Easy Crypto School" designed for people exactly like this...People who want to get started but don't know how. Don't even know the first step.
But they can feel something in the system is changing.
A shift is happening.
A shift just like what we saw on Jekyll Island in 1913...
Bo Polny has been preaching about cryptocurrencies since Bitcoin was less than $1,000.
But it's not just about the price.
It's about freedom.
It's about the coming dollar collapse.
It's about money YOU control that no one else can take away from you.
Bo says this is about to become VERY important and millions will be blindsided.
Don't be one of them.
So I'm posting this by popular demand for people who have written me with questions and asked how to get started. This is for you. It's also for the people who want the advanced Newsletter.
I have a short 13 minute clip for you where Bo breaks it all down and tell you (1) what is coming (2) how you can prepare, and (3) how you can do it even if you don't know the first step on how to get started!
We've got you covered!
In fact, you may want to show this to some family and friends as well.
Here is the video on Rumble:
And here are all the links you may be looking for:
👉 Download Bo's slides for free:
👉 If you want Bo's trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)
💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)
And here is the backup on YouTube if you prefer that.
Watch here:
👉Bo's Website: ➡️ use code WLT49 (LIMITED TIME)
👉Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49 (LIMITED TIME)
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