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QUOTE: “Threatened to collapse…material risk to financial stability…fire sale!”


Folks…as is often the case, you heard it here first!

Last month, I had Bo Polny on my show and he said watch out for September 24 because his time cycles were showing something big was coming.

September 24 has come and gone, and what did we see happening?

Well, I’m about to tell you.

Actually, CNBC and the Wall Street Journal are about to tell you.

Because as much as the financial “elites” are doing their best to cover things up, it’s not working.

The Bank of England (one of the most important financial structures in our world) is crumbling!

It’s on the verge of collapse!

And when did it start tanking?

Oh…that would be September 24.

Here are two charts showing what happened:

On the following Monday morning, September 26, the Bank of England stepped in with “emergency measures” to stop the entire system from crumbling!

Not my words, that’s what major media outlets like CNBC and the Wall Street Journal are reporting.

I’m going to show you those in just a minute.

But now here is where we advance the story.

Not only did they intervene on September 26, but it isn’t working…

They’ve stepped in again today with another round of emergency measures, trying desperately to stop the entire system from collapsing.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s go right to CNBC…

This is from earlier just this morning:

Here’s another, also from today:

Did you catch all of those buzz words?

Massive sell-off…

Stabilize the bond market…

Folks, if the bond market in a country is no longer stable, the whole system implodes in a matter of days or weeks!

Funny thing is that’s exactly what Bo Polny told me last when when he came BACK on my show.

Bo says they patched this thing together with duct tape on 9/26, but the entire system is going to rip apart by 10/24.

More on that below, you MIGHT want to pay attention to what he’s saying, because he’s been dead on so far…

But first let’s do another one:

Note the words again…

“Material risk of financial stability…”

When’s the last time you heard those kinds of phrases?


Heres the Journal:

And now from CNBC, I’ve bolded the key parts that should make you VERY nervous:

The Bank of England on Tuesday announced an expansion of its emergency bond-buying operation as it looks to restore order to the country’s chaotic bond market.

The central bank said it will widen its purchases of U.K. government bonds — known as gilts — to include index-linked gilts from Oct. 11 until Oct. 14. Index-linked gilts are bonds where payouts to bondholders are benchmarked in line with the U.K. retail price index.

The move marks the second expansion of the Bank’s extraordinary rescue package in as many days, after it increased the limit for its daily gilt purchases on Monday ahead of the planned end of the purchase scheme on Friday.

The Bank launched its emergency intervention on Sep. 28 after an unprecedented sell-off in long-dated U.K. government bonds threatened to collapse multiple liability driven investment (LDI) funds, widely held by U.K. pension schemes.

“The beginning of this week has seen a further significant repricing of UK government debt, particularly index-linked gilts. Dysfunction in this market, and the prospect of self-reinforcing ‘fire sale’ dynamics pose a material risk to UK financial stability,” the bank said in a statement Tuesday.

U.K. 10-year index-linked gilt yields rose by 64 basis points on Monday, representing a massive 5.5% fall in price. Meanwhile 30-year index-linked gilt prices were down 16% on the day, with yields now at around 1.5%, having been at -1.5% just six months ago. Yields move inversely to prices.

Moves of this magnitude are highly unusual in developed world sovereign bond markets.

“These additional operations will act as a further backstop to restore orderly market conditions by temporarily absorbing selling of index-linked gilts in excess of market intermediation capacity,” the Bank said Tuesday.

“As with the conventional gilt purchase operations, these additional index-linked gilt purchases will be time-limited and fully indemnified by HM Treasury.”

Just one more comment:  if you think it’s ok for the Bank of England to collapse and not have it affect the USA, you simply don’t know economics.

The entire world will collapse right along with it!

So now please allow me to share with you what Bo Polny told me last week.

Once again, Bo has the news BEFORE the news!

Read this carefully and let it sink in:

Bo Polny: Black Monday Coming, Prepare For An Ambush!


You don’t want to miss my latest interview with Bo Polny!

In fact, I recommend you use the Email Button right above here to email yourself this article so you can read it and watch the interview whenever you have time.

It’s that good and that important!

Why do I say that?

Because here are just a few topics we discussed:

The coming stock market collapse!  London basically crashed on 9/24, and they put a big giant band-aid on it, but the dam is about to burst.  Bo says they won’t be able to hold it together past 10/24.

Trump’s return soon thereafter!  How does 11/24 sound?

What exactly happened on 9/24?  I’ve already given you a sneak peak, but we discuss that in much more detail…as well as 6/24 and 11/24 and a few others too!

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one…

For those of you who don’t know Bo, he is an “Analyst of Time”.

What he does is actually very cool: he studies the time cycles in the Bible (i.e. 40 days, 3 1/2 years, stuff like that) and then he applies them to our current day events.

It’s straight out of Genesis 1:14:

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years…

I don’t know why, but it seems pretty clear that God likes to work in signs and seasons and on regular schedules and cycles, and not only that but he seemed very keen on recording those cycles and seasons in the Bible.

The results from Bo’s work have been downright incredible…

Bo has been coming on my show for several years now, and prior times when he said to watch out for a big event, he wasn’t joking.

Many months in advance, he told us something big would happen on April 19, 2020 and sure enough that was the day that oil went to NEGATIVE $39 a barrel.

That had never happened in modern recorded history.

In other words, they would pay YOU to take a barrel of oil (i.e. “black gold”).

Weird, right?

Then Bo said to watch September 18, 2020.

What happened on that date?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, leading to Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination and then the overturning of Roe vs. Wade 18 months later.

So when Bo says watch out for a big event, we pay attention.

And here’s the latest…

We expected a big event on September 24 and we sort of got it and sort of didn’t.

Bo explains in more detail in our latest interview, but if you’ve been paying attention to world events, you know the British Pound (their dollar) “broke” on September 24/25.

Here are two charts showing what happened:

Now you might be saying, what do I care about the British pound?

But here’s what you have to understand…if the Bank of England hadn’t taken emergency action on September 26, many experts say the entire British system would have collapsed, starting with all their pension funds.

And for those of you who want a source on that, here is just one of hundreds posted on September 26:

So the system did crash exactly on Bo’s date, but they’ve patched it up with some duct tape.

How long will that last?

Bo says not long…

Bo says the full collapse will hit on October 24 and will not be able to be stopped this time.

Oh, and Trump’s return follows, perhaps on November 24?

Oh yes, we discuss that too!

And what’s the deal with all the 24s anyway?

Bo explains that as well!

You might be surprised to learn all the other things that have happened on the 24th of the month in the past 2 years — here’s one: the overturning of Roe vs. Wade was on June 24.

It seems to be a very important day.

Oh, and the 1-2-4 cycle that Bo follows very closely just happens to hit on 10/24/22 (which is 1-2-4).

Bo explains it all in the video, and here’s why you HAVE TO watch…

Stock market collapse is coming and it’s imminent.

Not just a crash, but a “collapse”.

Will you be ready?

Will you be prepared?

And then after that, we go into hyper-drive.

Do you own crypto?

Do you want to and don’t know how to even start?

Bo says we’re being given a 3 week grace period here but time is starting to run out.

I want you to watch this so you are informed on what is coming and also so you and your family are prepared and safe!

I’ve got the full interview for you on Rumble right here:

As promised in the video, here’s where you can grab all the links…

👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:

👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

And if you prefer, a backup on YouTube.

Watch that here:

👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:

👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

Trust me on this…

You are going to want to save this one and watch it a couple times…


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