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Los Angeles Democrat Leadership Caught on Tape Calling Blacks “Monkeys”


So… who are the racists again?

A newly released audio clip shows top Democrat leadership in Los Angeles referring to black people as “monkeys.”

Specifically, Nury Martinez said this about a black man’s son:

Parece changuito.

In English, this translates to “He’s like a monkey.”

But it gets worse.

She also said:

F*** that guy; he’s with the blacks.

Obviously, racism is wrong in every and any circumstance.

We do not condone these statements.

Yet it’s worth asking the question: Where is the outrage? Where is the wall-to-wall coverage?

If a Republican said either of these things, they would have been “canceled” already.

They would have been forced to resign.

National Republican leadership would pressure them to step down.

Yet the media and the national Democrat apparatus appear to be silent.

Think about it: Los Angeles is as diverse and far left as it gets.

And this racism is coming from them!

Yet they always try to blame the right for racism.

More details on this despicable racism below:

Apparently some people in Los Angeles have learned the truth about Democrat leadership.

Protestors are beginning to show up to Nury Martinez’s home.

Police are there to ensure that her and her property and family are safe.

Take a look at the footage below:

At We Love Trump, we don’t believe in heresay.

We believe in evidence.

So we want you to hear this stunning tape for yourself.

Again, ask yourself: What would the national response be if a Republican said anything half as vile as these statements?

You know things are bad for you when the Los Angeles Times spills the beans:

Behind closed doors, Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez made openly racist remarks, derided some of her council colleagues and spoke in unusually crass terms about how the city should be carved up politically.

The conversation remained private for nearly a year, until a leaked recording reverberated explosively Sunday and turned the focus of a sprawling metropolis toward Los Angeles City Hall.

By Sunday evening, three of Martinez’s council colleagues had called for her to resign. The leak had quickly become a new and incendiary issue in the coming Nov. 8 election, with candidates — some of them endorsed by Martinez — having to stake out positions.

Martinez and the other Latino leaders present during the taped conversation were seemingly unaware they were being recorded as Martinez said a white councilmember handled his young Black son as though he were an “accessory” and described Councilman Mike Bonin’s son as “Parece changuito,” or “like a monkey.”

During the conversation with Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera, Martinez described Bonin at one point as a “little bitch,” according to a recording of the meeting reviewed by The Times.

Martinez also mocked Oaxacans and said “F— that guy … He’s with the Blacks” while speaking about Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón.

Unfortunately, this type of rhetoric isn’t unusual from Democrat leadership.

The national media just does a good job of ignoring these stories, while promoting stories against conservative leaders.

Now, Nury Marinez has resigned.

She was the first Latin American council president for Los Angeles.

This also leads us to ask: How many more vile statements like this are uttered behind closed doors?

This was just ONE leaked recording.

In order for something like this to be caught on tape, it means that it must’ve been happening on a regular basis.

How else do Democrats talk about their constituents?

Now… Nury has no more constituents.

She has officially resigned.

Per USA Today:

The president of the Los Angeles City Council resigned Monday after audio leaked of her racist remarks about a colleague’s child and Oaxacan immigrants in the city.

Nury Martinez apologized and resigned “effective immediately” in a statement reported by the Los Angeles Times.

The audio, posted anonymously on Reddit and reported by the L.A. Times on Sunday, includes Martinez saying a white council member “handled his young Black son as though he were an accessory” and describing the colleague’s son in Spanish as “like a monkey.”

Martinez also reportedly called the colleague, councilmember Mike Bonin, an expletive, according to the audio shared by the Times, and discussed the child’s behavior during a parade, allegedly saying his parents are “raising him like a little white kid.”

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“I was like, this kid needs a beatdown,” Martinez reportedly said. “Let me take him around the corner and then I’ll bring him back.”
Martinez also reportedly referred to Oaxacan immigrants living in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles as “little short dark people.”

“I take responsibility for what I said and there are no excuses for those comments. I’m so sorry,” she said in the statement reported by the Times. “As a mother, I know better and I am sorry. I am truly ashamed. I know this is the result of my own actions. I’m sorry to your entire family for putting you through this.”

Stories like this are rarely covered by the mainstream media.

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