This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
Since the 1990s we haven’t heard much about satanic ritual abuse in the state of Utah. After many of the implications of ritual abuse throughout the state were strangely dismissed, the media started rejecting the term “satanic ritual abuse”. They also began to call out all victims that were claiming to have had memories of SRA to really just suffering from ‘False Memory Syndrome’.
According to a definition on Wikipedia, it states that False Memory Syndrome(FMS) is “a condition in which a person’s identity and relationships are affected by false memories, recollections that are factually incorrect yet strongly believed”. Many people believe that FMS is the reason for all these allegations of satanic ritual abuse. That the witnesses essentially recovered fake repressed memories. FMS was created to suppress and shut down whistleblowers that would speak out against their alleged perpetrators and could do so in the name of “science”.
Imagine you’re in a courtroom. Imagine that you suffered from satanic ritual abuse and have brought your alleged abuser to court. You give your witness statement through remembrance of what was done to you. You sit down, then he brings forward an “expert witness”. This expert witness claims that everything you said is false because you allegedly have a condition called FMS. Who do you think the jury is going to believe? You or the “expert”?
This was a perfect ploy to cover up not only satanic ritual abuse but also mind control.
Let’s look at who founded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation!
Martin T. Orne (Founder):
- Senior CIA MK-ULTRA psychiatrist.
- Accused of raping and murdering countless MK-ULTRA child subjects.
- Co-Director, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania.
- Editor in chief, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (1961 to 1992).
- Experimented in hypnotic programming and dissolving memory. Defense psychiatrist (with Lois Jolyon West) for the 1976 Patty Hearst trial.
David Dinges:
Co-Director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Unit for Experimental Psychiatry with Martin Orne.
Aaron T. Beck :
- MK-ULTRA psychologist.
- Father of Clinical Psychology and CBT.
Elizabeth Loftus:
- Conducted unethical bogus research, fabricated statistics, and generalized narrow findings to the population at large.
- Successfully sued twice for lying about child abuse victims.
- Avoided psychology deregistration by resigning.
Ralph Underwager:
- Psychiatrist discredited in US courts.
- Told Amsterdam pedophile magazine journalist it is ‘God’s will’ and ‘responsible’ for adults to rape children.
- Told British reporters in 1994 that ‘scientific evidence’ proved 60% of all women molested as children believed the experience was ‘good for them.’
Hollida Wakefield-Underwager:
- Ralph Underwager’s wife.
Peter and Pamela Freyd:
- Psychiatrists.
- Stepsiblings who married.
- Peter was sexually abused at age 11 and later prostituted himself.
- Accused of incest by their daughter.
Campbell W. Perry:
- Australian hypnosis expert.
- MK-ULTRA psychologist.
The list goes on…
Many of these founders were involved in the US government’s MK-Ultra program. Many of the survivors of MK-Ultra have come out against them with abuse allegations. How did they retaliate? By creating a fake scientific disorder. This was to prove that their accusers were wrong.
Since the satanic panic of the 80s and 90s, not much has been done. But let’s fast forward to the year 2022. In 2022 we’ve seen a lot of changes regarding this issue. Many have been finally brought to justice and the term “satanic ritual abuse” has been more believable than ever before. Let’s take a look at some of the arrests throughout Utah when it comes to child ritualistic and sexual abuse. It’s essential to look at who these people are and how they took the power that was given to them for perverse and disgusting purposes.
Late August 2022: Utah FBI employee arrested on suspicion of multiple counts of child sex abuse. He was booked on four counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child without incident. FBI employee Robert Alexander Smith used his “high profile” and power to abuse children.
Early September 2022: Former Utah mayor, Mormon bishop accused of sex abuse of children. He was arrested on accusations that he sexually abused at least three children decades ago. Former Bountiful Mayor Carl Matthew Johnson used his “high profile” and power to sexually molest children.
Mid-September 2022: Former Utah assistant AG arrested again on sex abuse allegations. He was arrested in August on charges of sexual exploitation of a minor. He now is facing 14 additional charges of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, and aggravated sodomy on a child. Former Attorney to the Utah AG Office Gary Lee Bell used his “high profile” and power to sexually abuse children.
Notice the positions these men were in. FBI, Mayor, Attorney. No wonder why many who suffer from abuse are afraid to come forward. It’s all systematic!
Now let’s look at the case of David Lee Hamblin. He was the first arrested in the Utah County ritualistic abuse investigation. It turns out that Hamblin was arrested before, on 18 counts of abuse against a minor. In 2012 he admitted in court to raping a young girl, yet the case was dismissed. What a failed justice system. Why was Hamblin released? Because the case cuts down deeper. It’s systematic! It’s like a disease that is spread all across society. This is much deeper than we thought. It has roots in the justice department, the education system, the government, federal and state agencies, adoption centers, hospitals, religious organizations, Native American tribes, law enforcement, the entertainment industry, and more!
Let’s now talk about who could potentially be involved. Know that this next part is just speculation. Sure I can establish connections but it isn’t irrefutable proof that they’re involved. Many are still investigating and I hope all will come to light.
Here are some high-profile individuals that could potentially be involved:
Many sources down below will come from the witness statements. You can find those here.
Gordon Bowen
What is he known for in society:
Gordon Bowen worked high up for Coca-Cola. He was featured in TIME magazine many times. He campaigned for/advertised the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. He also has run advertising for American Express, Chevron, Disney, Hershey’s, Intel, Kraft/Heinz, Marriott, Mondelez, P&G, Subway, United Airlines, and Verizon. He founded mcgarrybowen with John McGarry. Bowen also worked for Bonneville Communications.
What is he known for in the case files:
He is a high-ranking member of the church of satan.
He is known as the top “punisher” in the church of satan. A punisher is defined within the case files as “one who punishes others in their jurisdiction or stewardship. Punishers learn tactics to really hurt or even kill people as punishment.” [Witness Statement #3, page 103]
Gordon Bowen has a multi-million dollar mansion in Salt Lake City. Many witnesses claimed to have been brought to Bowen’s mansion for VIP sex parties in 1993(remember this year, it’s important). They also claimed to be abused and tortured on several occasions and that Bowen allegedly has a hidden torture room in his home. [Witness Statement #2, page 88] [Witness Statement #4, page 4, 5, 35, 48, 49]
In my opinion, Gordon Bowen has the most disturbing allegations against him.
Find more on Gordon Bowen here.
Who could he be connected with:
One of the biggest names is the Romneys. Gordon Bowen worked on the same committee as Mitt Romeny in planning for the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. Bowen also helped campaign for Mitt Romney when he ran for office. Craig Romney also works/worked for Bowen at his company mcgarrybowen. Mitt Romney and Gordon Bowen’s friendship goes way back. Bowen also supposedly met the Romney brothers at a high-level(VIP) fundraiser. This fundraiser was at Gordon Bowen’s house in the year 1993!
Gordon Bowen also worked with L. Kevin Kelly(is allegedly involved). L. Kevin Kelly is a writer and producer. Kelly worked in New York for 19 years which is also consistent with the witness statements that some of the abuse happened in another satanic cult(connected with the one in Utah county) in New York. [Witness Statment #1, page 20, 46] [Witness Statment #2, page 63, 121] [Witness Statment #3, page 12] [Witness Statment #4, page 51, 52]
The Van Wagenen’s
What are they known for in society:
Alma Van Wagenen, father of Dean Van Wagenen(involved in this case), and Harold Van Wagenen, brother of Dean, were both the former Mayors of Provo. Alma and his wife were national delegates for a former president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt. During Harold Van Wagenen’s time as mayor, he associated with the Udalls(big name with connection to this case).
What are they known for in the case files:
Dean Van Wagenen was married to Belle Felice “De Jong” Van Wagenen, both members of the cult. All their children were mentioned in the witness statements as being involved in the abuse. [Witness Statement #1, page 30, 48] [Witness Statement #2, page 21, 73]
Who could they be connected with:
Sterling Van Wagenen is a big name when it comes to this family. He isn’t specifically mentioned in the case documents but I’d think he’d be very much involved. Sterling Van Wagenen is an American film and stage producer, writer, and director. He is a co-founder of the Sundance Film Festival. In 2019, Sterling was convicted of child sex abuse and sentenced from 6 years to life. Sterling is the nephew of Dean Van Wagenen who is very much connected with this case. As a teenager, Sterling also supposedly knew Richard Lloyd Anderson who is a prominent member in the cult. But here is where things get interesting… In 1993 Sterling Van Wagenen was sent to counseling with none other than David Lee Hamblin.
The Bennions/Udalls
What are they known for in society:
Joe Bennion and Lee Udall Bennion are married. Joe owns a pottery shop in Spring City. Lee is a painter.
The Udalls are a well-known political family.
What are they known for in the case files:
The Bennions live in Spring City.
In the satanic high council in Spring City, Joe is a “punisher”.
The Bennions are mentioned many times within the witness statements, here are just a few places. [Witness Statement #1, page 5, 46, 49] [Witness Statement #2, page 44, 48, 57, 61, 78, 82, 108, 120, 121, 134, 135, 136, 139] [Witness Statement #4, page 33, 35]
Who could they be connected with:
The Udalls are genealogically connected with the Lee family which is also a powerful political family. Guess who the Udall-Lee political families are rooted in? The Hamblin family. It’s all connected!
Lee Udall Bennion knows some local Utah artists also said to be involved in this case. One of them is Randall Lake(I plan to talk more about this later). [Witness Statements #2, page 26, 27, 51] [Witness Statements #4, page 42]
Joe Bennion is associated with lots of people in this case. One mainly, James Mooney(will talk about this in part 2).
The Leavitts:
What are they known for in society:
They’re a powerful political family. Mike Leavitt served as Governor of Utah. David Leavitt served as Utah County Attorney. David Leavitt is married to Chelom Leavitt. Chelom is a sex therapist.
What are they known for in the case files:
They lived in Nephi at one point. Several times abuse allegedly happened there.
The Leavitts are a high-ranking family within the church of satan.
Known in the high council of the church of satan as “the conspirator”. According to the case files the role of the conspirator was created and assigned to attack anyone who may be a threat to the group by starting rumors, planting false information and evidence that would take down anyone who is against the group. They send people to bug houses, send threats, blackmail, watch, listen, and gather information. [Witness Statement #3, page 104]
Who could they be connected with:
Mike Leavitt is connected to the Bush administration. I’m still looking into the details.
Right now David Leavitt is being investigated in a case surrounding his relationship with James Webb and the Adoption Center of Choice. Webb is also accused by several of child sexual abuse and trafficking.
Leavitt also has connections with Ukraine and George Soros. You can find that information here.
Lastly, in the documents, it talks about David Leavitt’s connection with Tom Green(convicted polygamist and pedophile). The witness statements, talk about how the satanic cult would use children from polygamous families like Tom Green for satanic ceremonies which include torture, killing, and eating them. [Witness Statement #3, page 91, 92]
There is so much information to cover. Since I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, a part two will be coming in after this with more names and alleged perpetrators.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
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