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Stew Peters: These Little Ones


This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy. 

On August 1st of this year, Stew Peters released an explosive documentary on the horrific practice of satanic ritual abuse and trafficking that is happening worldwide.

Millions of children vanish each year.

83,000 each month.

2,700 a day.

115 per hour.

1 every 30 seconds.

It makes you wonder…where do they all go?

In this documentary, it talks about how Child Protective Services is the biggest child trafficking ring in the US and is being funded by the federal government with taxpayer money, about how planned parenthood is selling aborted fetal parts for millions of dollars, and how specifically in Atlanta(witness testimony) but all across the US there are thousands of covens involved in satanic ritual abuse and that the majority of children actually go missing right before their satanic holidays; it also talks about the story of Hollywood whistleblower Isaac Kappy and his tragic ending. This one-hour documentary is a must-watch!

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Here is the link to it from rumble:

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This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy. 

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.


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