This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
This article is going to be a little different. I usually would talk about Satanic Ritual Abuse in cases worldwide, but today I want to talk about something that happened several thousand years ago. Just be aware that the subject I am mainly covering comes from a biblical/religious perspective. Those of you who aren’t members of my specific church may be kind of confused with some of the material I present, so please like I always say, just keep an open mind and see how it goes. If you want to know more about my church, see here…
What if I told you that giants actually exist? No, I’m not talking about the people who are 7 feet tall, I’m talking about giants that are mentioned in fictional stories or even fairy tales. If I told you that giants were real, most of you would turn me down, call me a conspiracy theorist and never listen to what I have to say. Despite the pushback, I may receive I want to tell you of the time that real giants actually existed in our world thousands of years ago. They were called the Nephilim.
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So what are the Nephilim? Let’s look in the book Genesis(from the Bible) about what it says:
KJV(King James Version):
Genesis 6:2-4
(2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.)
NIV(New International Version):
Genesis 6:2-4
(2 The sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.)
NLT(New Living Translation):
Genesis 6:4
(4 In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.)
The Pearl of Great Price(find here):
Moses 8:18
(18 And in those days there were giants on the earth, and they sought Noah to take away his life; but the Lord was with Noah, and the power of the Lord was upon him.)
You get the point. From these different translations there are 3 distinct groups that are identified:
- Mortal Men and Women
- The Sons of God
- The Offspring of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Men(The Nephilim or Nephilites/Giants who were mighty men which were of old, renown men)
Let’s start with this:
- Mortal Men and Women
This group is easy to distinguish from the other ones. They are mortal men and women that came from the line of Adam and Eve. They are talked about in the verses as “the daughters of men”.
2. The Sons of God
The name “sons of God” obviously means that this group was created in the image of God. However, they did not descend from Adam and Eve because they are a different distinct group. As mortal sons of God, they would have had to be descendants from one of the innumerable “first parents” of other worlds. I believe that the sons of God are members of one of the innumerable societies capable of traversing the immensity of space. This is utterly possible. Let’s look at this passage of scripture from the book of Moses:
Moses 1:34-35 (From the Pearl of Great Price)
(34 And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many.
35 But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you.)
This passage of scripture gives us knowledge that tells us that there are several different worlds or earths, and that men and other inhabitants also live elsewhere. Therefore this group of the “sons of God” is worthy of this title because they are His descendants in the same manner we are, just through a separate branch in the family tree. As would be expected among the children of God, this group is sexually compatible with the population upon this earth, however, their offspring results in this puzzling phrase, “there were giants in the earth in those days”(Genesis 6:4). We are never told why this would happen, but we do know that all other worlds are different. Such a difference might have resulted in compensating coding in their DNA. Perhaps this is why their children were Giants when neither their parents were described as such.
Given the fantastic nature of their offspring, and their title “sons of God”, a lot of religious scholars have interpreted these beings to be “fallen angels” that came to earth to intermarry with the daughters of men. Because of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we can see that this interpretation is indeed false. The restoration teaches us that Christ was the first fruits of the resurrection(1 Corinthians 15:20, 23; 2 Nephi 2:9) and that both before and after mortality we continue as spiritual beings until the resurrection. Spiritual beings or “the fallen angels” are not capable of sexual reproduction, otherwise, Satan and his minions would be taking much more advantage of that fact. Therefore this line of thinking is false. The simplest answer to who “the sons of God” are is that they were mortal men created under the image of God that came from a different world.
This specific interpretation is not out of step with the early Judeo-Christian beliefs. Philo of Alexandria(a Jewish philosopher who lived from 25 BC-50 AD), wrote a commentary of sorts regarding this particular topic. Here is a passage taken from his writings:
“And when the angels of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, they took unto themselves wives of all of them whom they chose. Those beings, whom other philosophers call demons, Moses usually calls angels; and they are souls hovering in the air. And let no one suppose, that what is here stated is a fable, for it is necessarily true that the universe must be filled with living things in all its parts…”
After quoting the passage in question, Phil’s declared that this was not some imagined fable, these “sons of God” were real beings which he curiously described as being able to hover above the ground. He then makes a profound statement that can essentially be restated as follows: These beings were extraterrestrial visitors from an infinite universe that is literally teaming with intelligent life.
Now the “sons of God” are also said to have had the title, “the Watchers”. From other ancient biblical texts including the Apocrypha, the Book of Enoch, and other parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first book of Enoch is commonly referred to as the Book of the Watchers. Consider the following passages from this book, taken from the Augsburg Fortress(AF) translation of the text:
Book of the Watchers 6:1
(1 When the sons of men had multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born to them. And the Watchers, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another, “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the daughters of men, and let us beget children for ourselves.”)
Book of the Watchers 7:1-2
(These and all the others with them took for themselves wives from among them such as they chose…and they conceived from them and bore to them great giants.)
This version is consistent with the account from Genesis, although rather than calling these “extraterrestrial” beings the “sons of God”, they were called “Watchers, the sons of heaven”. The term “Watcher” is a mysterious Biblical term associated with beings of “extraterrestrial” origin. Consider the following example of such a being from the book of Daniel:
KJV(King James Version):
Daniel 4:13
(13 I saw in the visions of my head… a Watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.)
In this account Daniel saw a man of extraterrestrial origin that was both a Watcher and a holy man, suggesting that the two are not mutually exclusive. As we see from the account in the Book of Enoch, the Watchers associated with the book of Genesis were definitely not holy men. In both accounts, the hybrid offspring of the watchers and the daughters of men become a new race of beings(giants).
Let’s continue to explore the account of these mysterious “Watchers” as related to the Book of Enoch.
When the leader of the Watchers first saw the daughters of men, he lusted after them and wanted to pursue them. Nevertheless, he knew that doing so would be breaking the commandments of God, commandments he was obviously familiar with. The following is taken from the (AF) translation and reads as follows:
Book of the Watchers 6:3-7; 8:1-2,4
(And Shemihazah, their chief [leader of the Watchers], said to them, “I fear that you will not want to do this deed, and I alone shall be guilty of a great sin.” And they answered him and said, “Let us all swear an oath, and let us all bind one another with a curse, that none of us turn back from this counsel until we fulfill it and do this deed.”
They all swore together and bound one another with a curse. And they were, all of them, two hundred, who descended in the days of Jared [Enoch’s Father] onto the peak of Mount Hermon. And they called the mountain “Hermon” because they swore and bound one another with a curse on it.
And these are the names of their chiefs: Shemihazah-this one was their leader; Arteqoph, second to him; Remashel, third to him; Kokabel, fourth to him; Armumahel, fifth to him; Ramel, sixth to him; Daniel, seventh to him; Ziqel, eighth to him; Baraqel, ninth to him; Asael, tenth to him; Hermani, eleventh to him; Matarel, twelfth to him; Ananel, thirteenth to him; Setawel, fourteenth to him; Samshiel, fifteenth to him; Sahriel, sixteenth to him; Tummiel, seventeenth to him; Turiel, eighteenth to him; Yamiel, nineteenth to him; Yehadiel, twentieth to him. These are their chiefs of tens.
Asael taught men to make swords of iron and weapons and shields and breastplates and every instrument of war.
He showed them metals of the earth and how they should work gold to fashion it suitably, and concerning silver, to fashion it for bracelets and ornaments for women. And he showed them concerning antimony and eye paint and all manner of precious stones and dyes. And the sons of men made them for themselves and for their daughters, and [the Watchers] transgressed and led the holy ones astray. And there was much godlessness on the earth, and they made their ways desolate. And as men were perishing, the cry went up to heaven.)
In this account, two-hundred extraterrestrial men happen upon earth and seeing the beauty of the women entered into a secret combination to sin. These took wives of the daughters of men and began teaching the posterity of Adam and Eve science previously unknown. Apparently, these sciences afforded men and women newfound freedoms. Instead of living by the sweat of their brows, they were no longer worried about where their next meals were coming from.
Because of these off-world visitors, their civilization jumped ahead from an agrarian-based society to one closer to modern times. They started to rely on technology rather than God and they had newfound time throughout the day to sin and transgress against God even more. The record describes their communities as “godless”, and wiled and violent, as men began to perish at the hand of these developments. The deceased raised their voices up to heaven as a witness against the Watchers. Below is an account of the Lord’s response to it:
Book of the Watchers 9:4-11; 10:1-3
(You are the God of gods and Lord of lords and King of kings and God of the ages.
And the throne of your glory (exists) for every generation of the generations that are from of old. For you have made all things and have authority over all. And all things are manifest and uncovered before you, and you see all things, and there is nothing that can be hidden from you.
You see what Asael has done, who has taught all iniquity on the earth, and has revealed the eternal mysteries that are in heaven, and the whole earth is filled with iniquity.
And now look, the daughters of men have borne sons from them, giants, half-breeds. And the whole earth is filled with iniquity. And now look, the spirits of the souls of the men who have died make suit,
and their groan has come up to the gates of heaven, and it comes forth from the presence of the iniquities that have come upon the earth. You know all things before they happen, and you see these things and you permit them, and you do not tell us what we ought to do to them with regard to these things.
Then the Most High declared, and the Great Holy One spoke. And he sent to the son of Lamech, saying, “Go to Noah and say to him in my name, ‘Hide yourself.’
And reveal to him that the end is coming, that the whole earth will perish; and tell him that a deluge is about to come on the whole earth and destroy everything on the earth. Teach the righteous one what he should do, the son of Lamech how he may preserve himself alive and escape forever.)
Book of the Watchers 10:15-16; 7
(Destroy all the spirits of the half-breeds and the sons of the watchers, because they have wronged men. Destroy all perversity from the face of the earth, and let every wicked deed be gone… And heal the earth, which the watchers have desolated; and announce the healing of the earth, that the plague may be healed,
and all the sons of men may not perish because of the mystery that the watchers told and taught their sons.)
These 200 extraterrestrial men came to earth in the days of Jared(Enoch’s father) and lived for well over 1,000+ years corrupting the earth before the flood. Satan was able to use these Watchers to destroy mankind far faster than would have otherwise been possible. That’s why before the earth was destroyed, Enoch was commanded to gather up all the righteous in a place that was eventually lifted up to heaven. After this point, there was literally no righteousness on the earth besides Noah and his family.
Because of the Watcher’s deeds, the Lord sent Enoch unto them, not to call them to repentance, but to pronounce upon them their fate. The following is the message God gave Enoch to deliver:
Book of the Watchers 12:4-6; 13:1-3
(Enoch, righteous scribe, go and say to the watchers of heaven—who forsook the highest heaven, the sanctuary of the eternal station, and defiled themselves with women. As the sons of earth do, so they did and took wives for themselves. And they worked great desolation on the earth—
You will have no peace or forgiveness. And concerning their sons, in whom they rejoice—The slaughter of their beloved ones they will see, and over the destruction of their sons they will lament and make perpetual petition, and they will have no mercy or peace.
And, Enoch, go and say to Asael, You will have no peace. A great sentence has gone forth against you, to bind you. You will have no relief or petition, because of the unrighteous deeds that you revealed,
and because of all the godless deeds and the unrighteousness and the sin that you revealed to humans. Then I went and spoke to all of them together. And they were all afraid, and trembling and fear seized them.)
This curse is profoundly sad. It suggests that these 200 Watchers knew full well what they were doing. They forsook the glory that might have been theirs, which was the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, for their burning lust for the daughters of men. For this to be the case, these men would have had to, at one point, both known and lived the fullness of the gospel. All the Father had was theirs, or could have been, but in their explorations, they happened upon an isolated planet and a crime of opportunity. In doing so they traded their birthright for a mess of porridge. They were elect and now they had become the sons of perdition and will be cast out to outer darkness.
3. The Nephilim
After knowing who the “sons of God” or “the Watchers” are and their full story, we know that the Nephilim were giants and were descendants of “the Watchers” and the daughters of men. The Nephilim corrupted the earth which eventually led to the flood and the reason for the flood.
This is all the information I will address right now. I will probably do a part two, so be looking for that.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
If you want more, I’m going to give you some additional food for thought from Noah here at WeLoveTrump as we have also covered this topic extensively before.
It’s so important everyone be informed and educated on this before the great deception hits!
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