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Why Was There A Goat At The Queen’s Funeral?


Many users on Twitter noticed something that was bizarre about the Queen’s funeral procession and that was the fact that a goat was leading it!

During the third day of the Queen’s funeral procession, a Shenkin goat wearing a strange uniform led Welsh soldiers at a ceremony in Cardiff, Wales.

Many users on the internet automatically associated the goat as being symbolic of the Baphomet which is a deity that is worshipped by the occult that resembles a goat.

However many historians have come out and said the goat is a mascot for the Royal Welsh regiment and is meant to bring “good luck”.

Vogue had these details to share:

Horses aren’t the only animal associated with Queen Elizabeth that are playing a role in the public mourning period and Charles’s ascension to the throne.

In Cardiff, Wales, the Royal Welsh regiment held a formal ceremony acknowledging the passing of the monarch and the appointment of a new one. Their official mascot, Shenkin the goat, took part in the proceedings.

Mother Jones added these details about how the goat gained notoriety:

The royal goat tradition dates back to the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Bunker Hill (1775), when a wild goat purportedly led a group of Welsh soldiers from the battlefield. Yes, this irks the Bostonian in me. But we wound up securing our independence, the goat’s intervention notwithstanding. I can forgive the goat his indiscretion.

Now, the military goats are selected from a herd that lives in Llandudno, Wales, descended from a flock which was said to be a gift from the Shah of Persia to Queen Victoria. Goat selection is apparently an intensive process, requiring the devotion of a full-time Goat Major who trains the kid.

But the Goat is just the tip of the iceberg…

There were a TON more Masonic symbols.

Let’s start here:

FOLLOW UP: The Masonic Burial Of The Queen

Yesterday I brought you a huge report on the Royal Family and their evil, Masonic connections.

We went DEEP.

I will post that full report below in case you missed it, but right now I want to do an important follow up…because we were dead on right!

And watching the Queen’s burial today proved it.

No, I didn’t “watch”.

I never tune in to the Royals and all their nonsense.

I don’t understand people who do.

But I did walk by a couple TVs that had it on and then I saw coverage online later and immediately a couple things jumped out at me…

If you know your Masonic symbols that they love to use over and over, they probably jumped out to you too.

The most obvious was the black and white checkered floor:

How about that…

Now let me ask you this: from a design standpoint, is that really the floor you’re going with for this historic and grand cathedral?

Black and white diamond checkered?

Looks like a kitchen from the 1950s…

But they LOVE the white and black checkerboard.

Many of you picked up on it too, and here is a great explanation of what the symbol means to them:

Behold…the Queen of the Masons being laid to rest on top of a giant masonic floor:

You’ll find this EXACT same floor in Masonic lodges all over the world.

In fact, it’s required:

Hidden in plain sight:

For all the world to see.

Reports say 5.5 BILLION people (or about 60% of the entire world’s population) tuned in to watch this Masonic Ritual…..errrrrr, I mean burial ceremony.

Just look at that picture above…

If I told you this was a screenshot from the movie Eyes Wide Shut, depicting some horribly evil satanic ceremony, you’d probably believe me!

Nope, it was just the Queen’s burial.

Dripping with evil symbolism and ritual.

Oh, but it wasn’t just the floor.

Nope, that would be way too simple.

These people plan big.

The floor and the room are situated in the form of an Inverted Cross (mocking Jesus) and guess what sits at the very center of the Inverted Cross?

Oh that would be where they lowered the casket:

One thing that greatly encouraged me was seeing all of you picking up on this before I even covered it!

Here’s another person who’s wide awake and spotted it:

And in case you think those images are fake or altered, you would be wrong.

Here is a post from the Government of Brazil showing the exact same image:

And if you want video, I have that too.

Watch it here (note even in the thumbnail image below, see the candles?  Those are mean to symbolize the Masonic Pillars that are also found in every temple…it’s all here for the world to see, hidden in plain sight):

I do love what this guy posted…

Very wise words here:

Well said Friar, well said.

And now if you want the rest of my report from last night, I have that for you here.

There is so much more to see here…be sure to educate yourself.


EXPOSED: Is The Royal Family ALL Freemasons?

I’ve had many people ask me to cover this, and I wanted to take the time to do my homework.

But now I’m ready.

I think we all instinctively knew the answer, but I wanted to be able to show you.

Are the Royals all Freemasons?

I’ll let you decide.

Let’s dig in…

Let’s start here, with the famous Masonic symbol of one hand inside the jacket:

A very common, well-known Masonic symbol.

And here’s Charles:

Oh right, I get it, they just have one hand that constantly gets cold?


Then we have the Masonic “Grand Lodge” of England literally telling you the Queen was a Mason:

Many believe Simpsons creator Matt Groening is a 33rd Degree Mason.

I don’t know, but I do know it’s eerie how often they seem to predict world events in advance:

If you ask me, Mason all look like a bunch of DORKS!

Shall we go back in time a bit next?

Here is King George VI, once again featured by the Grand Lodge of England.

King George was a “Grand Master”.

And just look at all those Masonic symbols he’s wearing…

The medallion at his belly is the most well-known Masonic symbol, very clearly seen:


It goes back centuries!

These people worship the dark arts.

Moving across the pond, I was disturbed to see this from the firebrand himself, Matt Gaetz:

Not surprised to see this, but wow…

Here is LeBum James doing a black-magik incantation before his game.

Let’s count all the moves…

The point up.

The triangle hands.

The 666 hands.

It’s all in there, along with whatever that weird swimming motion is:

I’ll say it again:




And make no mistake, the Masons are not just good people trying to help their communities…

Sorry folks.

This is the ancient Babylonian pagan religion:

Even Pacquiao?

Sad to see this one:Als

Laurel and Hardy, which only people over 60 even know who they were…

Hope it was worth it boys:

And of course the Queen, AGAIN being honored by the Grand Lodge of England:

They’re telling you point blank she’s Masonic.

Or was.

One more:

And you gotta love this…

Look how they even have a goat lead the procession:

The goat is of course the symbol of Satan, if you didn’t know.

Any other good reason to put a goat out there?


If you want to know more truth about the Masons, keep reading….I love to EXPOSE them:

Here’s Why Christianity Is TOTALLY Incompatible With The Freemasons!

I’ve been publishing a lot about the Freemasons recently….and not everyone likes it.

I know it ruffles some of your feathers.

Some of you who had a grandfather in the Masons or perhaps you yourself were in the Eastern Star.

Sorry, but I don’t answer to popular opinion…I answer to truth.  God’s truth.

And God’s truth says Christianity and Masonry are 100% incompatible!

Like oil and water!

Watch this new video from Rumble which shows just how deceptive the Masons are and how their teachings and rituals directly contradict Christian teaching:

Want more?

Good, I’ve got a LOT more!

Have you ever seen a bigger group or D-O-R-K-S in your life than this:

Grange over Sands' Barry Saunders, third from the left, has been installed as master of the Arthur John Brogden Lodge of Freemasons, he was joined by senior masonic figure Phil Gardner, on his right.


Look, losers….playing dress up with your robes and sceptors and your stupid hats is something you should have grown out of when you turned 9.

Oh, in case you haven’t figured out yet by this point in the article, I have absolutely no intention of apologizing for my comments.

In fact, we’re gonna dig in and I’ll explain to you why the Masons are straight from the pit of hell.

Actually, I am going to make one middle ground comment here at the very beginning.

MOST Masons are good people.

Yes, I said it.

MOST Masons have no idea what is going on.

MOST Masons who only get to the first couple of degrees and just treat it as a social fraternity and think they are doing good in their community have no idea about what the Masons truly stand for.

It’s kind of like the FBI…

We all know the top of the FBI is rotten as hell, but there are a lot of good men and women in the lower ranks doing their jobs with honor and service to America.

Such is the case with the Masons.

So to everyone who wrote me and said “my dad was in the Masons and he’s a great person” or some variation of that email, I get it.

But that EXACTLY their plan.

Their plan is to infiltrate every city across America and make it look like it’s such a good and noble organization.

Who could have a problem with the Shriner’s Hospital, right?

It’s just like the Bible says about Satan….”he masquerades as an Angel of Light.”

That’s the Masons.

NATIONAL SURVEY: Do You Trust The Freemasons?

On the surface they want you to think they are Christian, but when you dig in you realize it’s just surface level stuff….and whole lot of other esoteric and pagan CRAP is mixed in.

They frequently reference the Bible but NEVER Jesus.

That’s a major red flag!

Oh, and in case you had any doubt about just how much they have infiltrated society, have you seen this?

Just a coincidence, I’m sure.


Ever wonder about the “G” in their logo?

From Collector’s Weekly:

Dating to 18th-century London, Freemasonry is one of the oldest of these operating fraternal orders, although the group’s mythology claims it is rooted in the building of King Solomon’s Temple around 966 B.C. Like many similar groups, the Masons were borne out of a British craft guild, wherein stone layers learned the tricks of the trade.

“The concept of freemasonry, which taught architecture and geometry, goes back thousands of years,” Lettelier says. “The Greek temples, the pyramids in Egypt, you name it—none of that could have been built without a knowledge of mathematics. So whenever you see the square and compass with the letter G in the center, that stands for God or sacred Geometry.

Spoiler alert….when you get to the top 33 degree of Masonry, you find out the “God” is really Satan!

That’s why they have no problem saying “God” all the time, it just means something very different to them.

Oh and “sacred Geometry”….if that phrase alone doesn’t tell you something is very off with these people, nothing will.

Nowhere in the Bible does it ever refer to “sacred Geometry”….in fact, the whole phrase and idea is highly blasphemous.

More of their imagery:

Note the triangle is always very prevalent.

The skull and bones.

The single “all seeing” eye.

The white and black floor.

The two pillars.

The white/black, light and dark, “as above, so below” imagery is always prevalent.

Can’t you just tell looking at this image something is very “off” about it?  Something demonic?

If you have discernment you can.

Always the white and black checkered floor, a prevalent Masonic symbol:

From Occult World, I don’t agree with the Catholics on some things and I really do not like their Pope but they got this right:

The Catholic Church takes the structure of Freemasonry very seriously, forbidding membership by any Catholic. The Vatican issued its first papal condemnation in 1738, decreeing excommunication for any Catholic Freemason. Many Catholics were originally Masons, including Vatican prelates, and church officials often turned a blind eye, especially in England. The Greek Orthodox Church condemned Masonry in 1933 as a heathen mystery religion. Stephen Knight, author of Operative Masonry, claimed that during the ritual for the Holy Royal Arch candidates learn the secret name of God—Jahbulon: Jah for Yahweh, Bul for the Canaanite fertility god Baal, and On for Osiris. Such references, he contended, proved devil worship.

Freemasonry, as well as Rosicrucianism, received a boost in popularity with the 2003 international bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code. Author Dan Brown ties Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry to the legends of the so-called Priory of Sion, a secret order descended from the lost Knights Templar, to prove that Mary Magdalene is the real holy grail.

Do you see how they always blend together some idea from Christianity with something Pagan?

The “secret name” of God is a mix of Yahweh and Baal?  Really?  Blasphemous to the highest degree!

Because some of us are visual learners, I want to show you some videos by a guy who has done an absolutely fantastic job on YouTube exposing the Freemasons.

To everyone who emailed me and told me to “do my research” about the Masons, I have and here you go.

Seriously, these are very good, please watch:

And here is Obama pushing Freemasonry….

What more do you need to know?

Yes, all the groups are bad.

The Freemasons, the Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters, The DeMolay….

Again, it’s just like how Satan has many different names, isn’t it?

These groups have dozens of names, but all one evil root.

This next video addresses the people who say “I was in the Masons and nothing bad ever happened” or “a relative of mine was a Mason and he was a good person.”

Probably true!

But watch:

And an in-depth investigation.

You want research?

Watch this:

And because those may likely get deleted off YouTube, I’ve made a backup.

Watch them all here safely on Rumble:

But I want to know what you think.

You’ve made it all the way to the end, what do you say?

Are the Masons just good parts of our society or a demonic organization?

NATIONAL SURVEY: Do You Trust The Freemasons?

And if you want to learn more about what the Masonic symbols mean and how to spot them, read this:

UPDATE: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Ever wonder why there’s a pyramid with the top cut off on every U.S. dollar bill?

Or why famous people constantly cover one eye?

Or why they love to pose with their right hand inside their jacket?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about…let me give you an intro right here.

Four examples.

Really simple.

You’re going to see the same signs over and over and over in these 4 pictures.

The signs include:

  • The “OK” symbol, which also just happens to create a 6-6-6
  • Covering the mouth (as in, secret society)
  • Shhh finger over the mouth (same)
  • Two fingers or “V” (symbol for Satan)
  • Tongue out (an homage to the Snake from Genesis)
  • Covering one eye or closing one eye (a very weird gesture repeated incessantly by the Elites — a call out to the “All Seeing Eye” of Horus)
  • One hand inside the jacket

Many times you will see two or more symbols combined at once.

Take a look:


But we’re just getting warmed up…

Sure, some of it could be coincidence, but after a while you have to wise up and realize perhaps they don’t all just love winking and sticking one hand inside their jacket…

Perhaps it’s intentional?

Perhaps it’s sending a message?

Because who does that?

WHY would you do that?

Symbolism will be their downfall.

And yes, that’s exactly what it was:

Another angle, still shot:

Oh, Tulsi….is that you?

And then we have the Devil Horns….

Oh wait, I forgot, these people are all just big Texas Longhorn fans, right?

And covering the one eye:

And here’s Jacko doing the one eye:

Who poses like that?

I mean, unless….it’s a sign and symbol.

And sadly here is Tom Hanks doing a bunch of “one eye” poses.

Because this is normal?

So sad to see “Hanx” is a part of this garbage:

 And whatever the hell this is:

And how about Disney?

They above all else are STEEPED in these Satanic ritual symbols…

Here’s just a few:

We’ve covered this topic many times before, so if you want more check out these articles where we dive deep:

DNC and RNC Logos Exposed….Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

And this:

Are Russian Airstrikes Targeting U.S. Bio-Weapons Labs in Ukraine?

And this:

WE INVESTIGATE: Suddenly The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Makes a LOT More Sense….

And of course this:

Adrenachrome “Black Eye Club” Finally Exposed In Detail…

And speaking of the Royals and evil, have you seen this?

Why Is "King" Charles Talking About The Antichrist?

Well, this is certainly disturbing!

I need to show you a new clip from when "King" Charles was Prince Charles.

This is from last year.

It's Charles at a Climate Change event (of course) but he suddenly starts talking about something VERY strange.

He suddenly starts talking about a person who has trillions of dollars at "his" disposal...

He says this person will be above and beyond all governments...

And that "he" is the only person who can solve our problems.

Charles never names who "he" is, but when you connect all those dots it appears fairly obvious that whoever "he" is (when his identity is revealed) will also be who the Bible describes as the Antichrist.

Listen for yourself right here:

Backup video here:

And here's the full clip:

Oh, and here he is telling us all how we're in the "last hour"...

As in, the last chapters of Revelation?

These people are pure evil:

Many are asking if Charles himself is the Antichrist:

Others are pointing out all the connections:

More on that here:

Whoever the Antichrist ends up being, there is no doubt the death of the Queen has end-times significance:

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Here is one more backup of Charles talking about the Antichrist:



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