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SUNDAY MESSAGE: The Art Of Waiting On And Ministering To The LORD


Happy Sunday!

As we like to do each week around here, we’re bringing you a wonderful Gospel message.

We to this to encourage, to teach, to build up and to inspire you!

Today we’re bringing you another double-feature…

First up, is our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman with a wonderful message about waiting on the LORD and ministering to the LORD.

Great topic, right?

Anyone feel like we’ve been waiting on a lot of things for a long time?

Me too.

Pastor Robb explains how to do it faithfully.

Here’s what he had to say:

Happy Sunday to everyone here on We Love Trump!

The Lord is so good to give us all another day and especially Another day to worship and honor the Lord. We are called to put Him 1st in every area of our lives. Today’s message is titled, the Art of Waiting on &  Ministering to the Lord.

In today’s message we will go through many old and new covenant scriptures to share with you how to define your time in the Lord’s presence.

The Lord is always very faithful to reveal His secrets to those that are willing to come apart and enter into his presence.

I will teach you today how to deploy this precious art of waiting on and ministering to the Lord.

I pray that the Lord will cause you to be enveloped by his glorious presence as you learn how to come up to a higher place where Christ now dwells!

May you be blessed in a supernatural way through this message and may the Lord cause you to walk in His abundant blessings. 

Pastor Robb Goodman, Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship.

God bless each and everyone of you.

If you want to contact Pastor Robb, you can email him at Zionfreedomfellowship (at)

Please enjoy:

And then I have a bonus for you too…

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Since the topics were related, I bring you Pastor Dan Mohler, who teaches on how to Endure to the End.

How to not let the circumstances around us define who we are.

This is pure gold folks.

Please enjoy this second offering in our Double Feature today:

Hope you enjoyed those!

And I hope they encouraged you.


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