It’s one thing to be a fool and push something in ignorance…
However, it’s another thing entirely for the medical establishment and the officials to push something on people that they knew was harmful and came with its fair share of issues.
According to Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, the medical establishment knew that mRNA vaccines posed potentially deadly risks and came, part and parcel, with a slew of adverse side effects.
The worst part of her allegations?
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Dr. Vliet says these negative side effects have been detailed in studies going as far back as 15 years—they had nearly 2 decades of data indicating all of the problems.
Here’s more on the story:
Adverse Effects of mRNA Vaccines Were Known Before COVID-19
Complications and adverse reactions occurring after administering mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been anticipated by doctors based on data and studies going back 15…@RobEh Truth Twitter Locals
— Robert Armstrong 🇨🇦 🏴 🇩🇰 🇬🇧 (@RobEh) September 16, 2022
There is no ethical case for mRNA injections of healthy children who are not at risk of serious illness or death from Covid but who may suffer serious adverse effects (however rare – not yet known how rare) and in the absence of mid/long term safety data
All Risk : No Benefit
— Anthony Sargeant (@tonyjsargeant) April 7, 2022
Dr. Vliet told The Epoch Times in a recent interview:
“Over the first six months after the rollout of COVID-19 shots, I had a whole gamut of patients with all kinds of problems they had not had before,” she said, adding that the only common denominator of these cases was that they all had the COVID-19 vaccines.
“Most of these people are people that have been my patients for 20 or 25 years. I even have some that I’ve seen for 30 years. And I knew their medical history,” she said.
There is one very clear differentiation: safety. Novavax is much more safer, no cardiovascular related adverse effects like mRNA vaccines have. It just take time to people realize this when health officers keep pushing more mRNA with known side effects. Confirmed RWD doesn't lie.
— Janne Uurinmäki (@JUurinmaki) September 9, 2022
Really shit experts then aren't they. Let me help point them in the right direction. Try research these, and see what you can piece together: myocarditis; experimental MRNA "vaccine". Adverse effects.
That should get you in the ball park!— Damo (@schenker_moore) September 16, 2022
The Daily Record reports:
Heart attacks are becoming increasingly more common in women under 50 and medical experts can’t figure out why.
John Hopkins Medicine reports that while rates of the condition has fallen among older adults, researchers were shocked to find they have risen among those aged 35-54, especially women.
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