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CDC Admits Post-‘Vaccine’ Myocarditis Risks Labeled Misinformation Are Legitimate


Anyone who raised concerns about myocarditis following the COVID-19 shots was labeled a conspiracy theorist and censored on social media.

Your crime was spreading ‘COVID misinformation.’

“When reports first surfaced in 2021 that some cases of myocarditis — the inflammation of the heart muscle, potentially leading to blood clots and heart attack or stroke — were potentially associated with the Covid-19 vaccine, the corporate media and its fact-checkers were quick to label them as misinformation, saying the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh its small risks,” The Federalist wrote.

Despite numerous papers and case studies indicating warning signs, mainstream media and Big Tech pushed the ‘safe and effective’ narrative.

Israel Finds Probable Link Between Experimental Pfizer COVID-19 Jab and Myocarditis, Mainly in Young Men

NEW STUDY: Hong Kong Data Shows SIGNIFICANT Increased Risk of Acute Myocarditis/Pericarditis in Adolescent Males Following Comirnaty COVID-19 Jab

Preprint Study Shows Increased Risk of Myocarditis Following Sequential COVID-19 Injections; Strongest Association in Males Under 40

All the warnings signs were clear.

However, doctors and scientists who warned the public about the risks associated with the COVID-19 shots faced a vicious smear campaign.

A year later, the media can no longer hide the association between the experimental shots and myocarditis.

“Last year’s misinformation on vaccine-associated myocarditis in young men is this year’s well-established fact," Matt Shapiro wrote on his substack.

There were several shocking charts and statistics within the slides, but a notable one is this chart, which noted that the incidence of myocarditis among young men in response to the vaccine is much higher than previously reported.

*Image from Marginally Compelling*

This, in and of itself, is astonishing. The rates of dose 2 myocarditis are 3-5 times higher for young men than what the CDC was reporting this time last year. For comparison, this is what was presented in the ACIP meeting this time last year.

*Image from Marginally Compelling*

But what is even more astonishing is that the latest CDC data on myocarditis is almost perfectly in line with the study on vaccine-associated myocarditis first published by Tracy Høeg, Allison Kruf, Josh Stevenson, and John Mandrola almost exactly a year ago.

This study was a canary in the coal mine in the debate about whether or not the COVID vaccine should be recommended for young men. With rates of myocarditis this high and the severity of COVID as low as it is for this age group, the case in favor of the vaccine for this age group is not strong. These results are why countries across Europe suspended the Moderna vaccine for men under 30.

The Federalist added:

The doctors reported a rate of 94 cases of “cardiac adverse events” per million for 16-17-year-old males and 162 per million for 12-15-year-old males. While this is compatible with the latest CDC study, the corporate media and its fact-checkers labeled it misinformation when it was published last year.

Following the Hoeg study’s publication, the British Medical Journal claimed critics called the study “deeply flawed” and said it delivered “an antivaccine message.” PolitiFact reported that posts about myocarditis risk on Facebook “were flagged as part” of the platform’s “efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.” Big Tech used these so-called fact-checks to censor good-faith Americans, dissenting medical experts, and even lawmakers who questioned the CDC’s vaccinations-for-all narrative.

For example, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., was labeled “fundamentally dangerous” in his efforts to let Americans discuss adverse reactions they experienced after receiving Covid shots. The Wisconsin senator’s YouTube channel was also temporarily suspended in November 2021 — for the fifth time — after posting “a video of a panel on vaccine-related injuries” that was deemed “Covid misinformation.” Yet adverse effects do occur, as even the CDC has acknowledged, including the aforementioned vaccine-associated myocarditis.


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