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UPDATE: Up to 50 Trump Supporters Raided by FBI


Steve Bannon dropped a huge bombshell on Charlie Kirk’s show yesterday when he said 35 new raids occurred — Thursday alone — of senior Trump allies.

BREAKING: 35 Senior Trump Allies Raided By The FBI Yesterday!

Bannon: “The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.”

“I'm breaking the news right here on your show,” Bannon said.

Steve Bannon: You saw from the demonic speech that Biden gave in Philadelphia that this is a dying regime. That was a primal scream. And here what they’re trying to do, no matter who it is whether Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. There were 35 FBI raids last night. Right. And there’s another grand jury coming together on January 6th, the Washington Post reported it. THIRTY-FIVE Senior Members of MAGA! of Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that the FBI rolled in on. When they didn’t need to do it. Right? All these people have lawyers. The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.

Watch it here:

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon went on with Tucker Carlson Friday night to discuss the mass FBI raids on Trump supporters.

Harmeet told Tucker that up to 50 Trump supporters may be involved in these raids.

At least one liberal reporter received word of the FBI raids before they took place.

Harmeet Dhillon: The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed… This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.

Watch via Rumble:

This is an update of an article we originally posted yesterday when the number was only 35.

Here are the details from yesterday, in case you missed that:

BREAKING: 35 Senior Trump Allies Raided By The FBI Yesterday!

Heads up folks, this is not getting NEARLY the attention it deserves.

Steve Bannon dropped a huge bombshell this morning on Charlie Kirk's show when he said 35 new raids occurred -- yesterday alone -- of senior Trump allies.

In other words, the Gestapo was in full force!

Charlie Kirk looks stunned as he hears the news and has to ask Bannon to repeat it.

"Im breaking the news right here on your show," Bannon replies.

Watch it here:

Others also reported:

This is correct:

Very clear now...

Then the confirmations started coming in...

It's true:

Here are more details from TimCast:

Steve Bannon, the former aide to President Donald Trump and host of WarRoom, claims that at least 35 allies of the former president had their homes raided by the FBI on Thursday.

Bannon announced the raids during an appearance on the Charlie Kirk Show on Real America’s Voice.

Lawyer and First Amendment expert Harmeet Dhillon also confirmed that Trump allies she knows were raided.

“There were 35 FBI raids last night,” Bannon said. “And there’s another grand jury coming together on January 6th, the Washington Post reported it. THIRTY-FIVE Senior Members of MAGA, Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that the FBI rolled in on.”

Bannon noted that all of the people who were raided have lawyers that the agency could have contacted.

“They didn’t need to do it. Right? All these people have lawyers. The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this,” Bannon said.

After Kirk tweeted out the news, Dhillon replied, “can confirm this happened to many Trump allies I know as well.”

Neither Dhillon nor Bannon named any of the people who were allegedly raided.

Bannon was indicted for fraud in New York earlier this week for his role in “We Build the Wall,” which he had been pardoned by Trump for on his last day in office.

A pardon only applies for federal charges, not charges brought by state prosecutors.

Bannon has been accused of keeping one million dollars from a viral fundraising effort to build a wall along the southern border. The effort, called “We Build the Wall,” raised over $25 million. The federal case had alleged he defrauded donors and used the money for personal expenses.

This is getting very scary folks!

Did Biden order it?

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Of course, no comment from the RINOs:

Backup video here:


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