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Dr. Oz Exposed: Admits He Would Not Have Supported Trump!


It appears that Dr. Oz is an absolute fraud.

Big surprise, right?

In a recent news conference, Oz admitted two very important things.

Number one, he admitted that he would not have objected to the certification of the 2020 election.

“I would not have objected to it,” Oz said in regards to the election results.

Secondly, Oz claimed that he wouldn’t have tried to impeach President Trump, but only because he was already leaving office:

“I would not have voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. I think the President was already leaving office by then.”

What kind of cheap answer is that?..

This guy comes off as the biggest phony of all.

Newsmax shared the turncoat Dr. Oz’s comments:

“I would not have objected to it,” Oz said of the official election results. “By the time the delegates and those reports were sent to the U.S. Senate, our job was to approve it, which is what I would have done.”

Oz later clarified that he did not see a reason for affirming the Democratic-controlled House’s impeachment, which would have removed Trump from office, for the then-president’s actions in and around the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“I would not have voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. I think the President was already leaving office by then,” Oz said.

See for yourself:

The Hill also reported on Oz’s comments:

Asked at a press conference if he would have objected to the certification of the election results, Oz said that it is the job of the Senate to approve the Electoral College vote and that, had he been in the Senate at the time, he would have done so.

“I would not have objected to it,” Oz said. “By the time the delegates and those reports were sent to the U.S. Senate, our job was to approve it, which is what I would have done.”




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