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TOP STORY: Mark Taylor Is Back!



I am so excited to bring you this one…

One of the first people we ever interviewed and one of the first prophetic voices we ever covered here at WeLoveTrump and the DailyTruthReport was Mark Taylor.

I’m sure almost all of you know Mark or have heard of him.

But for those of you who haven’t, let me fill you in a bit…

Mark is a retired firefighter who began getting prophetic words VERY early on about Donald Trump becoming a President.

It was 2011 when he first started telling people that God told him Donald Trump would become President of the United States.

At that point, Donald Trump was best known for his golden hair and being a reality TV star on The Apprentice.

In fact, it was when he was watching Donald Trump on TV that God first started to tell him: “You’re hearing the voice of a President.”

Taylor was mocked and ridiculed by many when he started telling people what God had told him, even as late as 2015.

Remember when President Trump announced he was running?

Everyone laughed.

And they kept laughing even as he gradually defeated each of his 17 challengers one by one.

But Taylor stood firm, he knew what God had told him.

You all know the end of that story.

Then God told Taylor that Trump would indeed serve a second term and Taylor has stood firm on that ever since!

Even when it hasn’t looked so good (like right now)…

But you see, that’s how the prophetic works.

Are you willing to put out a word and stand by it even when it looks impossible in the natural?

Mark is.

And has.

We last spoke to Mark over a year ago or perhaps close to two years ago.

He doesn’t do a lot of interviews any more and it took a while to finally track him down, but we eventually connected again and Mark was very gracious to come back on my show.

I’m so glad he did because we had a great interview and it’s already receiving tons of wonderful comments from everyone watching.

I just posted it a while ago, and it’s already been viewed over 10,000 times and that’s only on Rumble!

Mark is almost universally banned on YouTube so I’m not going to even bother uploading it over there.

Have to watch on Rumble!  And why not — let’s support the platforms that support us!

We covered a LOT in this interview, jamming a ton into just 60 minutes.

We covered the Heavenly Trump horse race, which if you missed it I have more details here:

“Heavenly Trump” Wins Thanks To An “Act of God”! [Video Fixed]

Oh, and the video links are fixed after they all suddenly disappeared.

VERY strange!

But they're back now.

Then we covered the multiple lightning strikes and what it means, as well as the destruction of many Masonic and Demonic statues and sites.

Then we talked about Trump's second term (spoiler alert: Mark isn't backing down) and when we will see two more Supreme Court justices removed/retired.

We wrapped up by talking about the prophetic and how to know which voices to listen to.

Out of everything, that last one is probably getting the biggest response.

More on that down below the video...

Ok, without further delay, please enjoy this one!

Watch it safely here on Rumble:

If you want to follow my show and not miss any future emails, you can follow the Daily Truth Report here:

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🔥 Here's the channel he mentioned on Telegram for SIU 👉

And here's how to find Mark Taylor.

There are a lot of imposters out there, especially on Telegram trying to profit off Mark's likeness.

Mark's official website is here:

And his official Telegram account is this one:

So there you go!

Oh, and before I wrap this up, I'm getting the same question over and over about which "prophet" I no longer follow, that I mentioned in the interview.

I didn't want to mention the name in the interview because it wasn't the time or place, but I have been very public in the past about why I stopped following Hank Kunneman.

So I've copied that article below.

It contains the FULL explanation of why I stopped following Hank and why it was a difficult decision.

I used to love listening to Hank and posting his videos but after this event last year involving Mr. 3-Star, I could no longer feel right in my conscience continuing to do so.

As the spiritual authority over that event, Hank had an obligation to address the issue -- even after the event -- but he never would.

So if he refuses to say he doesn't support what happened, then I have to assume he must be ok with it and (channeling my best Shark Tank impression) for THAT reason, I'm out.

All the details in the article (plus you can read all the comments and see some of the vicious anger I received after making my decision):

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

But I'd love to hear what you think....

Please leave a comment down below.

And tell me this....👇

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Trust In God To Work a MIRACLE For President Trump and America?


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Hey, Noah here!

Wondering where we went?

Read this and bookmark our new site!

See you over there!

Thanks for sharing!