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The Takedown Of Donald Trump Is IMMINENT…


Friends, I have bad news.

You don’t come here for sugarcoating…

You come here for the News and insight that only we can bring you.



And that goes for even when it’s bad news.

And I’m afraid I see some very bad news out there tonight.

Joe Biden’s speech he just gave had every feeling of a dictator going after his political opponent with the full force of the state.

In other words, the takedown of Donald Trump by Joe Biden.



A Roger Stone style raid?


It will all be as FAKE and PHONY as the Biden “Presidency” but make no mistake they are laying the groundwork now.

Nothing else they’ve done has worked and this won’t either…but it won’t stop them from trying what they think is the last card they have left.

Here is the pure crap Biden is posting on his Twitter tonight as he delivers a historically evil speech:

Now read that one again…

MAGA stands for Make America Great Again!

The peaceful people who did not riot and burn down cities in the summer of 2020, who only want to see our country strong and prosperous….THESE are the people Joe Biden says are a threat to the “very soul of this country”.

Tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it?


Good news is no one is siding with Biden:

Tucker nailed it:

This guy is clinical:

Perhaps dementia?

Why does it look like he’s giving a speech directly out of some dystopian 1984 future?


Even our good friend Bill O’Reilly weighed in:


Now…back to the title of the article.

Everything you saw tonight was pretense to the takedown.

It’s coming.

And it’s not just me saying it.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

AMTV has been doing some excellent reporting recently and he nailed this one.

Please watch here as he explains EXACTLY what is coming next:





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