America’s most untrusted doctor, Anthony Fauci, is attempting to flee the scene of one of the biggest crimes in American history.
The fake news media may still be trying to cover for him, but others are prepared to hold his feet to the fire for his crimes.
Megyn Kelly went ‘Scorched Earth’ on Fauci in the opening monologue of her podcast.
While discussing Fauci’s claim that he’ll “consider” testifying before the Congressional Oversight Committee over the pandemic response, Megyn was very candid with her reaction:
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“F**k you, Dr. Fauci! You don’t get to say whether you’ll go. You get a congressional subpoena, you show up, or you get the Steve Bannon treatment!”
Good on Megyn Kelly for not mincing any words here.
She’s exactly correct in what she’s saying.
Fauci thinks he can dictate to everyone, but he’s going to find out the hard way that he can’t.
Republicans like Senator Rand Paul and others are echoing a similar sentiment to what Megyn Kelly had to say.
Here’s Megyn Kelly going off on Fauci:
Megyn Kelly goes SCORCHED EARTH on Fauci after he tries to FLEE from Congressional investigations:
"F**k you, Dr. Fauci!… You get a Congressional subpoena. You show up or you get the Steve Bannon treatment"
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 25, 2022
"F*** you, Fauci!": Megyn Kelly unleashes unyielding 🔥 on Fauci after he pooh-poohs congressional investigations
— Not the Bee (@Not_the_Bee) August 25, 2022
Not the Bee shared some of Kelly’s other comments on Fauci:
But Fauci’s biggest lie was told under oath when he testified before Congress that his group at the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan, China. The kind that experiments on bat coronavirus to try to make them more lethal or more transmissible in humans.
Fauci has been protected from the flames for two years by powerful allies. How much longer do you think they’ll keep protecting him as anger like this keeps growing?
Fricasseed Fauci: Megyn Kelly Gives a Master Class in Cooking as She Deep-Fries 'Dr. Integrity'
— RedState (@RedState) August 25, 2022
Megyn had plenty more to say about Fauci’s retirement
Red State has more on her reaction:
“We should pray this guy never gets near another grant or health group again in his life. He has destroyed the trust in public health. His decisions have hurt countless numbers of people. He did it all while posing on magazine covers and celebrating himself and his outsized ego while our kids were muzzled — and missed years of school — as we all missed funerals and weddings and the chance to say goodbye to loved ones on their death beds. And we did, indeed, suffer irreparable harm, sir — whether you care to admit it or not. Good riddance, Dr. Fauci. You are not truth, and you will not be missed.”
Fauci, for his part, still thinks he’s calling the shots.
This is evident by him claiming he’ll “consider” testifying.
Fauci thinks he's calling the shots.
— Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) August 24, 2022
Here is the clip Megyn Kelly was reacting to..
While speaking to CNN, Fauci said that he’ll consider testifying at the oversight under one condition.
That condition is that it is a “dignified oversight” and they don’t attack his character.
Start at the 4:37 mark for Fauci’s comments:
The reaction from many in the GOP is unanimous.
They don’t really care what Fauci believes will happen.
They also don’t care about his retirement.
he still will have to answer for his crimes.
It's no coincidence that Dr. Fauci just announced that he will resign from the government in December, which is right after Republicans will take back the House and immediately plan oversight into our pandemic response and his funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab
— Mercedes Schlapp (@mercedesschlapp) August 22, 2022
Fauci’s resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak.
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) August 22, 2022
Dems refused to hold a single hearing on COVID origins and gain-of-function funding.
That changes when we take the majority.
Good thing Fauci will now have lots of time to testify about what he knew about the Wuhan lab and his bad guidance that kept schools/businesses closed.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) August 22, 2022
When House Republicans take back control of the majority, Dr. Fauci will finally have to testify under oath what he knew about the Wuhan lab and the misguided advice that led to unconstitutional mandates.
Democrats refused to hold Fauci accountable, but we will.
— Congressman Ben Cline (@RepBenCline) August 23, 2022
Dr. Fauci’s resignation will not save him from investigation when Republicans take control in January.
We must establish a Select Committee on the origins of COVID-19, the Wuhan lab, & subpoena Fauci to testify under oath.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) August 22, 2022
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