The truth ALWAYS comes out eventually.
The CDC very quietly updated their COVID-19 guidance for unvaccinated Americans.
It seems that they’re now ready to treat them just like everyone else.
The guidance walks back a number of draconian restrictions including quarantine protocols and screening.
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The CDC now says that guidance is the same for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans.
In a nutshell, the CDC has finally admitted that the vaccine does nothing.
They are very late to the party…
I used to trust and look to the CDC for all sorts of epidemiological guidance and information across a wide array of diseases.
But NO LONGER! The CDC has gone from bad to criminal under the Biden administration. 🤨😠
— Daniel F. Baranowski (@DFBHarvard) August 14, 2022
The Epoch Times reported on the sudden change:
The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidance is the agency acknowledging it was wrong in the past to downplay natural immunity and promote unprecedented policies like asymptomatic testing, a California epidemiologist says.
The new guidance, released on Aug. 11, rescinds and alters a number of key recommendations, including treating unvaccinated and vaccinated people differently for many purposes, explicitly stating that people with previous infection have protection against severe illness, and removing six-foot social distancing advice.
“The CDC is admitting it was wrong here, although they won’t put it in those words,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times.
“What they’ll say is that, well, ‘the population is more immunized now, has more natural immunity now, and now is the time—the science has changed.’”
It has become abundantly clear that Americans are no longer willing to sacrifice their liberty for a false sense of "safety."
So naturally, the CDC is changing its "guidance."
It was always about following the politics, not science.
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) August 11, 2022
CDC walk-back of COVID guidance vindicates legal challenges to mandates, lawyers say | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) August 15, 2022
This walk-back by the CDC vindicates all the legal challenges against the mandates over the last several years according to Just the News:
The New Civil Liberties Alliance expects that defendants in its active natural-immunity challenges to vaccine mandates will argue the lawsuits are moot because of the new CDC guidance.
“However, because we argued that their constitutional rights were already violated, and we are seeking recognition of that going forward, the courts should not dismiss the appeals (or cases still pending in lower courts) on mootness grounds,” attorney Jenin Younes wrote in an email.
At least four NCLA cases are implicated, she said: against Michigan State University’s employee mandate and Rhode Island’s healthcare worker mandate, and class-actions for federal employees and federal contractors.
One of the clients in NCLA’s dismissed Big Tech censorship lawsuit, which is seeking reinstatement, greeted the feds’ belated about-face on natural immunity with scorn.
Millions of workers, students and others lost jobs, took unwanted jabs and faced exclusion “from everyday life activities and basic medical care” because of “a differentiation that the CDC now admits does not make sense,” attorney Michael Senger wrote.
Attorney R. Davis Younts, who successfully represented a Navy lieutenant in a mandate challenge this spring, told Just the News the new guidance won’t change military mandates “but absolutely should … because the whole justification for denying religious accommodation [requests] is that there’s no safe alternative to the vaccine.”
It’s great that the CDC suddenly discovered what most of us already knew..
This was of course never about the “science” as they claimed.
It was 100% politically motivated.
This CDC guidance also finally acknowledges — after over two years of absurdity — that most covid guidance has been total bullshit. And that the covid shot is totally worthless.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) August 11, 2022
New CDC COVID guidance is now the same for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people…
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 12, 2022
In light of the CDC's updated COVID guidance, I'm calling on every California school district that still has a mask mandate to end it immediately.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) August 12, 2022
By the terms of the CDC’s guidance, there is also zero justification for any school or college to exclude or segregate based on vaccination status. This retrograde era of discrimination must end.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) August 12, 2022
New CDC guidance is final proof, that these vaccines do not offer any protection against spread!
Also they finally say that asymptomatic testing is not recommended.— Ben (@USMortality) August 11, 2022
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