Timothy Dixon has not been shy about posting prophetic warnings to Nancy Pelosi.
She has ignored each one.
His most recent video is not a warning but a prophetic word of judgment being rendered.
Spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well for Nancy according to this prophetic judgment.
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There’s a lot in here, and I have to confess I skip the guitar part.
But there’s a lot in the message that I had to listen to twice to get it all down.
One part especially jumped out at me, and he goes over it kind of quick so you might miss it if you’re not paying attention.
He says a big story is going to break soon from Thailand where a “fallen Angel” will be discovered and it will be all over the news.
Oh, you don’t say….as it Genesis 6:4?
We’ve reported on this for 5 years and this is shaping up to be one more of those things we were mocked for when we first started reporting….until it turns out to be TRUE!
If you’re not up to speed on Genesis 6:4 and the Nephilim and End-Times, it might be time to do some crash studying!
Here are several articles we’ve written over the years on the topic so you’re ready when this becomes front page news:
Who Were the “Sons of God” from Genesis 6:4? Three Theories.
DISCLOSURE Is Coming: Why It Has Everything To Do With Christianity — Matthew 24:24
WARNING: A Crisis of Faith Is Coming: Are You Ready? [From Noah]
Oh, and it's not just us...
Robin Bullock has covered it recently too:
Robin Bullock Talks Aliens and Warns of the Coming Great Deception
Ok, that was a bit of a detour, but very important.
Now back to Timothy Dixon's message, which I have for you below.
Please enjoy and share and tag Nancy Pelosi in this article:
And here is a backup on Rumble if that gets taken down:
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