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Here Are The RINOs Who Voted To Ban ‘Assault’ Weapons


I am happy to report that this isn’t a list…

House Democrats narrowly passed a bill that seeks to ban ‘assault-style’ weapons by a 217-213 vote. Needless to say, this bill is dead on arrival in the Senate.

Only two members of the GOP voted with Democrats…

Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Chris Jacobs—a representative from New York. It’s sad, but I honestly expected way more RINOs to pile onto this one.

However, what I find really interesting is what this move signals about the state of the Democratic Party—they’re desperate.

So desperate that they’re championing bills they know will never pass just to get some last virtue signaling in ahead of the 2022 midterm election

Here’s more on the story:

CNN had more:

While the legislation is not expected to amass the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster in the Senate, many Democrats in the House cited a string of recent mass shootings involving such firearms as a pressing reason to outlaw them.


Pelosi states via ABC News:

“Our nation has watched in unspeakable horror as assault weapons have been used in massacre after massacre in communities across the country,” she said on the floor during debate on the bill.

“And disturbingly, so many of these mass shootings have targeted our precious children, in our schools, at the movies, at the malls and throughout our communities.”


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