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Are You Ready For The Coming Great Deception? It’s Almost Here!


HEADS UP FOLKS — this is coming soon.

It goes by many names….


“The Great Deception”


Did I lose you yet?

I hope not, because this may be the most important article I have ever written.

Actually, I wonder if God has given me this large platform for the sole reason of getting out this message….of protecting against Christians being deceived by what is coming.

Yes, it’s that important.

So I will use my platform to get the word out, and I so appreciate Pastor John Kilpatrick for doing the same thing.

You actually might recognize his name or his face from a few years ago.

Back in 2019, he delivered this POWERFUL message about Witchcraft and attacks on President Trump: had more details from the 2019 message:

An Alabama pastor asked his congregation on Sunday to pray against the witchcraft that he said is attacking President Donald Trump, and the sermon is getting a lot of attention on social media.

“It’s time to pray for the president,” said Pastor John A. Kilpatrick, who founded the Church of His Presence in Daphne in 2006.

Kilpatrick quoted 2 Kings 9:22, which attributes witchcraft to Jezebel. “When Elijah faced Jezebel, he was facing witchcraft,” Kilpatrick said.

“What’s happening right now in America, is witchcraft’s trying to take this country over,” he said. “It’s witchcraft that’s trying to take America back over.”

A video of the sermon that highlights the mention of witchcraft against Trump has more than 100,000 views on social media. The entire sermon can be viewed on the church’s web site.

Kilpatrick, an Assemblies of God minister, is best known for being pastor of the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola when it hosted the Brownsville Revival, also known as the “Pensacola Outpouring.” More than four million people attended the Christian revival from 1995-2000. Kilpatrick left Brownsville in 2003 and started his own ministry. The Assemblies of God is a Pentecostal denomination with about 3 million U.S. adherents and 64 million worldwide that believes in the modern-day spiritual gifts of healing, prophecy and speaking in tongues. Church of His Presence is affiliated with the Assemblies of God.

“I am not being political, but I don’t see how President Trump bears up under it,” Kilpatrick said in his sermon. “He is as strong as I’ve ever seen a man be. But here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me last night and what He said for me to tell you. He said, ‘Tell the church that so far, Trump has been dealing with Ahab. But Jezebel’s fixing to step out from the shadows.’ That’s what the Lord said to me.

“He said, ‘Pray for him now, because he said there’s about to be a shift, and the Deep State is about to manifest, and it’s going to be a showdown like you can’t believe.’ So, I’m coming to you as a prophet, as a man of God, and I’m telling you, it’s time to pray for the president.”

The congregation applauded.

“Witchcraft was in full control and witchcraft was what knocked Elijah out of his position, took him out of power,” Kilpatrick said. “Oh my God. I heard the Lord say there’s going to be an attempt to take him out of power. Let’s stand and pray right now.”

He then began speaking in tongues, and added, “We’ve got to pray for this man.”

He spoke in tongues more, and shouted out, “God make him bold, make him strong! Preserve him, Holy Spirit! Keep him, Holy Spirit! Preserve him, Holy Spirit! Don’t let him lose his voice! Make him stronger than ever, Holy Spirit! Let no weapon be formed against him that will knock him out of power. Strengthen him, Lord! It’s time to pray, church. I believe our nation is in the balances.”

Kilpatrick, in an interview with today, said he voted for Trump in 2016 but said he’s not a Republican. “I’m an Independent,” he said. “There’s so much about the Republican party that’s offensive now. Both parties nauseate me. It’s not a Democrat thing, or a Republican thing. Trump has his faults. I don’t believe he’s a man of God. But he may be God’s man for this time. He’s a strong person. Maybe the Lord has risen him up to keep American from sliding further. He’s a flawed man, just like anybody else. He’s trying to reverse things in America.”

That’s the message he was trying to convey in the biblical analogy for Trump, he said.

“This president has been under pressure, in an Ahab-like situation,” Kilpatrick said. “When you graduate up to the main power broker, that’s Jezebel. I really do feel this way. His greatest attack is yet to come. It’s all a culmination.”

He wasn’t talking about a specific person who is a witch, he said.

“It’s not a witch after him, it’s a spirit of witchcraft trying to muzzle him,” Kilpatrick said.

Kilpatrick said he was not trying to tie in to Trump’s frequent complaint of a “witch hunt” in the special investigation into Russian meddling in the election.

“He calls it a witch hunt,” Kilpatrick said. “I didn’t put those together. It’s just a spirit of witchcraft. I’d say the source of it is evil. It’s manipulative, it’s controlling, it has its own agenda. I think it’s just a strong spirit of manipulation and control that doesn’t want to give it up.”

But what am I talking about today?

Today I’m talking about the coming Great Deception described in the Bible.

It’s 2 2 Thessalonians 2

11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

And Matthew 24:24:

24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

The Bible talks about a coming “Great Deception” that will be so strong and so powerful and so convincing that even Christians will be tempted to be deceived by it.

I believe I may have been given this platform for the sole purpose of getting this message out to make sure everyone is ready and not deceived.

So let’s cut to the chase, what is the Great Deception?

Simply put, they will try to claim that “Aliens” created this world eons ago, and now they’ve come back to “save us”.

Seem far out?

It’s not.

First, on the secular side, one of President Trump’s final actions as President was declaring that a report on UFOs must be produced disclosing the truth to all Americans.

In fact, just today Deadline reported that report may come as early as next week:

From Deadline:

Finally, the truth may be out there.

The director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense are expected to present an unclassified report to Congress on UFOs in June, with speculation that the eagerly anticipated report could arrive as early as this Tuesday, June 1.

The report from the Director of National Intelligence will be compiled from heretofore classified military files. The focus will be on whether the decades-long rash of experiences and contacts by fighter and commercial pilots, warships and other sources with unexplained phenomena constitute a threat to the US.

The answers contained in the forthcoming report are unlikely to conclude that highly advanced extraterrestrials are the cause, although the report may not entirely rule them out, creating in effect a “soft disclosure.”

In the last year, a trove of US Defense Department videos have appeared. In one released last year, three black-and-white videos taken by Navy aviators showed UFOs in action, with the pilots astonished comments left intact.

In August, the Pentagon formed a task force “to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security. In December of 2020, US Senator Marco Rubio asked for a formal investigation. His request called for an unclassified report on everything government agencies know about UFOs within six months.

Rubio explained his reasoning on TV’s 60 Minutes. “I want us to take it seriously and have a process to take it seriously. I want us to have a process to analyze the data every time it comes in. There [should] be a place where this is cataloged and constantly analyzed until we get some answers. Maybe it has a very simple answer. Maybe it doesn’t.”

From a Biblical perspective, let’s go to Genesis 6:4 and you’ll see this is actually directly in the Bible.

I’ve actually written about this extensively over at my sister site, LivingGospelDaily.

Please read these three articles for MUCH more on that topic:

Disclosure Is VERY Close, Look At This

Who Were the “Sons of God” from Genesis 6:4? Three Theories

DISCLOSURE Is Coming: Why It Has Everything To Do With Christianity — Matthew 24:24

As you can see, I’ve been sounding the alarm since 2018….

But now others are jumping on board.

We truly seem to be on the cusp of something historic….and very scary if you’re not prepared.

I really like Pastor John Kilpatrick and I applaud him for giving an entire message on this topic.

I urge you to please watch the full message here:

And because that will almost certainly get banned within a day or so, I have a backup.

You can watch it here safely on Rumble:

To dig in even deeper, you need to read these:

Disclosure Is VERY Close, Look At This

Who Were the “Sons of God” from Genesis 6:4? Three Theories

DISCLOSURE Is Coming: Why It Has Everything To Do With Christianity — Matthew 24:24


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