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Biden May Call for National ‘Climate Emergency’ to Unilaterally Push Through “Build Back Better”


Last week, moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) refused to sign onto the pro-globalist ‘Build Back Better’ economic agenda, citing its climate and energy programs as well as its raising of taxes on wealthy Americans.

Manchin essentially destroyed Biden’s “ambitious climate agenda,” which aimed to be “the largest single federal investment in American history toward addressing the toll of climate change,” the New York Times reported.

“Without action by Congress, it will be impossible to meet Mr. Biden’s goal of cutting U.S. emissions roughly in half by the end of this decade,” the Times noted.


“That target was aimed at keeping the planet to stabilize the climate at about 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming compared to preindustrial levels.”

In other words, Sen. Joe Manchin prevented this complete scam from advancing in the legislature.

‘Build Back Better’ would bankrupt the country and further enrich the globalist elites off the backs of hard-working Americans.

Biden’s agenda to destroy America’s energy sector and its accompanying jobs will be closer to realization with the passage of the economic package.

But don’t think the bill’s inability to advance through Congress will deter Biden from acting like a dictator and bypassing elected representatives.

“Biden is considering declaring a national climate emergency as soon as this week as he seeks to salvage his environmental agenda in the wake of stalled talks on Capitol Hill, according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations,” the Washington Post reported.

If an emergency is invoked, it could empower the Biden administration in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and foster cleaner energy.

In anticipation of a potential announcement, Biden is set to travel to Somerset, Mass., to deliver a speech on climate change on Wednesday. The president intends to speak on “tackling the climate crisis and seizing the opportunity of a clean energy future to create jobs and lower costs for families,” the White House announced Tuesday morning.

Two of the individuals with knowledge of the discussions said also they expect the president to announce a slew of additional actions aimed at curbing planet-warming emissions. The exact scope and timing of any announcements remain in flux.

“The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will,” a White House official, who requested anonymity to describe the deliberations, said in a statement late Monday. “We are considering all options and no decision has been made.”

Breitbart added:

Likewise, top White House economic adviser Jared Bernstein told reporters on Monday the president would work “aggressively fight to attack climate change.”

“I think realistically there is a lot he can do and there is a lot he will do,” Bernstein said.

Other Democratic senators have called on the president to take more forceful action to address their pet issue of climate change, even though the latest polls show most Americans are primarily concerned with inflation and economic woes.

“This is an important moment. There is probably nothing more important for our nation and our world than for the United States to drive a bold, energetic transition in its energy economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) told reporters on Monday.


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