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Even This Top Obama Official Is Pressuring Biden About 2024 Re-Election Bid


Joe Biden is already the oldest person to serve in the White House.

Given his frequent mental lapses and apparent physical frailty, there is increasing concern among Democrats regarding whether he is fit to seek another term.

Furthermore, the economic doldrums currently plaguing the United States have kept Biden’s approval rating particularly low.

Now, even former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is weighing in by applying pressure on Biden to make a decision about his political future “sooner rather than later.”

Johnson served in the Obama administration when Biden was vice president.

According to Fox News:

“Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Johnson about how Biden has felt disrespected by the Democratic Party. Todd said that Biden feels as though the party has “never really given me respect,” and asked Johnson if the president had a point.

“In a sense, yes,” Johnson said. “I don’t know that, and this is just instinct, I don’t know that Joe Biden has definitively made up his mind to run in 2024. I’m sure at some point he’s going to have that conversation with his family. My advice would be unconventional. If you’re not running, make that announcement sooner rather than later.”

“It opens the flood gates,” Todd noted.

Johnson said it would allow others to “get organized” and it would give potential Democrats time to prepare. “Do the opposite of what Donald Trump is going to do, which is to keep us all in suspense till the last minute.”

Of course, Biden’s re-election decision has been a popular topic of debate on social media for some time.

In particular, many prominent leftists are urging him to drop out of the running.

For his part, Biden is apparently pretty annoyed by the constant speculation.

As the Daily Mail reported:

President Joe Biden and his top aides are ‘irritated’ by the cold reception his expected 2024 re-election bid has received from fellow Democrats and the media, a new report suggests on Monday.

Biden, who would be 81 years old when he ran for office a second time, has faced a mountain of discussions about potential primary challengers compared to other first-term president this early in office.

Lawmakers within the president’s own party have been hesitant to get behind him at this point. Earlier this month, firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to say she would back a Biden 2024 campaign during an interview on CNN.

In the following clip, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens explains why Biden shouldn’t run for re-election:


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