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Amidst Recent Violent Attacks Against Pro-Life Centers, Kathy Hochul Calls Pro-Lifers ‘Neanderthals’


How many times do democrats need to insult voters before they learn that it isn’t a winning formula?

Hillary Clinton should have provided the best lesson of that when she called more than half the country “deplorables” ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Apparently, New York governor Kathy Hochul didn’t get the memo.

Not only did she just resort to petty name-calling against voters.

She used language that increased rhetoric against pro-lifers when she called them “Neanderthals.”

“This is the United States of America, where freedom and liberty are supposed to mean something,” the unelected New York governor proclaimed.

“It’s the rock upon which we were founded. It is supposed to mean something. Except in the eyes of some Neanderthals who say, women are not entitled to those rights.”

These comments come as several pro-life pregnancy centers have recently been vandalized and attacked, including one in Buffalo that was firebombed.

Our friends at the Daily Wire have more on Hochul’s derogatory comments towards pro-lifers:

Following a slew of violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is inexplicably amping up the rhetoric against pro-lifers, calling them “neanderthals.”

Hochul on Monday signed legislation to boost abortion “rights” and “empower” abortion providers in the Empire State.

“This is the United States of America, where freedom and liberty are supposed to mean something,” the Democrat said. “It’s the rock upon which we were founded. It is supposed to mean something. Except in the eyes of some neanderthals who say, women are not entitled to those rights.”

Strong words from a woman who wasn’t even elected to her position.

Hochul made the comments after signing several bills protecting abortion providers.

The Post Millennial has more:

Unelected New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul on Monday signed a package of bills into law protecting abortion providers in the state ahead of an expected Supreme Court ruling as soon as Wednesday that could overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

Hochul said at a press conference at Cooper Union in Manhattan, “The sky is on the verge of falling, literally, in the next week or two that is a very real possibility. And that’s why we’re here today.”

She continued, “This is the United States of America, where freedom and liberty are supposed to mean something It’s the rock upon which we are founded … except in the eyes of some neanderthals who say women are not entitled those rights.”

The party of “love and tolerance” strikes again.








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