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CDC ADMITS Boosted Americans Testing Positive for COVID-19 More Than Those Without Extra Shot


Reported news from the CDC itself:

People with the COVID-19 booster shot are testing positive more often than those without the shot.

In other words, you’d be better off without the shot than with it.

That’s not from us or some tin-foil hat madman on the internet.

That’s from the CDC.

You can take a raw look at the data here: Rates of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Vaccination Status.

According to the CDC:

  • 119 out of 100,000 boosted tested positive
  • 56 out of 100,000 non-boosted tested positive

We were told to trust the science, but now it appears that they didn’t know what they were talking about.

So why were they trying to mandate this vaccine in the first place?

More details below:

This is part of the reason why so many people were against mandatory vaccine mandates.

People have a right to make their own medical choices and risks.

According to the McClatchy Washington Bureau:

Since late February, Americans who have gotten a booster shot appear to be testing positive for COVID-19 more often than those vaccinated without the extra shot, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

This is based on numbers up until the week of April 23, which is the most recently released CDC data comparing case rates of those boosted, vaccinated and unvaccinated against the coronavirus. Ultimately, the numbers, which are updated monthly, showed those unvaccinated had the highest case rates overall.

Meanwhile, about 119 out of 100,000 boosted individuals tested positive for COVID-19 during the week of April 23, according to CDC data. In comparison, 56 out of 100,000 individuals vaccinated with only a primary series tested positive.

But why are the case rates higher for boosted individuals than for those vaccinated without a booster?

Dr. Sheela Shenoi, an infectious disease doctor and assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine, told McClatchy News over the phone that “there’s no biological reason that people who have had (the vaccine) and boosters are going to be at increased risk for COVID.”

Did you catch that?

This has been going on since February.

This is nothing new.

This isn’t a new discovery.

But only now… nearly half a year later… we’re finally finding out the truth.

What else aren’t they telling us?

This news comes as multiple high profile people are testing positive after receiving the booster.

The latest is Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania.

This was his second time getting COVID.

Per CBS Pittsburgh:

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tested positive for COVID-19 Monday.

The governor said his symptoms are mild and he’ll isolate at home according to CDC guidelines.

“I’m grateful that I recently got my second vaccine booster,” Wolf tweeted.

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Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey wished Wolf a “quick and speedy recovery.”

“Sending best wishes to him and his family as he heals,” Gainey said in a tweet.

How does that make you feel about Dr. Fauci now?

What about Biden and all the other “advisors” around him?

How is it that this administration appears to be so behind the ball on everything?

The American people deserve the truth – and they deserve it now!


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