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(WATCH) Florida Sheriff Blasts Uvalde Police Response, Warns Potential School Shooters: ‘We’ll Shoot You Graveyard Dead’


Polk County Florida Sheriff Grady Judd condemned the inaction of law enforcement in Uvalde, Texas.

Judd said that unlike there, potential school shooters in his county will be shot on sight.

He reiterated that the hour the shooter was allowed to continue his massacre inside the school was “unacceptable” and that it left him “mortified” and “heartbroken.”

“If you come to a school in this county armed, we’re going to do our best through either our guardians, our school resource officers, [or] our school resource deputies sheriffs to eliminate the threat outside of the school before they ever get to the children,” he said.


“When you take your children to school healthy and well in the morning, you have every right and expectation to receive them back in the afternoon in the same healthy state,” the sheriff told Spectrum News.

He then held up a picture of a deputy pointing a gun.

“This is the last thing you’ll see before we put a bullet through your head if you’re trying to hurt our children. We are going to shoot you graveyard dead if you come onto a campus, with a gun, threatening our children or shooting at us.”

Judd said too many school districts and law enforcement agencies across the country aren’t equipped to handle a school shooting.

The sheriff said that “if they’re shooting at us, they’re not shooting at the children. Now, we don’t want to be shot either, but given the choice of being shot and killed on the ground or there’s children dying — we’ll die every time.”

Watch the press conference below:


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