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Lightfoot Comes Unhinged, Calls Reporter “Stupid” for Asking her to Rescind Violent ‘Call to Arms’ Tweet


Democrats are liars, and they are hypocrites.

Sure, everyone already knows that.

We still need to call it out every single time it happens.

Lori Lightfoot is the worst of the whole bunch.

Despite the wave of violence and death that has occurred in Chicago under her leadership, Lightfoot has no remorse.

In fact, she’s openly stoked the flames of hatred and division, having recently put out a ‘call to arms’ tweet against the U.S. Supreme Court

When asked by a reporter if she’d rescind the tweet given the recent wave of violence in Chicago, Lightfoot instead became unhinged, and called the reporter “stupid” for asking.

She then began yelling at the reporter, and then she and her staff accused him of being disrespectful.

I’ve never seen somebody project as much as the disgraced Chicago mayor does here..

See for yourself:

Here is the tweet, which Lightfoot was called out by many over earlier this month:

The Blaze has more on the testy exchange:

“You went to Texas to a gay and lesbian fundraiser, okay? I’ve talked to the taxpayers, the voters, the citizens of Chicago, mostly black and brown, they say that they resent that,” the reporter continued. “Will you recall, rescind your violent tweet, to call to arms?”

“Let him talk. The more he talks, the more stupid he sounds,” she interrupted again.

“Will you rescind your ‘call to arms’ tweet in the light … in the light of the mass shooting in downtown Chicago, as stupid as you think that may be?” he added.

“So let me just deconstruct the series of lies that you just spewed, as you do every time you come to one of our press conferences,” Lightfoot responded.

News Finale has more on Lightfoot’s meltdown:

She then launched into a lame defense of her “call to arms” tweet, stating she wouldn’t back down as though the reporter was demanding she stop talking about the draft majority SCOTUS opinion (he wasn’t).

“Somehow, the call to arms, the call to action that I issued, in the context of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and basically turn back the clock 50 years time where women are not gonna be able to be in control of their bodies,” she told him, calling his characterization “a lie.”

She went on to say, “No sir, I will not stand down, I will not retreat, because women in this country are not gonna stand for some unelected body to tell us that we don’t have the right to control the circumstances and the when and where in which we produce our children!”

Moments later she threatened to have him thrown out, and in the video you can see a handler trying to nudge the reporter to move on but he wouldn’t. Instead, he sat there and continued to take footage of the moment as Lightfoot told him he was “full of crap” before threatening to get the police to escort him out.


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