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Here’s Why There Is No Reason To Worry About Judge Cooper In The Sussmann Trial


Have you seen a lot of people concerned about Judge Cooper in the Sussmann trial?

Judge Cooper reportedly has several ties to Page, Strzok, Garland and other far-lefties.

Even President Trump posted this alarm:

But I have good news for you that I hope puts everyone at ease…

I myself was beginning to get worried and feel like the “fix was in” yet again, until I read this from Brian Cates on Telegram.

Brian Cates does excellent work and I recommend you give him a Follow if you’re not already connected to him.

Cates points out some really key information, namely that none of this is a surprise…

It was all known last September when Durham was offered the chance to get rid of the Judge and Durham said it was fine for him to stay.

Read this:

Folks, that means only 1 of 2 things…

One, Cates is right and Durham is NOT WORRIED in the slightest.

Durham has this thing firmly under control and not even a corrupt judge could sway it.  Or perhaps the White Hats have already secured the situation.  Either way, Option One is Durham is in full control and ready to prevail.

Option Two is that Durham is compromised himself and let a corrupt judge stay in place.

I am on “Team Option One” but I’d actually love to know what you think!


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