It seems that the longer Democrats stay in power the more outrageous the headlines become. You can say a lot of things about the Left but being boring is not one of them. It also seems that in the face of a global pandemic, skyrocketing inflation and food shortages that they still know how to have a good time.
Their latest effort is to streamline the process of getting liquor off the shelves and into their bloodstream as quickly as possible. After striking a deal with their new Capitol Hill caterer, Sodexo, lawmakers are now able to have alcohol delivered straight to their office.
1) The filibuster is fine. But liquor is quicker.
Fox has learned that lawmakers and aides can now order beer, wine and hard liquor directly to their offices.
This is through the new caterer on the House side of Capitol Hill, Sodexo.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 13, 2022
The Daily Wire gives us the play by play:
Members of the House of Representatives may now order beer, wine, and spirits and have them delivered directly to their offices, a new development that could help lubricate those late-night budget negotiations. The perk is courtesy of Capitol Hill’s new caterer, hospitality services giant Sodexo, and was first reported by Fox News Channel’s Chad Pergram.
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Despite minor annoyances vying for their attention like increased fuel costs and the threat of violence against Supreme Court Justices, it’s good lawmakers are able to figure out ways to improve the quality of their own lives. After all, isn’t leading all about enjoyment?
How are these lawmakers going to pay for all this booze? Turns out we are. In a surprise kicker, the rules regarding this new perk allow for them to use taxpayer funds and campaign funds.
2) Wine and beer was often available at catered receptions on Capitol Hill. But now booze can go directly to a Member’s office.
And, they can order in bulk.
Fox is told that this can be paid with private money or a campaign funds.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 13, 2022
But don’t worry! They get discounts for buying in bulk. Check out the sign!:
Pelosi is opening a liquor store in the House where Members can buy alcohol with their taxpayer-funded MRAs.
All while Americans are struggling to pay for food? Outrageous.
— Rep. Austin Scott (@AustinScottGA08) May 13, 2022
Here’s a glimpse into how much the going rate of booze is at the Capitol building:
A “Drinks on Demand” page on Sodexo’s House of Representatives site offers “bulk orders” for drinks “by the case.” Spirits brands such as Tito’s vodka, Jack Daniels whiskey, Johnnie Walker scotch and more are available for prices ranging from $16 to $35 per bottle. Beer, which can only be purchased by the case, ranges from $25 for a 24-pack of Busch for the thrifty lawmaker to $50 for a case of Red Bear 51st State Hazy IPA.
That’s just for the cheap stuff. Let’s get into the more refined genre of wine.
But when it comes to wine, the possibilities surge. Various brands in each category of Cabernet, Chardonnay, Malbec, Merlot, Rose, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, and Riesling for lawmakers out of touch with their beer-and-a-shot, working-class constituents. But to be fair, the most expensive wine on the menu is just $25 a bottle, and lawmakers can be content to sip Crane Lake Pinot Grigio for just $10 a bottle.
I imagine this is something that Nancy Pelosi and her fellow lawmakers wanted to keep under wraps. But with news getting out, people are expressing their frustration and also their curiosity regarding just how much their reps are consuming.
Will there be some sort of tracker for the total amount purchased by each office? At least for those who pay with campaign money?
— Jose Backer (@BackerJose) May 13, 2022
Work and then go out for alcohol. This is not productivity.
— CP (@cspik) May 13, 2022
Of course amongst all the outrage and calls for accountability, there is humor. After all, to expect anything less from lawmakers is foolish. Besides, it’s fun to poke fun at the drinking habits of the entitled elected elite. Here are some of the greatest hits so far:
I’m taking bets on who the biggest drinkers are! Come get in on this action!
— Logan (@FullStackLogan) May 13, 2022
This was Nancy’s idea, wasn’t it?
— Jason M (@vol1977) May 13, 2022
Getting drunk at work:
— Nico (@nico_w1992) May 13, 2022
There’s a lot more of these kinds of antics happening in Washington. They mine as well drink it up now, some of them won’t get the chance after November.
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