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Sen. Hawley Takes Disney Fight to the Federal Level


You don’t have to reside in Florida to know that Governor Desantis has been on a crusade to protect the children of his state. His latest effort has been to reign in the political activism of the Walt Disney Corporation that has sworn to support education that would expose children still in elementary school to gender studies and sex education.

Startling, considering it is a company founded on entertaining children.

Through legislation, Desantis has stripped Disney of it’s special tax exemptions and the ability to act as it’s own independent township. This man is not messing around.

The governor’s actions have established the first real line of accountability against the media and entertainment giant. He keeps on winning.

It seem that there are other politicians that want to step into the fight against Disney’s agenda. The most prominent comes on the federal level. Senator Josh Hawley, considered by many to be a conservative firebrand has started working on an agenda that would hit Disney where it hurts the most. It’s intellectual property protections.

Trending Politics has more on this story:

Disney has since lost billions in stock value as conservative consumers stop buying its products and fearful investors sell its shares.

And now Sen. Josh Hawley, one of the best MAGA populists in the Senate, is introducing a bill that would end Disney’s time of special privileges at the federal level by letting the woke company’s copyright protection finally lapse.

This would be catastrophic for Disney who has already lost billions in stock value since the battle in Florida began. The cornerstone of their business is not in their parks but the intellectual property rights they hold for their characters.

That’s a big deal: since the mouse became famous, Disney has received copyright protection, with Congress extending the time period during which a copyright can last so that Disney’s material never becomes public use. In fact, thanks to the old law, known to some as the “Mickey Mouse Protection Act,” Congress has extended copyrights to corporations for up to 120 years, protecting all Disney has done and making its works far more valuable and profitable.

It is astounding to realize the amount of special privileges Disney has been afforded. Forcing a woke agenda upon the majority of American families who don’t want it was a very poor business decision.

The fact the copyright protection act is nicknamed after the company shows just how much the United States has bent over backwards to accommodate them. That could all end if this legislation passes. And why shouldn’t it? Especially considering the way the company has cozied up to China in furthering their propaganda.

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Since this has been happening, Disney is experiencing it’s biggest drop in stock price in 47 years.

If Senator Hawley is able to push through his plans on the federal level, it could trigger a bankruptcy level event for the Mickey Mouse empire. Check out some of the tweets he’s released on the subject.

The legislation has already been written:

There is support for the measure on the citizen level. Many families and voters are fed up with the aggressive stance Disney has taken on education policy and it’s increasingly vulgar content. Unfortunately there seems to be weak support for it from actual decision makers in Washington.

However whether it gets passed or not isn’t the only measure of these efforts being a success. The fact that actions like these expose the bad practices of companies acting in bad faith means we can finally have talks about true accountability.



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