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Hello friends!

Sorry, that was my best impersonation of Sean over at SGT Report, and I do that in true admiration.

SGT Report is one of the absolute best interview channels out there, and a couple day ago he had a friend of mine on his show — Patty Greer.

I’m proud to say I knew Patty before she started showing up on SGT Report.

I came to know Patty as a result of taking her C60 product (which I love — more on that down below).

I had been hearing a lot about C60 from people like Clif High and others, so I investigated to find the best source and it ended up being Patty’s company.

So we became friends and then recently she started showing up on SGT Report as a guest, and I realized there is SO MUCH more to Patty that I didn’t know about.

She has been deeply researching crop circles and plasma fields for decades and is regarded as one of the most influential people in the space.

Now I know when some of you hear “crop circles” you tune out and think fake — and some are!  But not all.  Not by a long stretch.

These things defy “science” as we know it today and Patty offers tons of fascinating information in her interview with Sean.

Why do I post this?

One, because it’s fascinating!

Two, because we seek out truth here and I believe the “Great Deception” the Bible talks about is coming soon and you need to know what the TRUTH is.

That’s a major mission of this site — to publish the truth.

Three, because I love SGT Report and I love seeing two of my favorites come together in one interview.

Before we jump into the interview, let me give you my take…

I don’t believe in “aliens” but I do believe in the Genesis 6:4 fallen Watcher Angels and the Nephilim they produced.

It’s in the Bible, look it up!

I’ve written about it extensively here:

Who Were the “Sons of God” from Genesis 6:4? Three Theories.

And here:

DISCLOSURE Is Coming: Why It Has Everything To Do With Christianity — Matthew 24:24

So that’s where I come down with this stuff.

I think a lot of it is probably more real than you know, but I don’t necessarily believe the “alien” narrative.

More like dimensional fallen entities, but it IS in your Bible folks.  You just have to read it!  It’s all over the Old Testament!

Patty reaches a similar conclusion (although I don’t mean to speak for her at all).  She explains in the interview that it appears these crop circles are not being made by “aliens” at all, but by someone from the Earth.

Our theories and beliefs line up, or at least overlap and intersect.

So beware when they try to launch Project BlueBeam or whatever other technology they’ll be using for the “Great Deception”….and do not be deceived.

Now allow me to turn it over to Sean and Patty.

Please enjoy here on Rumble (and then scroll down to learn where you can get Patty’s C60 if you’re interested in that):

At the beginning of that interview, Patty talks about C60 and Sean mentions he’s started taking it recently.

I do too.

I’ve been taking it for over a year and I love it.

I’ve even had Chris Burres on my show a couple times to talk about it, so if you want more info let me fill you in right here…

Most people have never heard about C60, but it’s the real deal….that is, if you consider winning a “Nobel Prize” the real deal.

Not a bad thing to have on your resume!

I had Burres on my show a few months ago and I received so many questions for him about C60 that I had to get him back on and go through all of them.

Now is NOT the time to take chances with your health….I think we can all agree on that, right?

So if some of these questions sound familiar, it might be because they came from you!

Before we go to the interview, let me give you a little more background….

First, let me give you my disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you medical advice.  I’m not telling you this is going to treat or cure any condition you have.  I’m just telling you what I have personally experienced. Consult your own doctor before taking any vitamin, mineral, supplement or medicine.

Because I have been taking C60 for over a year now and I love it!

In fact, the only reason I ever connected with Burres in the first place is because I was such a fan of their product that I contacted them and asked if there was any way I could get them on the show!

And they were gracious enough to give their time (twice now) to come on and chat with me.

So let me talk to you for a bit about my personal experience with C60 over the past year and why I think it’s so vital to keeping my immune system at FULL STRENGTH….

C60 is a powerful antioxidant often described as the “perfect carbon molecule”.

It’s an antioxidant that has been measured to be 172x more powerful than Vitamin C!  How about that?

No, it’s not actually “Vitamin C” itself, it just has 172 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C, and that’s a big deal!

That’s like, 172 oranges!

You can’t eat 172 oranges, but you can protect and strengthen your body!

Not only is it an antioxidant, but it’s an anti-viral and an anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory.

I’ll tell you one thing….ever since I saw the Deep State going after Carbon and trying to tax carbon emissions with their Al-Gore Carbon Tax, I immediately knew one thing:  I bet Carbon is actually pretty good for you!

Turns out I was right.

Especially the Carbon-60 “perfect carbon molecule.”

So once I learned more about it, I then set out to find where to buy it from the most reputable company.

I found there are a lot of companies selling C60 that might actually be bad for you and toxic (not fit for human consumption!), so I found the one that has the highest standards and safest, most continually-tested product out there….and that was C60 Evo.

I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and feel amazing so in light of all the health issues plaguing our nation right now, I decided I’d have one of its founders, Chris Burres, back on my show.

We kept this interview a little shorter so listen closely as we move FAST through a ton of details.

If you’re ready to:

👉 Get better, deep and restful sleep….

👉 Have more energy during the day…

👉 Experience less negative effects after drinking alcohol…

👉 Keep your immune system in prime condition…

….then you need to hear this interview.

Watch right here from Rumble:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Backup here on YouTube:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Now….want even more on an immune-boosting health plan?

Look no further than my friend Clif High.

Clif has routinely promoted C60 in the past and here is even more of what he recommends.

Take a look:

If that Tweet gets taken down, here is a screenshot of what he posted:

I’m going to give you my disclaimer once again…..

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor and I don’t practice medicine.

And neither is Clif!

Neither of us is giving you medical advice.  NOTHING in this article is medical advice.



I’m just reporting on what others have said.

But let’s be honest….I think I can probably do better than the “doctors” like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!

You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you’d probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!

So no, I’m not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.

I’m a reporter.

I simply report what I hear and see from others.

To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!

But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin may be highly effective!

If you scroll down, I have links for you.

And let’s consider the worst case scenario…..taking more vitamins is almost never a bad thing, right?

Your body needs them regardless of what virus is floating around out there.

As long as you don’t take too much of the fat-soluble vitamins, it’s almost NEVER a bad thing to give your body more vitamins.

Now let me give you a little more background on Clif and why he’s making these recommendations….

Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:

Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!

Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!

It’s basic advice that was good then and is still good now!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you a link to NAC on Amazon because Amazon banned it.

One of the oldest and most trusted supplements in the bodybuilding industry and Amazon suddenly banned it right now.


So we go with the rest of the list….

First is Glutathione:

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good Liposomal Vitamin C:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup Vitamin D3:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And here is the Zinc Balance:

And we end with C60.

As I mentioned above, I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Not saying it treats or prevents COVID, I’m just saying my experience.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here’s what many people have reported:

C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you’ll get 10% off your order!

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!

No, I’m not promising you won’t get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!

Be smart.

Be safe.

Be healthy!


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