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Local News Reporting “Empty Shelves” At Food Banks — Are You Prepared?


They’re calling it “the perfect storm” for food banks and food pantries.

Inflation is up, donations are down, and more people need food. With schools letting out for summer, many American kids face going hungry, without school breakfast or lunch.

And food prices keep rising.

Food banks serving the poor are seeing empty shelves, just as more people need their services.

Watch this report from San Antonio (transcript of highlights below):

From the video:

Steve Spriester: Scarcity on the shelves and worries about what’s to come – the San Antonio Food Bank says they are bracing for the busiest time of year – and look at these empty shelves. They are especially concerned for kids.”

Myra Arthur:According to the food bank, inflation is causing more people to reach out and ask for help. However, donations of food are down.”

Food bank official: “If you walk through our warehouse, you could almost see from one end to the other through the shelves because it’s mostly empty of the non-perishable food items … the gains that people made in their wages have been eroded. Our numbers are actually up from where they were in December.”

According to this report, food banks are hurting in Florida, too (transcript of highlights below):

From the video:

Anchor: “Food banks and food pantries in our area — they are in a bind right now. Many are running out of the food that they so desperately need to help people… They’re running out of time too.”

Adaure Achumba: “These shelves are normally stacked and filled with all kinds of non perishable food items. But as we head towards the summer months, if they’re not replenished, they’ll stay empty, leaving many families without food.”

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall is warning a “worldwide famine” is coming in the wake of war in Ukraine and rising input prices:

“This will be a worldwide famine. I think it will be even worse next year than this year . . . I think American farmers are doing their best to respond, but we can’t get fertilizer. The fertilizer prices have quadrupled. Diesel food has doubled. So many of the fertilizers and the herbicides we can’t even get right now.”

When will it end?

The World Bank forecasts global food prices will keep rising until the end of 2024.

To get through the troubling times ahead, it’s best to:

— stock up the pantry

— plant a garden

— get to know local farmers

Another way, for those who can afford it, is to stock up on long-lasting ’emergency food.’

‘Emergency food’ means food kits that last a long time — some for as long as 30 years.

If you want to explore the world of emergency food, millions of American families have already ordered from (ordering through this link and the links below benefits We Love Trump).

Their emergency food is so trusted, MyPatriotSupply is now the largest preparedness company in America.

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