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Are Mysterious Fires At Food Processing Plants Proof of Food Shortage Manipulation?


If you’ve walked the aisles at your local grocery store, you’ll notice more empty shelves than even a few months ago. The clerks behind the counters will tell you it’s a supply chain issue. When you turn on the television mainstream media will declare it’s just the way things are in a post-pandemic world.

Even Joe Biden standing behind the podium at the White House will tell you it just can’t be helped. It’s a crisis that is bourne out of a worldwide crisis that Joe is doing his best to get us out of. Unrelated, he usually takes that same moment to ask for more money or to give his party more power to control our lives.

Well, a disturbingly growing mountain of evidence is proving that everything is not as it seems. In fact, much of what we see could be a manufactured crisis.

News outlet DJHJ has a fantastic piece about this and they have this to say:

The American people are noticing that many fires are happening at food processing plants, and the timing of these fires exposes that there is no way that it is all just a coincidence. Some Conservative media are awake to the fact as well, but the lapdog media is ignoring the entire timeline of unfolding danger.

These aren’t small food processing plants either. Many of them are hundreds of thousands of square feet. In fact, one plant alone could be responsible for supplying nearly half of the nation with a host of products. It’s uncommon for even one of these plants to catch fire or get damaged, OSHA regulations are very strict.

Want to know how many have gone up in smoke in just the last year? Have a look.

Recently as many as  20 plus  US food processing plants that are headquarters of food processing companies have been damaged or destroyed, but that isn’t anything our government is concerning themselves with at this time.

That’s not a typo. In fact, since the time of this writing, the number may be even higher. In case that’s not enough to warrant a second glance, have a gander at this little gem.  One General Mills factory was LITERALLY hit by an airplane.

A General Mills facility was recently hit by a plane in Georgia, and a plant in Idaho appeared to be in the crosshairs as well.

Check out this piece Tucker Carlson did on the crash. He raises some very good points. :

And that brings us to a very important question. Are the same people that say this food shortage can’t be helped actually the ones waging their own personal Jihad against American food independence?

It wasn’t too long ago that Biden told us the trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” plan was going to solve all of our problems. Now Joe is telling us to expect even more food shortages.

And coincidentally, right after he made those statements, the plant fires began to happen regularly. Almost like he knew….


Many conservatives are voicing what those of us in the trenches have already known. The Left is using manufactured crisis to leverage the public to do what they want.

Step 1, cause the crisis.

Step 2, claim you can solve the crisis YOU caused by voters giving you more power.

Step 3, repeat steps 1 and 2.

Just food for thought, but it seems like a game is afoot. I leave you with a clip of Alex Jones, who doesn’t seem so crazy to folks anymore.



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