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WEF’s Sadhguru: You Want More People, We Want Less!


These World Economic Forum people sure are some sick bastards!

And for everyone who complains about language, I’m sorry but that is the only way to describe these people: sick bastards!

How else do you explain openly admitting that you want “less people” on the planet and then laughing about it?  Outright laughing like a demon?

They appear to ascribe or subscribe to the theory of the Georgia Guidestones: Reduce Humanity to 500 Million people!

Georgia Guidestones Exposed: “Maintain Humanity Under 500 Million People”

In case you haven't done the math, that means roughly 95% of the current people alive "have to go".




Is that the future you want?

Not me, but by his own admission it is what some dude named "Sadhguru" wants.

What a name.

Sad + Guru.

Kind of apt, I'd say.

If you've never heard of him before (and who could blame you), his website describes him as a Mystic Man on a Mission:

Oh how charming.

Yes, so good...such a great mission!

Except when you find out the "Mission" is population reduction.


Don't believe me?

Just watch in his own words here with the very apt World Economic Forum in the background.

Watch here on Rumble:

But hey, that's just me thinking perhaps we should NOT try to reduce the population of the world.

What do YOU think?


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