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Joe Biden’s New Plan To Round Up Your Guns, Here’s How He Plans To Do It…


Biden’s popularity is tanking.  The nation is fatigued.

Think about the past two years.

We’ve endured the shock of lawless mass riots and looting.  Witnessed massive voter fraud unlike anything in our history. We’ve weathered the onslaught of covid-19 on our liberties, finances, and health, both mental and physical.

We’ve learned that everything science taught us about XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomes is wrong and that gender is anything an imagination can hold.  And we’re battling cultural Marxists for our children’s minds.

A leader with any moral character would try to help the nation heal.  Try to bring some unity.

If nothing else, declare a truce to give the nation a reprieve for a couple months.

But not Biden.  That’s not what his progressive handlers want.

He’s taking aim at the Second Amendment through a new rule on firearms.

Here’s his tweet taking full credit for it.

It’s called the “Frame or Receiver  and Identification of Firearms Final Rule” (2021R-05F), and according to the DOJ it’s intended to modernize the definition of firearm.

It does more than that.

You can find a copy of the Final Rule at the Federal Register.  The DOJ has also prepared a Fact Sheet.

“Ghost Guns” are getting a lot of attention in this rule.  These are guns that are privately made using components lacking commercial serial numbers.  As a result, these guns are untraceable.

Without the Final Rule, the ATF had not been able to regulate the components as “firearms”.

The media, ATF, and gun control advocates have pushed the rule under claims that these guns are being used in a spike of violent crime across the nation.

For example, New York City Mayor Adams has called ghost guns one of  the greatest threats to public safety we face today.  On the day the Final Rule was published–the day before the mass shooting in the NY subway, the New York Post quoted Mayor Adams saying,

We must face this issue head-on. This is one of the most important rivers that feeds the sea of violence in our city and our country.

Not everyone is convinced this rule will survive constitutional scrutiny or is a good idea.


This week Biden also nominated his second candidate, Steve Dettelbach, to head the ATF.  His first nominee, David Chipman, a brash gun control advocate, was torpedoed by republicans last year.

Biden refers to Mr. Dettlebach as a former federal attorney.

What should we know?

Gun Owners of America has plenty to say about Mr. Dettlebach, none of it good for the 2A crowd:

In 2018, Dettlebach unsuccessfully ran for public office, promising a host of new gun control initiatives if elected, including:

  • An Assault Weapons Ban
  • Universal Background Registration Checks
  • Gun confiscation for misdemeanor crimes
  • Gun confiscation for those dealing with mental health issues
  • “[C]losing” the made up “over the Internet” and fake “gun show loophole[s]”
  • Disarming teachers and keeping schools as “soft targets”

In fact, Dettlebach used his position as a US Attorney to advocate for gun control for years, publishing op-eds such as Requiring universal background checks makes sense.

In fact, this US attorney heavily weighed in on the Manchin-Toomey gun control proposal in 2013, condemning “[t]he Senate’s failure… to pass the universal background check bill” as “disheartening.”

Key Question: Does Steve Dettelbach Support ATF’s Illegal Gun Registry?

In recent months, Gun Owners of America and Representative Michael Cloud uncovered that the ATF has been maintaining an illegal turn-key national gun registry with nearly a billion Firearm Transaction Records or Form 4473s in Martinsburg, West Virginia.

Indeed, federal law prohibits the centralization of ATF records, maintaining a registry of guns or gun owners, and keeping records which are searchable by name.

Interestingly, Steve Dettlebach acknowledged that this was illegal in a 2013 op-ed, stating:

Some critics have argued that universal background checks will lead to a national gun registry. But establishing such a federal gun registry is and will remain illegal under the proposal. The existing background check system has been around for 14 years, and there’s no national registry of gun owners. Requiring a background check of gun buyers would not compromise the Second Amendment, which we respect” (emphasis added).

But as it turns out in 2005 and 2006, ATF illegally used congressional appropriations to begin converting out-of-business Firearm Transaction Records (Form 4473s) and Acquisition and Disposition Logs into a digital searchable database.

Dettlebach said that federal law prohibits the creation of a gun registry. What does he think should be done with the 920,664,765 records of guns, gun owners, and acquisition and disposition logs currently in ATF’s centralized database as of November 2021?

You might also find this video a helpful introduction to Mr. Dettlebach.

Gun control advocates seem to have a hard time understanding why law abiding Americans are against gun registration.

It’s because we know what follows—gun confiscation.

Maybe we can distill this conflict down to its simplest form.

Some people believe in the right to self defense.

Others do not.  Biden is one of them.

He joins the ranks of other anti-gun global “leaders” like France’s Macron.

According to central Europe’s REMix news, Macron had this to say recently about self-defense:

Everyone must be safe, and the public authorities have to ensure it. But I am opposed to self-defense. It’s very clear and undisputable because otherwise the country becomes the Wild West. And I don’t want a country where weapons proliferate and where we consider that it’s up to the citizens to defend themselves.

“Undisputable”.  I don’t think so, Macron.

In America, some of us still remember a lot of good men and women died to preserve our right to self defense against criminals and tyrants.

The Second Amendment means something to us.

Why does the left hate our Second Amendment rights?

Is it because they understand that the Second Amendment is what stands between them and tyrannical power?

It’s time to show Democrats that we won’t let them chip away at the Second Amendment.

To keep our Second Amendment strong, it will take a lot of grassroots work. It will take getting the right people in office. It will take knocking on doors and being proud to defend the Second Amendment.

Here’s a small way to show your support for the Second Amendment: A Second Amendment Dark Camo 1791 hat with stars and stripes on the bill or a 2A shirt (ordering through this link and the links below supports us)!

It’s a small way to show your support for the Second Amendment, but it matters. The more people that aren’t afraid to walk around with a hat or shirt like this, the less likely Democrats will be to push their draconian gun control laws.

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