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Sen. Grassley: “We Now Have Enough Evidence To Question If Biden Is Compromised By China”


This week Senator Grassley (R-IA) spoke with Jesse Watters on Fox News about the depth of Hunter’s connections to China and whether Joe Biden is compromised as a result.

Grassley would not go so far as to say for certain that Joe is compromised, but he said the evidence is compelling enough to question whether he is.

Take a listen:


What you may not know is that Senators Grassley and Ron Johnson (R-WI)  have been investigating the financial affairs of the Bidens since 2019.

In their most recent presentation on the senate floor, available here, Grassley presented financial records that illustrate how the communist party regime moved millions of dollars through a Chinese energy company to companies owned by Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s brother, James.

In his statement, Grassley advises,
Our report exposed extensive financial relationships between Hunter and James Biden and Chinese nationals connected to the communist regime.  More precisely, these were Chinese nationals connected to the Chinese Government’s military and intelligence services.
Johnson has an equally unfavorable opinion about the Biden family improprieties, to put it generously.
He believes Joe is compromised.

Makes a person wonder what else we’re going to find out in the coming months.


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