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CNN’s Streaming Service Is Failing


Gee, I wonder why?

It seems like CNN could only act as a mouthpiece for the state, and peddle C.I.A. inspired propaganda, for only so long before viewers began to dump the news network in droves.

Readers will recall that CNN previously experienced a sharp decline in viewers and ratings….

Now we are seeing something similar plaguing CNN’s online streaming service: CNN+.

Reports indicate that large cuts are coming to the platform soon amid less than stellar performance of the online service.

My advice to all the legacy media outlets including CNN? Start reporting on real news, stop spreading deep state propaganda, and maybe, just maybe, the viewers might come back.

Take a look:

Axios had more details:

Hundreds of millions of dollars are expected to be cut from that original investment total.

To date, around $300 million has been spent on the subscription service, which includes a sizable marketing investment.

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CNN’s competition, Fox News recently wrote this piece titled: “CNN’s long history of pushing disinformation, here are five examples”:

“With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is it time to finally declare that the canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative?”

Christopher Phillips asked the “Reliable Sources” host. The college student also asked why “mistakes” by CNN all tend to favor Democrats and work against Republicans.


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