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Woke Company Watch: Oreo Goes All in on Short Film Pushing LGBT Ideology


If you’re an LGBT activist worried that your favorite cookie might take a ‘problematic’ stance on social issues, fear not…

Oreo cookies has just come out …as woke.

If you’re a sane person, this was never something that mattered to you.

Oreo released a new commercial which centers around a young man coming out as gay.

The question is…


Why do all of these snack and food companies like Oreo feel the need to virtue signal so much about sexual orientation?

Why can’t they just focus on making their damn cookie?

Perhaps they’re afraid of being ‘cancelled.’

Or maybe their reasons are more nefarious…

Maybe this is all a targeted plan to desensitize children to sexual identity politics.

President Donald Trump said it best:

“Everything woke turns to s**t.”

See for yourself:

The Daily Caller has the latest on woke corporations like Oreo pushing LGBTQ issues:

Oreo Cookie released a new ad Monday that celebrates a young man coming out as gay to his family.

“Coming out doesn’t happen just once. It’s a journey that needs love and courage every step of the way. Share our new film and let someone know you’re their #LifelongAlly,” the introduction to the ad reads.

Most people are having the same reaction to this latest PR stunt:

At some point, we all just need to ban these products from our households.

Looks like it’s time for the rise of ‘generic sandwich cookies.’


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