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Bo Polny Returns! The Final Trimester Is Nearly Over, God Wins! [Bitcoin Critical Moment]


Yesterday I posted on my Telegram that Bo Polny was returning to my show for an interview!

I asked what you’d like me to ask him and I got TONS of responses.

We answered almost every single one, so if you posted a question you will likely hear it discussed in our latest interview.

I am probably biased, but I think this was one of our best interviews we’ve ever done.

Bo was on fire, but even more than that we are in the final crunch time.

If you’ve caught our prior interviews, you know Bo has been showing a “Protractor of Time” for over a year now, showing what to expect next.

We’re now in the very final arc of that protractor, and even within that final arc, we’re over halfway through.

In other words, the delay and the waiting are nearly over.

And after things have been suppressed and held back for so long, you can expect absolute FIREWORKS when that rubber band snaps forward!

We talked about so much in this one, from Russia/Ukraine to Trump/Biden to Bitcoin, XRP, gold, silver and the stock market….it’s all in here.

No, you’re not too late for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency or gold/silver, but the time is urgent.  

We talk about Bo’s targets for Bitcoin (yes, $100,000 “easy” he says and much more!) and XRP (yes, it will “do well” he says) and silver ($700/oz possible?  Yes, possible and likely he says!).

Oh, and speaking of XRP, Bo told me something I had never heard before but I later researched and verified: prophet Manuel Johnson who we have covered here many times, claims God took him into the future onto the New York Stock Exchange where he saw Bitcoin over $100,000 and here’s the big one to me: he saw XRP at $70.

Folks, XRP is currently at $.86.

Oh my!

Moving on, Bo and I also talked about a coin under $.05 right now that could go to over $1 or multiple dollars…

And one under one penny that could “drop several zeros”.  Bo explains what that means, but spoiler alert: it might be one you want to hold!

We get into all of that and more.

It was fast paced and I think we jammed more into one interview than we ever have before.

Bo has been preaching to prepare for a long time now and that message has never been more pressing than it is right now.

Critical dates Bo is watching: 4/24 (Passover), 5/14, 5/26 and 6/6.

The May-June zone is absolute ground zero.

If you want to download Bo’s slides for FREE (they are AMAZING!), you can shoot your phone at this QR code:

Or click this link:

It might feel like your computer is frozen for a few minutes, but give it time…the file is huge and takes a while to download.

I have Fiber internet and it still took me a few minutes!

Ok, now please enjoy right here on Rumble:

And a backup on YouTube.

If needed…

If they don’t ban it…

👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:

👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49.

👉 If you don’t know where to start and are BRAND NEW, you need Bo’s Easy Crypto School…go to ➡️ use code WLT39.

The discount is only good for a few days, so don’t miss it.

As I say in the interview, Bo’s entire archive of Newsletters is in there once you get your Free Trial and my favorite part it telling people to look back and see how accurate Bo has been!

Then look forward…

Ok, I’d love to hear what you think!

Let me know in the comments!


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