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Democrats Push for $300 Per Month Stimulus Checks to Pay for the Biden Price Hike


Gas prices remain at all-time highs under the failed Democrat leadership of Biden, Pelosi and company.

The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline today is $4.24 per gallon.

*Source – The Gateway Pundit*

Biden’s war on domestic energy production started day one with the closing of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Biden Radical Day One Agenda Includes Cancelling Keystone XL Pipeline, Destroying Tens of Thousands of Jobs

While President Trump made America an energy exporter, Biden has groveled at the feet of foreign producers for oil imports.

Gas prices have doubled since the 2020 election and America's adversaries are grinning watching Biden's disastrous energy plan.

*Source - The Gateway Pundit*

What's the Democrat strategy to help Americans cope with record-high gas prices?

Common sense would be to end the restrictions on domestic production.

But Democrats don't have an ounce of common sense in their bodies.

They want to return $300 per month of voters own tax money to bribe them into accepting the skyrocketing prices.

Democrats want you living on government handouts from your own money.

Daily Mail reported:

This week, the average price of a gallon of regular gas in Los Angeles hit a record $6.011, even as the national average continued to decline slightly from the all-time high earlier this month, according to the AAA Gas Price Index.

An opinion poll published Wednesday found that almost three quarters of voters were in favor of a holiday from federal energy taxes to ease the burden.

And lawmakers across the country are pushing legislation to bring down prices at the pumps.

A new bill proposed by three Democrats - Reps. Mike Thompson of California, John Larson of Connecticut and Lauren Underwood of Illinois - could be worth $300 each month to some families if the price of a gallon stays above $4.

'Americans are feeling the impact at the pump of Vladimir Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine, and right now we must work together on commonsense policy solutions to ease the financial burden that my constituents are feeling,' Thompson said in a news release.

'The Putin Price Hike is putting strain on our economy, and I am proud to be working with Reps. Larson and Underwood to introduce this legislation to provide middle-class Americans with monthly payments to ease the financial burden of this global crises.'

It's not the 'Putin Price Hike' or Russia's invasion that caused this calamity.

The accurate term is the 'Biden Price Hike' caused by Biden's war on the American people.


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