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WATCH: Project Veritas Accuses Biden’s DOJ Of Illegally Spying On Journalists


We have all seen this film before…

Barack Obama weaponized the IRS and used that illegitimate agency to target conservative non-profit groups, and we are now seeing the DOJ weaponized to spy on anti-establishment journalists.

According to Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, the DOJ was spying on a number of Project Veritas journalists through clandestine subpoenas served to Microsoft.

Project Veritas was in possession of Ashley Biden’s diary when the F.B.I. raided them…

Why would a federal agency raid journalists over the contents of a diary belonging to the daughter of a career politician?

Project Veritas recently revealed:

The Post Millennial reports:

“Project Veritas has just obtained documents showing the SDNY [Southern District of New York] was spying on Project Veritas journalists well before the FBI raided the homes of our journalists last November, secretly reading our emails, concealing that from a court in our case against the SDNY,” Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said in a video released on Tuesday.


Politico explains:

In November, the FBI conducted predawn raids at the home of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and the homes of two other individuals who worked with the group.

The agents acted with warrants that allowed them to seize phones and computers to search for evidence of trafficking in interstate property.

The raids generated controversy in some circles because Project Veritas identifies itself as a news organization and the use of search warrants against journalists and news outlets is extremely rare due to Justice Department policies and a federal law passed in 1980 to limit such investigative steps.


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