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(WATCH) Texas Elementary Children March in Pride Parade; Told to Keep LGBT Conversations Private


Footage from Austin Independent School District (AISD) shows students in the Texas capital city participating in “Pride Week.”

In the video, some students carry rainbow flags as if they were part of an LGBT protest.

However, other students aren’t carrying anything, making it seem the faculty and staff forced them to partake in the march.

Students at Austin’s Doss Elementary were filmed in a video posted to Twitter by the school’s assistant principal.

David J. Harris Jr. shared the video and commented:

Were all the parents alerted to this before it happened? Austin Independent School District in Texas held a pride parade. Students paraded through the halls celebrating pride and the LGBTQ+ community.

The school district called the events “a time to highlight the district’s commitment to creating a safe, supportive, inclusive environment.”

One activity, called “community circles,” included rules that K-5 students couldn’t repeat anything.

“Please remember that we agreed to keep what happened in this circle confidential,” the school sheet states.

“What would a teacher be discussing during pride week that she’s worried the kids will tell their parents?” asked Libs of Tik Tok.

Doss Elementary Assistant Principal Hanna Wankel tweeted an image of the Pride pack AISD sent her for the week.

Infowars commented:

According to Texas law, parents are rightfully entitled to “full information regarding school activities of a parent’s child.”

Additionally, for school employees “to encourage or coerce a child to withhold information from the child’s parent is grounds for discipline.”

*Source – Infowars*

Infowars and the Washington Examiner both reached out to the school district for a comment on the “community circles” and received the same response.

The district explained, “Community circles are confidential in the sense that makes students feel trusted and respected for their privacy when sharing in the conversations –– it does not mean don’t tell your parents.”

“Every parent has the right to opt-out of these activities,” the district response added. “Circles are part of Social Emotional Learning and are used for a variety of speaking topics such as test anxiety, world events, internal conflict resolution, and social justice. The conversation template allows for a process and gives everyone an optional opportunity to speak. Everyone, not just parents, has access to the materials ahead of time.”

Throughout the week, schools in the district will be given an “inspiration guide of suggested activities for PRIDE Week” along with “Pride Swag” stickers, posters, flags, “pronoun buttons,” and other goodies.

Children as young as six will be taught about “Gender Stereotypes” where they will learn “Some people aren’t boys or girls, they’re just people.”

Kindergarteners, first and second-graders will be told they can be “trans” and “non-binary”, and what those terms mean.

One activity promoted by the school district is the creation of a group advocating “homomarxism,” “no more Pledge of Allegiance in school,” “no more [School Resource Officers],” “tampons and condoms available in school nurse’s office,” and allowing boys into girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms.


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