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A Deeper Dive Into the Shocking Rise in Millennial Excess Mortality


Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room – Pandemic to discuss CDC excess mortality data.

Dowd relayed shocking statistics found by his insurance industry expert related to the rise of excess mortality among millennials.

He described millennial excess deaths in a specific context, the Vietnam War.

Dowd stated, “millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.

Here’s the startling clip:

And the full interview on Rumble:

Dowd labeled this rise in millennial excess mortality as “democide.”

Democide “is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.”

So the government, through the mandates, has killed people,” he stated.

Dr. Jessica Rose has investigated the VAERS data and relayed her findings on the topic Dowd discussed on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

She advised readers to come back to her article due to constant updates.

Here’s some of Dr. Rose’s findings written in her substack, Unacceptable Jessica:

He is not wrong. Actually, he is absolutely correct. What is happening on our doorsteps is shocking and everyone needs to pay stop genuflecting and start paying attention.

But wait! There’s more! If you head online to, prepare to have some fun. You can select ‘Filter’ and then pick the United States and a particular age group. If you select the age group from 25-44 years old you get the chart below. As you can see, this plot confirms what Edward said: there is, in fact, an 80% increase in excess mortality in this young age group in late summer/early fall 2021.

I’ve provided my screenshot when applying the same filters to U.S. excess mortality for the millennial age bracket:

cont. from Unacceptable Jessica:

This also confirms the insurance data.

What on earth could have caused this incredible increase? Was it COVID with its Infection Fatality Rate for this age demographic of virtually 0 (“The IFR was zero among people aged 18 to 39 years”)1? Probably not. The timing is off with regard to Delta. Was it opioids? Maybe, but according to CDC, the deaths due to opioids is not sufficient to account for such an excess.2 Was it suicides? Maybe, but according to CDC, the deaths due to suicides is not sufficient to account for such an excess either.3

Was it the injections? Unknown. Can we find out using VAERS data? Maybe. We can look for hints.

Fast and dirty. My ongoing Substack diary. I love it. (I admit I have left out the analysis part of this particular article but I really just wanted to put this out there for now.)

Here’s some VAERS data. I plotted the data in VAERS reported for 25-44 year olds and extracted their death data. Of all of the Domestic deaths reported in VAERS, this age group represents 9.3% of the deaths (Total deaths: N = 12,136; Deaths individuals aged 25-44: N = 1,132). For the combined Domestic and Foreign data sets, the total number of deaths is double that of Domestic alone (Total deaths: N = 25,301; Deaths individuals aged 25-44: N = 1,828) where the 25-44 age group represents 7.2% of the deaths. The following plot includes the data for the combined data sets.

The distribution of death shows that there about twice as many reports for the ages on the elder end of the 25-44 spectrum, which is not surprising. Nothing else too shocking here. Besides dead young people reported to VAERS in the context of the magical COVID-19 injections.

I wanted to know how many deaths were reported per month so that I could compare the distribution to the overt excess in mortality reported by the CDC in late summer 2021. Below is a plot of all deaths in the combined data sets per month in 2021. (1 = January → 12 = December).

There is a peak in death reports (this is according to RECVDATE – date the entry was received to the front-end data set) in April and in August. This accounts for all deaths reported to VAERS regardless of time from injection date. Interestingly, if we only plot the death reports for this age group that were received at least 30 days following injection, we see a shift to a single ‘peak’ in late summer than appears to maintain itself.

This is interesting because it coincides with the same time that we see the excess mortality in the CDC data. This becomes clearer when we the data is superimposed. There is a peak in deaths in this age group at the same time as the peak in deaths overall for this age group as per the CDC excess mortality data.


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COVID-19 injections?

A combination of all factors?

What explains this dramatic rise in millennial excess mortality and the age bracket to experience a Vietnam War in 2021?

I have my personal opinions but drop your comments below.


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