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‘A Matter of National Survival’: Trump Delivers EMERGENCY Warning About CRT


The issue of critical race theory has sparked widespread debate in recent years.

Many supporters on the left claim it is a necessary tool for teachers to use when addressing the supposed ills of institutionalized racism.

A growing number of conservatives, however, insist that it is evidence of a plot to indoctrinate students with progressive propaganda.

Donald Trump has long been a vocal opponent of the movement.

He has recently expressed even more serious concerns, though.

During a recent campaign-style rally, he urged members of the crowd to fight diligently against the perceived ills of CRT.

As Newsweek reported:

During the rally, Trump invoked CRT as being a “matter of national survival,” calling on his supporters to fight to keep it “out of our schools.”

“We have no choice. The fate of any nation ultimately depends on the willingness of its citizens to lay down and they must do this—lay down their very lives to defend their country,” he said. “If we allow the Marxists and commies and socialists to teach our children to hate America, there will be no one left to defend our flag or to protect our great country or its freedom.”

The usual gang of Trump-hating pundits railed against his latest remarks.

Of course, plenty of other Americans share Trump’s serious concerns about the impact CRT can have on future generations.

Some critics of CRT argue that the negative consequences can include endangering the lives of white students.

One mother in Virginia recently blamed the ideology for her son’s suicide.

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Breitbart provided the details:

A Fairfax County, Virginia, mom gave a heartbreaking speech in front of the school board Thursday night, telling the story of how her son committed suicide because “he thought that all of the oppression was his fault.”

“My son Robert took his life because he thought that all of the oppression was his fault,” mother Cindy Walsh began. “No one wants you to stop teaching black history, but please do not do it in a way that makes his life worth any less.”

“My son was not responsible for everyone’s problems,” she continued, referencing a central theme of critical race theory that maintains white persons are inherently oppressive and minorities are inherently oppressed. “His success did not mean anyone else had to fail. His life mattered. He was important and valued.”

Here’s a video clip featuring Trump’s full remarks on the topic earlier this week.


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