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SUNDAY GOSPEL: Is Your Cistern Broken?


Hope your Sunday has been awesome!

I am always so proud to bring you a great Gospel message each Sunday.

Today’s comes from our friend Pastor Robb Goodman:

The message today focuses on the areas of our lives that remain broken and unaffected by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  It is a message regarding how to allow the Lord to draw us closer to Him. We also partake of the Communion Table at the end, so please prepare your elements so that we can have communion together. This is a message of hope in days of darkness in our nation. The Lord will raise up the broken, the afflicted and those who feel desolate and lonely.  As a Pastor I’m always praying for the people who follow our YouTube channel. May the Lord bless Noah and his great work also. Love & Blessings,  Pastor Robb Goodman Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship in Westminster Maryland USA.

Please enjoy (and share with someone who needs to hear it):


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