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Where Is Fauci?


Pfizer and the FDA recently released adverse reaction data relating to Pfizer’s experimental vaccine…

This data revealed a shocking number of potential adverse reactions and events which ranged from the very mild to extreme and life destroying consequences as a result of the vaccine.

Originally, the FDA requested 75 years to release this data, and now we can very plainly see why…

The obliterated state narrative loses even more credibility in the face of allegations claiming that Wuhan style research facilities are present in Ukraine.

Amid these massive revelations, and the fallout which has followed, we have yet to see Anthony Fauci’s face anywhere. No media appearances, no op-eds—nothing.

People all across the nation are asking: where is Fauci?

I am going to tell you outright that I have no idea where he could possibly be, or where they are hiding him, but one thing is clear: he is hiding.

For the last 2 years we had the misfortune of seeing his face on just about every news channel—nightly. We constantly heard from him via MSM articles, press releases, social media, and so on.

We even saw action figures, bobbleheads, posters, and other memorabilia dedicated to a man who is in my opinion the 2nd Joseph Mengele—the chief Nazi medical experimenter during their regime.

Now that the narrative has crumbled we have not heard so much as a peep from the man many describe as a “little mouse”.

I wonder how long it will be, if it all, before we see him again.

People all over the country are asking:

Express U.K. appeared to be quite surprised at the lengthy list of potential side effects from Pfizer’s vaccine:

It is the first time the public are allowed to access the data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a COVID-19 vaccine license.

When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware of almost 158,000 adverse events from their vaccine and requested these documents remain sealed for 75 years.


Becker News exposed documents alleging that there are indeed U.S. funded bioweapon research facilities in Ukraine:

In 2011 EIDSS was introduced in Ukraine with installations at the following sites:

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

Central Sanitary-Epidemiology Station in Kyiv (CSES)
Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa (URAPI)

Vinnitsa Oblast Sanitary-Epidemiological Station

Vinnitsa City Sanitary- Epidemiological Station

Kalynivska Rayon Sanitary- Epidemiological Station in Vinnitsa Oblast

Zhitomir Oblast Sanitary- Epidemiological Station

Oblast Sanitary- Epidemiological Station as regional sites


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