Ok folks, this is very serious.
I just came across this video created by Ben Swann and it is fantastic!
For those of you who are old enough to remember, THIS is what real journalism looks like.
Instead of taking the Talking Points from the owners of all the major media companies, he actually did his own investigation.
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He looked into the question of “Is Pizzagate real?”
Is Pizzagate Fake News?
That’s all you hear on the MSM, isn’t it?
That it’s Fake?
That it’s a hoax?
That it’s only believed by lunatics?
Well, if that’s what you’ve heard or if that’s what you believe, then be prepared to have your mind opened up.
The MSM veil pulled off…..
I love the way he approaches this video.
He doesn’t tell you what to think.
He just presents the actual evidence.
The stuff the MSM refuses to cover.
He just gives you all the facts and I would challenge each and every one of you reading this to listen to the full video and then make your own decision.
What do you think?
Is all of this just a big coincidence?
Just people with overactive imaginations?
I think you’ll be hard-pressed to keep that opinion by the time you reach the end of the video.
This is so very important my friends.
Please watch and then share to help others wake up:
(scroll down if video is deleted)
Wouldn’t it be great if we had real journalism like this again?
THIS is why journalists are given such strong 1st Amendment protections.
Because this is important.
Our Founders never expected the Press to become as corrupt as it has become.
The Press was supposed to be a safeguard for the truth.
We need more guys like Ben Swann.
Thank you Ben!
And because YouTube will almost surely delete that video soon, we made backups.
Here is Bitchute:
And another.
Here is Rumble:
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